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How to create tfrecord for coco dataset.
I am looking to train this on coco dataset but how to create tfrecord for coco dataset. No code is given for coco tfrecord creation only for VOC tfrecord creation is given . can someone help me with this.
Hello. @NaveenVinayakS
Where is the problem? You need write a script like in a tools/voc2012.py.
For this model enough just image/encoded, image/object/bbox/xmin, image/object/bbox/xmax, image/object/bbox/ymin, image/object/bbox/ymax, image/object/class/text.
image/encoded - just open image as bytes
image/object/bbox/xmin - x min bbox value divided by width
image/object/bbox/xmax - (x min bbox value + width) divided by width
image/object/bbox/ymin - y min bbox value divided by height
image/object/bbox/ymax - (y min bbox value + height) divided by height
image/object/class/text - label string
coco annotation bbox structure
[top left x position, top left y position, width, height]
I have the script for converting YOLO format to tfRecord if u need.