ustc-grade-automatic-notification copied to clipboard
顺便重构一下,使用 python3
Dockerfile 中如果使用目前最新版本的 Ubuntu 的话会有两个问题: 1. `debconf` 在配置 `tzdata` 包的时候会回退到 `Readline` 前端,但是无法操作,需要先 `export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive` 2. 程序报错 `Error: 'module' object has no attribute 'KNearest'` 所以做了一点小改动,避免兼容性问题给用户的困扰。
opencv-python 2.x is removed from pypi.
A new branch named `py3` is suggested.
> And sometimes - i call them the crazy ones - send `multipart/alternative`, but actually only put `text/html` without any alternatives. Which is not really nice, but it is not...