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Record my training on LeetCode in my doctoral life
LeetCode Record
🐼 A daily journey of honing my programming skills and documenting my insights solutions and std solutions.
I categorize problems based on their optimal solution algorithm. If there's no fixed algorithm, I label it as a trick (requiring creativity, no template algorithm). If a problem isn't listed in the summary table, it means it's simple enough to complete during my sophomore year.
Scripts folder is used to store my accepted code. Feel free to copy it for submission, but I recommend reading my code and insights before writing your own solution.
I use languages such as C, CPP, Python3, Java, and GO depending on my preference.
Filenames with xxx_std indicate that I've used someone else's code, either because the question is easy, the implementation is straightforward (I'm feeling lazy), or the problem is too difficult. I often use grandyang's code !, and I'm grateful for his help!
Insights folder contains records of my insights for each problem. If you're having trouble understanding the code, refer to the corresponding insight file (note that my solutions might not always be the best).
Year_Month folder contains the daily challenge on LeetCode. I complete the weekday problems, and the Readme in this folder provides insights.
Valuable Problems
Hard to associate them with a fixed algorithm
- 91 Decode Ways
- 117 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II
- 128 Longest Consecutive Sequence
- 141 Linked List Cycle
- 166 Fraction to Recurring Decimal
- 169 Majority Element
- 177 Nth Highest Salary
- 179 Largest Number
- 185 Department Top Three Salaries
- 192 Word Frequency
- 194 Transpose File
- 199 Binary Tree Right Side View
- 214 Shortest Palindrome
- 218 The Skyline Problem
- 233 Number of Digit One
- 239 Sliding Window Maximum
- 240 Search a 2D Matrix II
- 287 Find the Duplicate Number
- 420 Strong Password Checker
- 421 Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array
- 456 132 Pattern
- 458 Poor Pigs
- 472 Concatenated Words
- 479 Largest Palindrome Product
- 502 IPO
- 516 Longest Palindromic Subsequence == LCS
- 517 Super Washing Machines
- 523 Continuous Subarray Sum
- 542 01 Matrix
- 546 Remove Boxes
- 591 Tag Validator
- 632 Smallest Range Covering Elements from K Lists
- 1044 Longest Duplicate Substring
- Trie - 472
- PairHash
- Disjoint set
- Fenwick Tree
- Linked List Operation
Summary Table
# | Title | Solution | Insights | Difficulty |
10 | Regular Expression Matching | CPP | Recursion | Hard |
11 | Container With Most Water | CPP | Trcik | medium |
12 | Interger to Roman | CPP | Trcik | medium |
15 | 3Sum | CPP | Divide and Conquer | medium |
16 | 3Sum Closest | CPP | Divide and Conquer | medium |
18 | 4Sum | CPP | Divide and Conquer | medium |
22 | Generate Parentheses | CPP | Recursion | medium |
23 | Merge k Sorted Lists | CPP | Merge | Hard |
25 | Reverse Nodes in k-Group | C++ | Simulation | Hard |
29 | Divide Two Integers | C++ | Bit Operation | Medium |
30 | Substring with Concatenation of All Words | C++ | Data Structure | Hard |
31 | Next Permutation | PY | Trick | Medium |
32 | Longest Valid Parentheses | C++ | DP | Hard |
33 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | C++ | Binary Search | Medium |
34 | Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array | C++ | Binary Search | Medium |
36 | Valid Sudoku | C++ | Trick | Medium |
37 | Sudoku Solver | C++ | DFS | Hard |
40 | Combination Sum II | C++ | DP | Medium |
41 | First Missing Positive | C++ | Bucket+Trick | Hard |
42 | Trapping Rain Water | C++ | Data Structure | Hard |
43 | Multiply Strings | C++ | Trick | Medium |
44 | Wildcard Matching | C++ | Trick | Hard |
45 | Jump Game II | C++ | DP | Hard |
46 | Permutations | C++ | Trick | Medium |
47 | Permutations II | C++ | Trick+Data Structure | Medium |
48 | Rotate Image | C++ | Trick | Medium |
