Zhelong Zhao
Zhelong Zhao
My main concern is with the test code. In `test/mds/nameserver2/curvefs_test.cpp`, they are all formulated according to the original logic. If this flexible feature is added, it seems that it will...
> > My main concern is with the test code. In `test/mds/nameserver2/curvefs_test.cpp`, they are all formulated according to the original logic. If this flexible feature is added, it seems that...
Hi, @ilixiaocui Sorry for previous communication email after I found the assignment [合并脚本 mk-tar.sh 和 mk-deb.sh](https://summer-ospp.ac.cn/org/prodetail/232990061?list=org&navpage=org) have been assigned. So I want to work on this issue and have it...
> > Hi, @ilixiaocui Sorry for previous communication email after I found the assignment [合并脚本 mk-tar.sh 和 mk-deb.sh](https://summer-ospp.ac.cn/org/prodetail/232990061?list=org&navpage=org) have been assigned. So I want to work on this issue and...
Nice feature! [LRB Simulation](https://github.com/sunnyszy/lrb/) can serve as a demonstration. It converts the non-oracle trace into an oracle trace and then executes the belady's MIN. :) https://github.com/sunnyszy/lrb/blob/9e8b4423383c01c4528deb447f152f0437a37c3a/src/caches/annotate.cpp#L19
> @zztaki comment here, i will assign you. please assign to me. :)
@nautaa sry, I can't reproduce it in `develop` branch. After `./tools/deploy/obd.sh prepare -p ...` and `./tools/deploy/obd.sh deploy -c ./tools/deploy/single.yaml`, I do ` ./obcdc_tailf -f /path/to/libobcdc.conf` on `/path/to/oceanbase/build_debug/src/logservice/libobcdc/tests`.
[libobcdc.log](https://github.com/oceanbase/oceanbase/files/14946932/libobcdc.log) this is my log.
But I find this Error in `oblogminer.log` from `oblogminer`'s result.
> > But I find this Error in `oblogminer.log` from `oblogminer`'s result. > > use 4.2.x branch? ```cpp [2024-04-10 10:35:24.172449] WDIAG get (ob_config_helper.cpp:579) [190504][][T0][Y0-0000000000000000-0-0] [lt=10][errcode=-4016] set int error(str=" ", valid=false)...