@yetone 确实mbp m1pro的桌面版没法用,下载的是arm版本的,设置了快捷键和权限。划词后使用快捷键,只能呼出窗口,不能自动填入内容
提示词写错了成了/Image,实际只接受/image。 一次生成4张512x512的图,太多了点。
还有2个小问题: 1. 图片无法复制。 2. 默认256x256的配置貌似没有生效,还是生成了1024x1024格式
@kevinpollet Thx for reply. We mount this dir to hostpath. Is it stiil store in memory? ``` spec: volumes: - name: logdir hostPath: path: /app/traefik/log type: DirectoryOrCreate containers: volumeMounts: -...
Yes, this yaml is what we are using. The pod memory was increasing when massive requests come in.
@kevinpollet Actually the traefik config `bufferingSize` is 100 not 1000 above. Does it make difference?
> @yetone > > 1. 权限给过了,不会一直提示权限问题了 > 2. 版本是 aarch64版本 > 3. 自己复制进去翻译是可以的,但是只有划词不可以 +1,权限都是正常的,就是划词不行
@yetone 快捷键,划词后按快捷键,可以呼出窗口,但是划词的内容没有自动填到上面
看上去像是这个 https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/issues/9763