49 | Group Anagrams | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
50 | Pow(x, n) | C++ | Quick Pow | Medium |
51 | N-Queens | C++ | DFS | Hard |
52 | N-Queens II | C++ | DFS | Hard |
54 | Spiral Matrix | C++ | Trick | Medium |
56 | Merge Intervals | C++ | Trick | Medium |
57 | Insert Interval | C++ | Trick | Medium |
58 | Length of Last Word | C++ | Trick | Easy |
59 | Spiral Matrix II | C++ | Trick | Medium |
60 | Permutation Sequence | C++ | DFS | Hard |
61 | Rotate List | PY | Trick | Medium |
64 | Minimum Path Sum | C++ | DP | Medium |
65 | Valid Number | C++ | STATE MACHINE | Hard |
66 | Plus One | C++ | Arbitrary-precision Arithmetic | Easy |
67 | Add Binary | PY | Arbitrary-precision Arithmetic | Easy |
68 | Text Justification | C++ | Trick | Hard |
69 | Sqrt(x) | C++ | Trick | Easy |
71 | Simplify Path | C++ | String Operations | Medium |
72 | Edit Distance | C++ | DP | Hard |
73 | Set Matrix Zeroes | C++ | Trick | Medium |
74 | Search a 2D Matrix | C++ | Binary Search | Medium |
75 | Sort Colors | C++ | Trick | Medium |
76 | Minimum Window Substring | C++ | Greedy | Hard |
77 | Combinations | C++ | DFS | Medium |
79 | Word Search | C++ | DFS | Medium |
80 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
81 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array II | C++ | Binary Search | Medium |
82 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II | C++ | Linked List Operation | Medium |
83 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted List | C++ | Linked List Operation | Easy |
84 | Largest Rectangle in Histogram | C++ | Tricky | Hard |
85 | Maximal Rectangle | SQL | Tricky | Hard |
86 | Partition List | C++ | Linked List Operation | Medium |
87 | Scramble String | C++ | Recursion | Hard |
88 | Merge Sorted Array | C++ | Merge Sort | Easy |
89 | Gray Code | C++ | Bit Operation | Medium |
90 | Subsets II | C++ | DFS | Medium |
91 | Decode Ways | C++ | DP | Medium |
92 | Reverse Linked List II | C++ | Linked List Operation | Medium |
93 | Restore IP Addresses | C++ | Brute Force | Medium |
94 | Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | C++ | DFS | Medium |
95 | Unique Binary Search Trees II | C++ | DFS | Medium |
97 | Interleaving String | C++ | DP | Hard |
98 | Validate Binary Search Tree | C++ | DFS | Medium |
99 | Recover Binary Search Tree | C++ | DFS | Hard |
101 | Symmetric Tree | C++ | DFS | Easy |
102 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | C++ | DFS | Medium |
103 | Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal | C++ | DFS | Medium |
104 | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | C++ | DFS | Easy |
105 | Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal | C++ | Recrusion | Medium |
106 | Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal | C++ | Recursion | Medium |
107 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II | C++ | DFS | Medium |
108 | Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree | C++ | Recrusion | Easy |
109 | Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree | C++ | Recursion | Medium |
110 | Balanced Binary Tree | C++ | DFS | Easy |
111 | Minimum Depth of Binary Tree | C++ | DFS | Easy |
112 | Path Sum | C++ | DFS | Easy |
113 | Path Sum II | C++ | DFS | Medium |
114 | Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List | C++ | Recursion with While | Medium |
115 | Distinct Subsequences | C++ | DP | Hard |
116 | Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node | C++ | Recursion | Medium |
117 | Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II | C++ | Recursion | Medium |
118 | Pascal's Triangle | C++ | DP | Easy |
119 | Pascal's Triangle II | C++ | DP | Easy |
120 | Triangle | C++ | DP | Medium |
123 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III | C++ | DP | Hard |
124 | Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum | C++ | DFS | Hard |
126 | Word Ladder II | C++ | Memory Based Search | Hard |
127 | Word Ladder | C++ | Memory Based Search | Hard |
