zhu ziming
zhu ziming
> Could your try to increase the `OMP_NUM_THREADS`? I have tried set `OMP_NUM_THREADS`=32,but it seems slower..
> Could your try to increase the `OMP_NUM_THREADS`? I tried to test on 1 GPU without changing samples_numbers and num_workers to eliminate the communication problem between Gpus, but I found...
when i install it with mmcv=1.3.0 mmdet=2.10.0,mmdet3d=0.11.0,it report "cuda error :no kernel image is available for execution on the device ". I don't know how to solve it. so I...
> Up to now I have not found a useful solution, I use the school cluster, I have tested the IO speed, but it is not slow (cluster is well...
thanks for your wonderful work, is there any instructions for the code?