EntityFramework.DynamicFilters copied to clipboard
Generate too many sub query when use where conditional on navigation property.
- verison: 2.6.0
- attendee.cs
public class Attendee : FullAuditedEntity<long, User>
#region Const Properties
public const int BarcodeLength = 12;
public const int CheckCodeLength = 6;
public const string GenerateIdKey = "attendees_p_id";
public const int MaxRemarkLength = 5000;
#endregion Const Properties
#region Properties
[StringLength(BarcodeLength, MinimumLength = BarcodeLength)]
public virtual string Barcode { get; set; }
[StringLength(CheckCodeLength, MinimumLength = CheckCodeLength)]
public virtual string CheckCode { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime? CheckinTimeUtc { get; set; }
public virtual string EmailAddress { get; set; }
public virtual EmailStatus EmailStatus { get; set; } = EmailStatus.NoEmail;
public virtual long EventId { get; set; }
public virtual long EventScheduleId { get; set; }
public virtual string FirstName { get; set; }
public virtual bool HasChecked { get; protected set; } = false;
public virtual bool HasVoided { get; protected set; } = false;
public virtual bool IsAvailable { get; protected set; } = false;
public virtual string LastName { get; set; }
public virtual long OrderId { get; set; }
public virtual long OrderTicketItemId { get; set; }
public virtual string PhoneNumber { get; set; }
[Column(TypeName = "text")]
public virtual string Remark { get; set; }
public virtual long TicketId { get; set; }
public virtual long? UserId { get; set; }
#region Navigation Properties
public virtual Event Event { get; set; }
public virtual EventSchedule EventSchedule { get; set; }
public virtual Order Order { get; set; }
public virtual OrderTicketItem OrderTicketItem { get; set; }
public virtual Ticket Ticket { get; set; }
public virtual User User { get; set; }
#region Collection Properties
public virtual ICollection<AttendeeQuestionAnswer> QuestionAnswers { get; set; } = new List<AttendeeQuestionAnswer>();
public virtual ICollection<OrderTicketRefund> Refunds { get; set; } = new List<OrderTicketRefund>();
#endregion Collection Properties
#endregion Navigation Properties
- linq
var query = _attendeeRepository.GetAll().Where(a => a.Order.CustomerFirstName == "test")
- generate sql
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `ID1`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `Amount`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `AmountRefund`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `CardLast4`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `ClientIP`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `Currency`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `CustomerEmailAddress`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `CustomerFirstName`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `CustomerId`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `CustomerLastName`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `CustomerPhoneNumber`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `CustomerZipCode`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `DiscountAmount`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `DonationAmount`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `EMAILSTATUS1`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `EVENTID1`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `EVENTSCHEDULEID1`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `MerchantDonationRevenue`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `MerchantDonationRevenueRefund`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `MerchantFee`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `MerchantRevenue`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `MerchantRevenueRefund`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `MerchantTicketRevenue`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `MerchantTicketRevenueRefund`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `PaidTimeUtc`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `PaymentMethod`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `PaymentMethodAdditionalFee`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `PaymentMethodAdditionalFeeRefund`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `PaymentMethodAdditionalFixFee`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `PaymentMethodSettingSnapshotSerialized`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `PaymentStatus`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `PaymentTransactionToken`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `ReferralUserName`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `SparxoFee`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `SparxoFeeRefund`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `Status`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `SubtotalAmount`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `Tax`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `TicketAmount`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `TransactionFixFee`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `Type`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `ISDELETED1`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `DELETERUSERID1`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `DELETIONTIME1`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `LASTMODIFICATIONTIME1`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `LASTMODIFIERUSERID1`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `CREATIONTIME1`,
FROM `Orders` AS `Extent2`
WHERE ((`Extent2`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AND (`Filter1`.`OrderId` = `Extent2`.`Id`) LIMIT 1) AS `CREATORUSERID1`
FROM `Attendees` AS `Extent1`
WHERE (`Extent1`.`IsDeleted` = @DynamicFilterParam_000003) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_000004 IS NOT NULL)) AS `Filter1`) AS `Apply1`
WHERE (`Apply1`.`CustomerFirstName` = @p__linq__0) OR ((`Apply1`.`CustomerFirstName` IS NULL) AND (@p__linq__0 IS NULL))
I'm not sure what "_attendeeRepository.GetAll()" does and also please include your filter(s).
GetAll Method
public IQueryable<Attendee> GetAll()
return DbContext.Set<Attendee>();
modelBuilder.Filter("SoftDelete", (ISoftDelete d) => d.IsDeleted, false);
modelBuilder.Filter("MustHaveTenant", (IMustHaveTenant t, int tenantId) => t.TenantId == tenantId || (int?)t.TenantId == null, 0);
modelBuilder.Filter("MayHaveTenant", (IMayHaveTenant t, int? tenantId) => t.TenantId == tenantId, 0);
I am not able to reproduce this. And I don't see anything unusual about what you are doing.
Is there any way you can distill this all down to a simple example and post the full code of that?
Also, what database are you using?
The source code is very simple, nothing special, I'm using mysql. Will the problem on mysql connector?
https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/774/why-does-this-entity-framework-query-perform-so-bad-in-mysql https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=75272
I reproduced the problem when using MySQL. It is being caused by these lines in DynamicFilterQueryVisitorCSpace.Visit(DbPropertyExpression expression)
if (_DbContext.IsMySql())
return newFilterExpression.Limit(DbConstantExpression.FromInt32(1)).Element();
That was needed when I first added support for navigation property filtering. At the time, I was testing with MySQL 5.5. I had to reload my machine recently so I installed the latest (5.7). So I'm wondering if it's a change in behavior from 5.5 -> 5.7.
What version of MySQL are you using?
Thanks for your investigation. Mysql version is 5.6. Mysql connector version is 6.9.9. Mysql entity framework is 6.9.9.
@jcachat How is it going?
Sorry, I have not found a solution. Commenting out the lines I mentioned before causes some other unit tests to fail - even on MySQL 5.7. So I think it's more likely a difference in how the query is handled when it has the .Where() clause on it. It's definitely a difference (or possibly an issue) with how the MySQL EF provider works.
I have the same issue, is there any plan to fix this?