128 | Longest Consecutive Sequence | C++ | Brute Force with Data Structure | Hard |
129 | Sum Root to Leaf Numbers | C++ | DFS | Medium |
130 | Surrounded Regions | C++ | DFS | Medium |
131 | Palindrome Partitioning | C++ | Brute Force | Medium |
132 | Palindrome Partitioning II | C++ | DP | Hard |
133 | Clone Graph | C++ | Brute Force | Medium |
135 | Candy | C++ | DP | Hard |
137 | Single Number II | C++ | BIT OPERATION | Medium |
138 | Copy List with Random Pointer | C++ | Brute Force | Medium |
139 | Word Break | PY | DP | Medium |
140 | Word Break II | PY | DFS | Hard |
141 | Linked List Cycle | C++ | Tricky | Easy |
142 | Linked List Cycle II | C++ | Tricky | Medium |
143 | Reorder List | C++ | Simulation | Medium |
144 | Binary Tree Preorder Traversal | C++ | DFS | Medium |
145 | Binary Tree Postorder Traversal | C++ | DFS | Medium |
146 | LRU Cache | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
147 | Insertion Sort List | C++ | Simulation | Medium |
149 | Max Points on a Line | C++ | Tricky | Hard |
150 | Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
151 | Reverse Words in a String | PYs | Simulation | Medium |
152 | Maximum Product Subarray | C++ | DP | Medium |
153 | Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array | C++ | Binary Search | Medium |
154 | Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II | C++ | Binary Search | Hard |
155 | Min Stack | C++ | Data Structure | Easy |
160 | Intersection of Two Linked Lists | C++ | Linked List Operation | Easy |
162 | Find Peak Element | C++ | Binary Search | Medium |
164 | Maximum Gap | C++ | Tricky | Hard |
165 | Compare Version Numbers | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
166 | Fraction to Recurring Decimal | C++ | Tricky | Medium |
167 | Two Sum II - Input array is sorted | C++ | Binary Search | Easy |
168 | Excel Sheet Column Title | C++ | Simulation | Easy |
169 | Majority Element | C++ | Tricky | Easy |
171 | Excel Sheet Column Number | C++ | Simulation | Easy |
172 | Factorial Trailing Zeroes | C++ | Tricky | Easy |
173 | Binary Search Tree Iterator | C++ | DFS | Medium |
174 | Dungeon Game | C++ | DP | Hard |
175 | Combine Two Tables | SQL | SQL | Easy |
176 | Second Highest Salary | SQL | SQL | Easy |
177 | Nth Highest Salary | SQL | SQL | Medium |
178 | Rank Scores | SQL | SQL | Medium |
179 | Largest Number | C++ | Recurssion | Medium |
180 | Consecutive Numbers | SQL | SQL | Medium |
181 | Employees Earning More Than Their Managers | SQL | SQL | Easy |
182 | Duplicate Emails | SQL | SQL | Easy |
183 | Customers Who Never Order | SQL | SQL | Easy |
184 | Department Highest Salary | SQL | SQL | Medium |
185 | Department Top Three Salaries | SQL | SQL | Hard |
187 | Repeated DNA Sequences | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
188 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV | C++ | DP | Hard |
189 | Rotate Array | C++ | Simulation | Medium |
190 | Reverse Bits | C++ | Bit Operation | Easy |
191 | Number of 1 Bits | C++ | Bit Operations | Easy |
192 | Word Frequency | SH | Linux | Medium |
193 | Valid Phone Numbers | SH | Linux | Easy |
194 | Transpose File | SH | Linux | Medium |
195 | Tenth Line | SH | Linux | Easy |
196 | Delete Duplicate Emails | SQL | SQL | Easy |
197 | Rising Temperature | SQL | SQL | Easy |
199 | Binary Tree Right Side View | C++ | Tricky | Medium |
200 | Number of Islands | C++ | DFS | Medium |
201 | Bitwise AND of Numbers Range | C++ | Bit Operations | Medium |
202 | Happy Number | C++ | Simulation | Easy |
203 | Remove Linked List Elements | C++ | Linked List Operations | Easy |
204 | Count Primes | C++ | Tricky | Easy |
205 | Isomorphic Strings | C++ | Simulation | Easy |
206 | Reverse Linked List | C++ | Linked List Operations | Easy |
207 | Course Schedule | C++ | DFS | Medium |
208 | Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
209 | Minimum Size Subarray Sum | C++ | Tricky | Medium |
