Yet-Another-EfficientDet-Pytorch icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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The pytorch re-implement of the official efficientdet with SOTA performance in real time and pretrained weights.

Results 120 Yet-Another-EfficientDet-Pytorch issues
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Sir, When I try to train the ms coco dataset using the pre-trained weight,effiecientdet do model. I got this error; please help me to fix this error ![WhatsApp Image 2022-08-02...

![image]( 你好!我用两个GPU去训练导致这样的错误,这有什么思路解决?

I trained with custom datasets It seemed to be learning But if I inference image to detect object Even though there is one object in the image, dozens of boxes...

First of all, thank you for the great repo. We are the creators of [HybridNets](, which is heavily based on your code. However, we did not know of the licensing...

your work is very nice,but recently i have a work of efficientdet with advprop. but i can not open the advprop pth file download url. Can you provide me with...

Hi, We are running EfficinetDet network on Jetson Xavier NX ( While running demo we are facing two problems 1- The FPS is very low 4 ~ 5. 2-...

hi I'm trying to quantize the model of Efficientdet and I am faced with many errors. Has anyone ever tried to quantize the EfficientDet models?

Hi, For the evaluation metrics, is AP referring to mAP here?