futures-hero copied to clipboard
It's not working at all
Can you tell us why you put something that doesn't work in github?? did you even test it before publishing your copy-paste project to github???!! I test your copy & paste project with several linux ubuntu fresh os and gives me this error below: binance.exceptions.BinanceAPIException: APIError(code=-2015): Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action, request ip:
in binance under API restrictions all options are enabled!!!! this copy and pasted project (forked) not working at all! yo didn't even test it! btw winrate 90% fake screenshot bro! :D
You mind educating us from where is copy/pasted this code, No one is forcing you to use this code Also I'm using this code atm and there is no issues at all. To your problem from simple googling, most probably you restrict wrong IP to use the Binance API
Hi Kaboomfi,
Thank you for using futures-omax. I am sorry that you have to face this inconvenience. After taking a feedback from you I had found a best solution to solve your problem. https://tinyurl.com/2wxj4972
Please do as the solution said! Have a nice day!
Regards, Go F Yourself.
@kaboomfi it's working for me in Win10 WSL Ubuntu/Kali-Linux, Macbook pro and VPS Debian instances. Maybe you are trying to make it work in PS4.
EDIT: 30/03/2021 Test Results (+20% in less than 6 houres)
hey everyone i cant find where to input profit margin ? thanks mate :)
@kaboomfi it's working for me in Win10 WSL Ubuntu/Kali-Linux, Macbook pro and VPS Debian instances. Maybe you are trying to make it work in PS4.
EDIT: 30/03/2021 Test Results (+20% in less than 6 houres)
@ELHARAKA can you tell which strategy you are using ?
@kaboomfi it's working for me in Win10 WSL Ubuntu/Kali-Linux, Macbook pro and VPS Debian instances. Maybe you are trying to make it work in PS4. EDIT: 30/03/2021 Test Results (+20% in less than 6 houres)
@ELHARAKA can you tell which strategy you are using ?
Default strategy, i haven’t modified anything. It's mainly about which coin to trade and which timeframe.
@kaboomfi it's working for me in Win10 WSL Ubuntu/Kali-Linux, Macbook pro and VPS Debian instances. Maybe you are trying to make it work in PS4. EDIT: 30/03/2021 Test Results (+20% in less than 6 houres)
@ELHARAKA can you tell which strategy you are using ?
Default strategy, i haven’t modified anything. It's mainly about which coin to trade and which timeframe.
hi ,friend ,wihch timeframe you set and how to set timeframe in code ?