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The problem of extremely slow theme generation blogs
Hello author, this theme is really great, I really like it especially! But my blog has a lot of content, about 2200 md files, and with your theme, the output is extremely slow, over 60 seconds for a few hundred md files! I tried to put 2200 md files in and it didn't finish generating for 10 minutes, I don't know why, please help me, thanks
In the screenshot, the built-in time is 65.813
second to make about 14,000 pages.
Where did 10 minutes come from?
In the screenshot, the built-in time is
second to make about 14,000 pages. Where did 10 minutes come from?
This screenshot is only a few hundred md, not the entire content of my blog, the entire content of the blog was put in there for more than 10 minutes and did not finish generating, because it was too long, so I interrupted it!
For the same content, I tried other themes and generation took less than 15 seconds!
I really like this theme, so I'm asking for your help in figuring out why and shortening the build time!
Usually, I don't have a chance to manage the large MD files. Can you share your MD file with me? I'm not going to use it but want to check what's going on in the theme.
How do I send it to you? Can you give me an email address?
@Rhinocros yes [email protected]
Have sent to your email
I couldn't reproduce the issue on my computer. In my case, it only took 55 seconds to serve the 2,200MD files.
I made more than 2,200 MD files and it is only produced 4,500 pages.
I'm wondering why your case makes more than 20,000 pages with 2,200 MD files.
I don't know why it's generating so many pages, so what do I do now? Does this have anything to do with the hugo version?
I can't help you if it is not reproduced on my computer.
Is generating so many pages because the vast majority of them are tags pages, and how can I not generate tags pages? I want to try if I don't generate a tags page,will or not be faster
It can be done with this. In your config.toml
disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"]
Okay, thanks. I'll try it.
I'm sure that's the problem, it works fine after disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"]
, is there a better solution?
Would you like to share the results of hugo --templateMetrics
in your full site to see what slows you down the most. I just saw the build performance section of Hugo documentation because I also noticed that zzo
is a relatively heavy theme for Hugo since it packs so many nice features.
For example, my results of my personal blog running hugo --templateMetrics
Template Metrics:
cumulative average maximum
duration duration duration count template
---------- -------- -------- ----- --------
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264.1717ms 88.057233ms 91.901658ms 3 _default/list.searchindex.json
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260.324128ms 86.774709ms 88.625165ms 3 _default/terms.searchindex.json
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could be a start. Ref: The Full Partial Series Part 1: Caching!
could be a start. Ref: The Full Partial Series Part 1: Caching!
Thanks for your reply, I will try this method