210 | Course Schedule II | C++ | Brute Force | Medium |
212 | Word Search II | C++ | Data Structure | Hard |
214 | Shortest Palindrome | C++ | Recursion | Hard |
215 | Kth Largest Element in an Array | C++ | Simulation | Medium |
217 | Contains Duplicate | C++ | Data Structure | Easy |
218 | The Skyline Problem | C++ | Simulation | Hard |
219 | Contains Duplicate II | C++ | Data Structure | Easy |
221 | Maximal Square | C++ | DP | Medium |
222 | Count Complete Tree Nodes | C++ | Recursion | Medium |
223 | Rectangle Area | C++ | Tricky | Medium |
224 | Basic Calculator | PY | Stack | Hard |
225 | Implement Stack using Queues | C++ | Data Structure | Easy |
226 | Invert Binary Tree | C++ | Recursion | Easy |
227 | Basic Calculator II | C++ | Stack | Medium |
230 | Kth Smallest Element in a BST | C++ | DFS | Medium |
231 | Power of Two | C++ | Simulation | Easy |
232 | Implement Queue using Stacks | C++ | Data Structure | Easy |
233 | Number of Digit One | C++ | Tricky | Hard |
234 | Palindrome Linked List | C++ | Linked List Operation | Easy |
235 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree | C++ | Recursion | Easy |
236 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree | C++ | Recursion | Medium |
237 | Delete Node in a Linked List | C++ | Linked List Operation | Easy |
238 | Product of Array Except Self | C++ | Tricky | Medium |
239 | Sliding Window Maximum | C++ | Tricky | Hard |
240 | Search a 2D Matrix II | C++ | Binary Search | Medium |
241 | Different Ways to Add Parentheses | C++ | DP+Recursion | Medium |
242 | Valid Anagram | C++ | Data Structure | Easy |
257 | Binary Tree Paths | C++ | Recursion | Easy |
258 | Add Digits | C++ | Simulation | Easy |
260 | Single Number III | C++ | Bit Operations | Medium |
262 | Trips and Users | SQL | SQL | Hard |
263 | Ugly Number | C++ | Simulation | Easy |
264 | Ugly Number II | C++ | Simulation | Medium |
268 | Missing Number | C++ | Tricky | Easy |
273 | Integer to English Words | C++ | Simulation | Hard |
274 | H-Index | C++ | Tricky | Medium |
275 | H-Index II | C++ | Tricky | Medium |
278 | First Bad Version | C++ | Binary Search | Easy |
279 | Perfect Squares | PY | DP | Medium |
282 | Expression Add Operators | C++ | DFS | Hard |
283 | Move Zeroes | PY | Simulation | Easy |
284 | Peeking Iterator | C++ | Simulation | Medium |
287 | Find the Duplicate Number | C++ | Tricky | Medium |
289 | Game of Life | C++ | Simulation | Medium |
292 | Nim Game | C++ | Tricky | Easy |
301 | Remove Invalid Parentheses | C++ | Brute Force | Hard |
303 | Range Sum Query - Immutable | C++ | Data Structure | Easy |
304 | Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
306 | Additive Number | C++ | Brute Force | Medium |
307 | Range Sum Query - Mutable | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
309 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown | C++ | DP | Medium |
312 | Burst Balloons | C++ | DP | Hard |
313 | Super Ugly Number | C++ | DP | Medium |
315 | Count of Smaller Numbers After Self | C++ | Data Structure | Hard |
318 | Maximum Product of Word Lengths | C++ | Brute Force | Medium |
319 | Bulb Switcher | C++ | Trick | Medium |
321 | Create Maximum Number | C++ | Greedy+DP | Hard |
324 | Wiggle Sort II | C++ | Greedy+DP | Medium |
327 | Count of Range Sum | C++ | Data Structure | Hard |
328 | Odd Even Linked List | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
329 | Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix | C++ | DP+DFS | Hard |
330 | Patching Array | C++ | Tricky | Hard |
331 | Verify Preorder Serialization of a Binary Tree | C++ | Tricky | Medium |
332 | Reconstruct Itinerary | C++ | DFS+Tricky | Medium |
334 | Increasing Triplet Subsequence | C++ | Tricky | Medium |
335 | Self Crossing | C++ | Tricky | Hard |
336 | Palindrome Pairs | C++ | Data Structure | Hard |
341 | Flatten Nested List Iterator | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
342 | Power of Four | C++ | Math | Easy |
