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Delete an owned entity on update?
I have the following model:
public class Address
public int Id {get; set;}
public string Street {get; set;}
public int PostCodeId {get; set;}
public PostCode PostCode {get; set;}
public class Customer
public int Id {get; set;}
public string Name {get; set;}
public int AddressId {get; set;}
public virtual void Address Address {get; set;}
I load an existing customer with his address, and I want to delete address, so I do:
customer.Address = null;
customer = dbContext.UpdateGraph<Customer>
(entity, map => map.OwnedEntity(x => x.Address, with => with.AssociatedEntity(x => x.PostCode)));
The customer's address id is set to null correctly. However the address is not being deleted from the db. How can I delete the owned entity from the db?
This is most likely an EF-configuration issue. The default relation in EF for a one-way nav property is one-to-many. (It doesn't know Address is unique to this customer)
Try setting your config to: HasRequired(c=> c.Address).WithRequired() or HasOptional(c=> c.Address).WithRequired() depending on whether or not Address is optional for a Customer.
I used HasOptional(c => c.Address).WithRequired().
However, it doesn't work because the address is now not being set in the customer although the correct SQL statement is being used.
This issue is still not solved. Could it be because I'm not using EF's default naming conventions?
I am having the same issue.
I had similar issues, fixed both in OwnedEntityGraphNode's Update method below..
setting new value null was not deleting the record - fixed it by adding "changeTracker.RemoveItem(dbValue);" when newValue is null - first IF
replace value of child by setting a new instance was not deleting the old record - fix it by adding "changeTracker.RemoveItem(dbValue);" when new value has id = 0 and old value has id > 0
public override void Update<T>(DbContext context, T persisted, T updating)
var dbValue = GetValue<object>(persisted);
var newValue = GetValue<object>(updating);
if (dbValue == null && newValue == null)
// Merging options
// 1. No new value, set value to null. entity will be removed if cascade rules set.
// 2. If new value is same as old value lets update the members
// 3. Otherwise new value is set and we don't care about old dbValue, so create a new one.
if (newValue == null)
SetValue(persisted, null);
RemoveElement(context, dbValue);
if (dbValue != null && IsKeyIdentical(context, newValue, dbValue))
UpdateValuesWithConcurrencyCheck(context, newValue, dbValue);
var newEntity = CreateEntityKey(context, newValue);
var dbEntity = dbValue != null ? CreateEntityKey(context, dbValue) : null;
if (dbEntity != null &&
((int)newEntity.EntityKeyValues[0].Value <= 0
&& (int)dbEntity.EntityKeyValues[0].Value > 0))
RemoveElement(context, dbValue);
dbValue = CreateNewPersistedEntity(context, persisted, newValue);
AttachCyclicNavigationProperty(context, persisted, newValue);
// if (dbValue != null) // make an error throw or not?
foreach (var childMember in Members)
childMember.Update(context, dbValue, newValue);
private void RemoveElement(DbContext context, object dbItem)
Old version of code
public override void Update<T>(IChangeTracker changeTracker, IEntityManager entityManager, T persisted, T updating)
var dbValue = GetValue<object>(persisted);
var newValue = GetValue<object>(updating);
if (dbValue == null && newValue == null)
// Merging options
// 1. No new value, set value to null. entity will be removed if cascade rules set.
// 2. If new value is same as old value lets update the members
// 3. Otherwise new value is set and we don't care about old dbValue, so create a new one.
if (newValue == null)
SetValue(persisted, null);
// fix - 1) setting new value null was not deleting the record
if (dbValue != null && entityManager.AreKeysIdentical(newValue, dbValue))
changeTracker.UpdateItem(newValue, dbValue, true);
// fix - 2) replace value of child by setting a new instance was not deleting the old record
var newEntity = entityManager.CreateEntityKey(newValue);
var dbEntity = dbValue != null ? entityManager.CreateEntityKey(dbValue) : null;
if (dbEntity != null &&
((int)newEntity.EntityKeyValues[0].Value == 0
&& (int)dbEntity.EntityKeyValues[0].Value > 0))
dbValue = CreateNewPersistedEntity(changeTracker, persisted, newValue);
changeTracker.AttachCyclicNavigationProperty(persisted, newValue, GetMappedNaviationProperties());
foreach (var childMember in Members)
childMember.Update(changeTracker, entityManager, dbValue, newValue);