I built your project step by step, there are a lot of errors in vs2010 1. No `isnan` and `isinf` function, in windows, you should change they to `_isnan` and...
Your sample app is pretty good except that no `onMoreAsked` called. So I import your lib in my project and create a fragment like [this](, but when I scroll down...
Hi msbanik, The library is pretty cool, but I wonder can siblings nodes' height be the same? For example, code: ``` from drawtree import draw_level_order draw_level_order('{3,9,20,1,2,15,17}') ``` it generates: ```...
你好,我用i686-5.3.0-release-win32-dwarf-rt_v4-rev0这个版本的mingw编译的时候,出错,提示backtrace.c:23:17: fatal error: bfd.h: No such file or directory 请问应该怎么解决呀?或者现在有什么新的解决方案吗?