343 | Integer Break | C++ | Math | Medium |
344 | Reverse String | C++ | Data Structure | Easy |
345 | Reverse Vowels of a String | C++ | Simulation | Easy |
347 | Top K Frequent Elements | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
349 | Intersection of Two Arrays | C++ | Data Structure | Easy |
350 | Intersection of Two Arrays II | C++ | Data Structure | Easy |
352 | Data Stream as Disjoint Intervals | C++ | Data Structure | Hard |
355 | Design Twitter | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
357 | Count Numbers with Unique Digits | C++ | Trick | Medium |
363 | Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K | C++ | Data Structure | Hard |
365 | Water and Jug Problem | C++ | Trick | Medium |
367 | Valid Perfect Square | C++ | Trick | Easy |
368 | Largest Divisible Subset | C++ | DP | Medium |
371 | Sum of Two Integers | C++ | Trick | Medium |
372 | Super Pow | C++ | Trick | Medium |
373 | Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums | C++ | Trick | Medium |
374 | Guess Number Higher or Lower | C++ | Binary Search | Easy |
375 | Guess Number Higher or Lower II | C++ | Binary Search | Medium |
378 | Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix | C++ | Binary Search | Medium |
380 | Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
381 | Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed | C++ | Data Structure | Hard |
383 | Ransom Note | PY | String Operations | Easy |
384 | Shuffle an Array | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
385 | Mini Parser | C++ | Recursion | Medium |
386 | Lexicographical Numbers | C++ | Trick | Medium |
387 | First Unique Character in a String | C++ | Data Structure | Easy |
388 | Longest Absolute File Path | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
390 | Elimination Game | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
391 | Perfect Rectangle | C++ | Bit Operation | Hard |
392 | Is Subsequence | PY | String Operations | Easy |
393 | UTF-8 Validation | C++ | Bit Operation | Medium |
396 | Rotate Function | C++ | Tricky | Medium |
397 | Integer Replacement | C++ | Tricky | Medium |
398 | Random Pick Index | C++ | Tricky | Medium |
400 | Nth Digit | C++ | Tricky | Medium |
401 | Binary Watch | C++ | Bit Operation | Easy |
402 | Remove K Digits | C++ | Data Structure | Easy |
403 | Frog Jump | C++ | DP | Hard |
404 | Sum of Left Leaves | C++ | Tree | Easy |
405 | Convert a Number to Hexadecimal | C++ | Tree | Easy |
406 | Queue Reconstruction by Height | C++ | Tree | Medium |
407 | Trapping Rain Water II | C++ | BFS | Hard |
409 | Longest Palindrome | C++ | Brute Force | Easy |
410 | Split Array Largest Sum | C++ | Binary Search | Hard |
412 | Fizz Buzz | C++ | Simulation | Easy |
413 | Arithmetic Slices | C++ | Tricky | Medium |
414 | Third Maximum Number | C++ | Simulation | Easy |
416 | Partition Equal Subset Sum | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
417 | Pacific Atlantic Water Flow | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
419 | Battleships in a Board | C++ | DFS | Medium |
420 | Strong Password Checker | C++ | Greedy | Hard |
421 | Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
423 | Reconstruct Original Digits from English | C++ | Simulation | Medium |
424 | Longest Repeating Character Replacement | C++ | Binary Search | Medium |
427 | Construct Quad Tree | C++ | Recursion | Medium |
429 | N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal | C++ | DFS | Medium |
430 | Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List | C++ | Recursion | Medium |
432 | All O`one Data Structure | C++ | Data Structure | Hard |
433 | Minimum Genetic Mutation | C++ | DFS | Medium |
434 | Number of Segments in a String | PY | String Operations | Easy |
435 | Non-overlapping Intervals | CPP | Greedy | Medium |
436 | Find Right Interval | CPP | Data Structure | Medium |
437 | Path Sum III | CPP | DFS | Medium |
438 | Find All Anagrams in a String | CPP | String Operations | Medium |
