FWIW, everything seems to be working just fine using `jei-1.16.5-` and `JustEnoughResources-1.16.5-` in single player. Just looking around for a few minutes, Mob Drops, Plant Drops, Dungeon Loot, Villager Trades,...
> Still doesn't work on my modpack/world. > jei-1.16.5- > JustEnoughResources-1.16.5- > .25 forge Does it work in a modpack with just JEI and JER?
> @Peca21 could you check if you have ice and fire mod and citadel? I think this issue is the same as #269, and they tracked the bug to those...
Yea, if you don't mind I'll take a look at it and see if I can figure out why it's not working properly.
Sorry for the late replies. This kind of slipped my mind. I've been able to narrow it down to `Draconic-Evolution-1.16.5-`. By the looks of it, DE is not officially released....
Ah, I figured the mod was built from source by you. If the dev is releasing the mod themselves then I'd make an issue report on their issue tracker notifying...
@set92 Generally removing mods one by one is not a great idea. I do a binary search which is a lot faster. You start by removing half the mods. Then...
Did a bit more searching and the third instance is `Transport-1.16.5-3.6.0`, and `EpicFightMod-1.16.5-3.2.2` (+ it's dependencies `titanium-1.16.5-` and `Patchouli-1.16.4-51`). Removing either Transport or EFM will prevent the issue. After removing...
Sorry, in the future I'll do this. I will try to reproduce this without Multimine more thoroughly and get back to you. As I mentioned, this seems to happen with...
Interesting. When MM is not present the backpack is unbreakable after uncrouching (following steps 3-5). When MM IS present, however, if a crash does not happen after uncrouching then the...