haskell-nullpointer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
haskell-nullpointer copied to clipboard

NullPointerExceptions in Haskell

Data.NullPointer build status

Tired of using Maybe? Wrapping values in Just makes you sick? Missing your NullPointerExceptions? Add null value to any data type using Data.NullPointer!


import Prelude hiding (null)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.NullPointer

getFirstArg :: [String] -> String
getFirstArg (x:_) = x
getFirstArg [] = null

main = do
  arg <- getFirstArg <$> getArgs

  if isNull arg
    then putStrLn "No argument passed"
    else putStrLn arg

What if I forget to check if a value is null?

You'll get a NullPointerException, just like in Java! Brillant!