440 | K-th Smallest in Lexicographical Order | CPP | Tricky | Hard |
441 | Arranging Coins | CPP | Tricky | Easy |
442 | Find All Duplicates in an Array | CPP | Tricky | Medium |
443 | String Compression | CPP | String Operations | Medium |
446 | Arithmetic Slices II - Subsequence | CPP | DP / Tricky | Hard |
447 | Number of Boomerangs | CPP | Data Structure | Medium |
448 | Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array | CPP | Tricky | Easy |
450 | Delete Node in a BST | CPP | Data Structure | Medium |
451 | Sort Characters By Frequency | PY | Data Structure | Medium |
452 | Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons | CPP | Tricky | Medium |
453 | Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements | PY | Tricky | Medium |
454 | 4Sum II | CPP | Data Structure | Medium |
455 | Assign Cookies | CPP | Greedy | Easy |
456 | 132 Pattern | CPP | Stack | Medium |
457 | Circular Array Loop | CPP | Simulation | Medium |
458 | Poor Pigs | CPP | Mathematics | HARD |
459 | Repeated Substring Pattern | PY | String Operations | Easy |
460 | LFU Cache | CPP | Mathematics | Hard |
461 | Hamming Distance | CPP | Bit Operation | Easy |
462 | Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II | PY | Tricky | Medium |
463 | Island Perimeter | PY | Brute Force | Easy |
464 | Can I Win | PY | BFS | Medium |
466 | Count The Repetitions | CPP | Tricky+String Operations | Hard |
467 | Unique Substrings in Wraparound String | CPP | Tricky | Medium |
468 | Validate IP Address | PY | String Operations | Medium |
470 | Implement Rand10() Using Rand7() | CPP | Mathematics | Medium |
472 | Concatenated Words | CPP | Tricky+DP+String Operations | Hard |
473 | Matchsticks to Square | CPP | DP+Tricky+DFS | Medium |
474 | Ones and Zeroes | CPP | DP | Medium |
475 | Heaters | CPP | Binary Search | Medium |
477 | Total Hamming Distance | CPP | Bit Operations | Medium |
478 | Generate Random Point in a Circle | CPP | Mathematics | Medium |
479 | Largest Palindrome Product | CPP | Brute Force | Hard |
480 | Sliding Window Median | CPP | Data Structure | Hard |
481 | Magical String | CPP | Mathematics+String Operations | Medium |
482 | License Key Formatting | PY | String Operations | Easy |
483 | Smallest Good Base | CPP | Mathematics | Hard |
485 | Max Consecutive Ones | CPP | Tricky | Easy |
486 | Predict the Winner | CPP | DP | Medium |
488 | Zuma Game | PY | Brute Force | Hard |
491 | Increasing Subsequences | PY | Brute Force | Medium |
492 | Construct the Rectangle | CPP | Tricky | Easy |
493 | Reverse Pairs | CPP | Data Structure | Hard |
494 | Target Sum | CPP | Brute Force + DP | Medium |
495 | Teemo Attacking | CPP | Simulation | Easy |
496 | Next Greater Element I | CPP | Data Structure | Easy |
497 | Random Point in Non-overlapping Rectangles | CPP | Binary Search | Medium |
498 | Diagonal Traverse | PY | Tricky | Medium |
500 | Keyboard Row | PY | Tricky | Easy |
501 | Find Mode in Binary Search Tree | PY | Data Structure | Easy |
502 | IPO | PY | Greedy | Hard |
503 | Next Greater Element II | PY | Data Structure | Medium |
504 | Base 7 | PY | Tricky | Easy |
506 | Relative Ranks | PY | Data Structure | Easy |
507 | Perfect Number | PY | Tricky | Easy |
508 | Most Frequent Subtree Sum | PY | Data Structure | Medium |
509 | Most Frequent Subtree Sum | PY | Simulation | Easy |
513 | Find Bottom Left Tree Value | PY | Data Structure | Medium |
514 | Freedom Trail | CPP | DP | Hard |
515 | Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row | PY | Data Structure | Medium |
516 | Longest Palindromic Subsequence | PY | DP | Medium |
517 | Super Washing Machines | PY | Greedy | Hard |
518 | Coin Change 2 | CPP | DP | Medium |
519 | Random Flip Matrix | CPP | Tricky | Medium |
520 | Detect Capital | GO | Simulation | Easy |
521 | Longest Uncommon Subsequence I | GO | Simulation | Easy |
522 | Longest Uncommon Subsequence II | GO | Greedy | Medium |
