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Weird tab bar behavior
The interaction between the tab bar and buffer window/pane seems to be seamless, which creates some cases where the user could be confused:
- mark a text section with the mouse while still pressing the left mouse button to move the selection up and reach a tab != the active one
- the inactive will become the active one
- my expectation is, that the tab bar should ignore these "triggers"
- "easy to fix" (ignore while the active tab still keeps the press), but could be just half of the truth since there are other strange cases
- the inactive will become the active one
- press the left mouse button over one tab and move the mouse while still pressing the button
- the next hovered tab becomes active
- intended?
- when the tab bar is left into the buffered text within the same action then the buffered text will be selected till the mouse button is released
- I don't expect that to happen, because the press was done within the tab bar
- the next hovered tab becomes active
Version: 2.0.14-dev.245 Commit hash: 2259fd10 OS: Debian testing (trixie) Terminal: GNOME Console aka KGX 46.0