
Results 10 comments of 01Kuzma

@lucasjohnson you mean [this service](https://www.instant-tokens.com/)?

any work around? I also encounter the same issue

More than a year has passed since the last answer... Spam is a real problem. Any news? Moreover [it doesn't work](https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-form/issues/570) with `dropzone`

The same thing, I'm getting ` "This form has already been submitted."` error. Any progress on that?

Strange things happen in my localhost, it's blocking my stylesheets "Blocked loading mixed active content". I have to investigate what is causing this after minor changes. On the other hand,...

I've added it just right now to prod (live): ` $baseDir = env('RESPONSIVE_IMAGES_BASE_DIR', __DIR__ . '/../../..'); $source = realpath($baseDir . $source); echo"SOURCE:::"; var_dump($baseDir); var_dump($source); $destination = $source . '.webp';` Cleared...

all error logs are empty, except `access.log`. That;s from localhost: ``` - - [26/Apr/2023:15:15:08 +0300] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 10085 - - [26/Apr/2023:15:15:08 +0300] "GET /storage/app/uploads/public/5ff/33c/ea6/thumb_146_600_600_0_0_auto.jpg HTTP/1.1" 302...

Even with standard winter's `.htaccess` + `ResponsiveImages ` the results are the same :/ ``` Options -MultiViews RewriteEngine On ## ## You may need to uncomment the following line for...

Any updates on this? How could such submissions be deleted or archived? They appeared after upgrade. ![image](https://github.com/pkp/pkp-lib/assets/569504/e3c915ba-73b7-4d5c-b3df-388921d69a7e)

@asmecher , sorry, I supposed this issue is about OJS. Current version is There were multiple upgrades, but another person was executing them, so I've now observed such issues....