ngx-scanner copied to clipboard
ZxingScannerComponen.init method called twice when enable flag is set to true (leak once again)
Hi, it's me again. I didn't notice this earlier. Issue which gives similar effect as but now it's caused by [enable]="true" flag.
Describe the bug
ZxingScannerComponen.init method is called twice when enable flag is set to true which causes to run scanning twice (leak). onDestroy stops only one of scanning processes. Affected version: "@zxing/ngx-scanner": "^17.0.2"
<button (click)="scannerVisible = !scannerVisible">Toggle scanner</button>
<zxing-scanner [enable]="true" *ngIf="scannerVisible"></zxing-scanner>
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go to simple repro
- Use toggle button to init and destroy zxing-scanner component (the more you do this, the bigger the leakage)
- Each time scanner component is initialized it's calling 'init' method twice
- Open chrome devtools, open Performance tab and capture new recording
- BrowserCodeReader is still trying to decode even after destroying component
Expected behavior Component should start only one scanning process.