523 | Continuous Subarray Sum | GO | Data Structure | Medium |
524 | Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting | GO | String Operations | Medium |
526 | Beautiful Arrangement | GO | Brute Force | Medium |
528 | Random Pick with Weight | C++ | Binary Search | Medium |
529 | Minesweeper | GO | Simulation | Medium |
530 | Minimum Absolute Difference in BST | GO | Simulation | Easy |
532 | K-diff Pairs in an Array | GO | Simulation | Medium |
535 | Encode and Decode TinyURL | GO | String Operation | Medium |
538 | Convert BST to Greater Tree | GO | DFS | Medium |
539 | Minimum Time Difference | GO | Tricky | Medium |
540 | Single Element in a Sorted Array | CPP | Binary Search | Medium |
541 | Reverse String II | GO | String Operation | Easy |
542 | 01 Matrix | GO | DP | Medium |
546 | Remove Boxes | CPP | DP | Hard |
547 | Number of Provinces | GO | Brute Force | Medium |
551 | Student Attendance Record I | GO | Brute Force | Easy |
552 | Student Attendance Record II | C++ | Mathematics | Hard |
553 | Optimal Division | GO | Tricky | Medium |
554 | Brick Wall | GO | Dynamic Programming | Medium |
556 | Next Greater Element III | GO | Data Structure | Medium |
557 | Reverse Words in a String III | PY | String Operations | Easy |
558 | Logical OR of Two Binary Grids Represented as Quad-Trees | PY | Recursion | Medium |
559 | Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree | PY | Recursion | Easy |
560 | Subarray Sum Equals K | PY | Data Structure | Medium |
561 | Array Partition | PY | Greedy | Easy |
563 | Binary Tree Tilt | PY | Recursion | Easy |
564 | Find the Closest Palindrome | PY | Tricky | Hard |
566 | Reshape the Matrix | PY | Tricky | Easy |
567 | Permutation in String | C++ | Data Structure | Medium |
572 | Subtree of Another Tree | GO | Data Structure | Easy |
575 | Distribute Candies | GO | Simulation | Easy |
576 | Out of Boundary Paths | GO | Memory Based Search | Medium |
581 | Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray | GO | Tricky | Medium |
583 | Delete Operation for Two Strings | GO | Dynamic Programming | Medium |
584 | Find Customer Referee | SQL | Tricky | Easy |
586 | Customer Placing the Largest Number of Orders | SQL | Tricky | Easy |
587 | Erect the Fence | GO | Computing Geometry | Hard |
590 | N-ary Tree Postorder Traversal | GO | DFS | Easy |
591 | Tag Validator | PY | State Machine | Hard |
592 | Fraction Addition and Subtraction | PY | Mathematics | Medium |
594 | Longest Harmonious Subsequence | GO | Mathematics | Easy |
595 | Big Countries | SQL | Tricky | Easy |
596 | Classes More Than 5 Students | SQL | Trikcy | Easy |
599 | Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists | GO | Data Structure | Easy |
600 | Non-negative Integers without Consecutive Ones | GO | Mathematics | Hard |
601 | Human Traffic of Stadium | SQL | Tricky | Hard |
602 | Friend Requests II: Who Has the Most Friends | SQL | Tricky | Medium |
605 | Can Place Flowers | GO | Greedy | Easy |
606 | Construct String from Binary Tree | GO | String Operations | Easy |
607 | Sales Person | SQL | Tricky | Easy |
608 | Tree Node | SQL | Tricky | Easy |
610 | Triangle Judgement | SQL | Tricky | Easy |
611 | Valid Triangle Number | GO | Tricky | Medium |
617 | Merge Two Binary Trees | GO | Tricky | Easy |
619 | Biggest Single Number | SQL | Tricky | Easy |
621 | Task Scheduler | GO | Tricky | Medium |
622 | Design Circular Queue | GO | Tricky | Medium |
623 | Add One Row to Tree | GO | Tricky | Medium |
626 | Exchange Seats | SQL | Tricky | Medium |
627 | Swap Salary | SQL | Tricky | Easy |
628 | Maximum Product of Three Numbers | GO | Tricky | Easy |
630 | Course Schedule III | GO | Data Structure | Hard |
632 | Smallest Range Covering Elements from K Lists | GO | Tricky + Data Structure | Hard |
636 | Exclusive Time of Functions | GO | Tricky +Stack | Medium |
637 | Average of Levels in Binary Tree | GO | Data Structure | Easy |
638 | Shopping Offers | PY | DFS | Medium |