vscode-proto3 copied to clipboard
Shows errors that classes are not defined, when they are, and I can navigate to definition.
I have a A.proto file that imports another B.proto file.
Classes defined in B.proto are showing errors in vscode when referenced in A.proto...
"Foo" is not defined.
"Bar" is not defined.
- These classes are correctly defined and referenced.
- The protobuf definitions compile without error.
- I can even "goto definition" for the references of these classes, and the extension properly navigates to their definition. So even the vscode-proto3 definition knows that these classes are correctly defined.
Yet it still shows the errors that they are not defined.
I have tried reloading the workspace, but that did not rectify the problem.
Affects me to. I mean everything is working as expected but it still underlines every imported line with red as if there is an issue. I spent quite some time trying to resolve import error due to this. In the end tried running protoc and their was no issue at all.
Please fix this. I don't want anyone else to waste their time because of this issue.
Thanks for creating this extension. It has proved very helpful.
Sorry for this bug. Could you upload a zip folder containing minimum proto files to let me reproduce this bug? Thank you.
I was facing this issue at work and unfortunately I can't share those proto files. Anyways I was trying to reproduce this on my personal laptop and was surprised that it was working without any issue. It took me some time but I figured out when this happens
Create 2 proto files: main.proto
and common.proto
with below contents
syntax = "proto3";
package Entity.main;
import "common.proto";
option go_package="./";
message School{
string value=1;
Entity.common.Person person=2;
syntax = "proto3";
package Entity.common;
option go_package="./";
message Person {
string Name=1;
Keep both these files in empty directory and open this folder in vscode. You will not see any issue. Now create another folder from vscode sidebar and move both files into this new folder. You will start seeing errors in main.proto
even though we can navigate to Person
object defined in common.proto
The errors shown go away if we move both files back to parent directory.
When putting .proto files under subforlder I got this error information from vs code OUTPUT
, I guest this is a protoc command --proto_path option issue.
[2022-10-31 08:40:45.404] [renderer1] [error] [Extension Host] @<filename> Read options and filenames from file. If a
relative file path is specified, the file
will be searched in the working directory.
The --proto_path option will not affect how
this argument file is searched. Content of
the file will be expanded in the position of
@<filename> as in the argument list. Note
that shell expansion is not applied to the
content of the file (i.e., you cannot use
quotes, wildcards, escapes, commands, etc.).
Each line corresponds to a single argument,
even if it contains spaces.
ubuntu 20.04
vs code Version: 1.72.2
Commit: d045a5eda657f4d7b676dedbfa7aab8207f8a075
Date: 2022-10-12T22:16:26.920Z
Electron: 19.0.17
Chromium: 102.0.5005.167
Node.js: 16.14.2
OS: Linux x64 5.15.0-52-generic
Sandboxed: No
vscode-proto3 0.5.5
Facing same issue. Whenever anything is defined with a package (e.g. foxglove.Vector3 translation = 4;
), they are wrongly shown as undefined.
Here is the proto files I am working with: https://github.com/foxglove/schemas/tree/main/schemas/proto/foxglove