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foldl : ((a, Zipper/Tree a) -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
I need a fold implmenetation which iterates through each (parent, children) tuple in the tree. Am I correct in saying that this needs to be implemented within the project (as opposed to via the exposed API)?
For now I'll use the following:
import Tree exposing (Tree)
import Tree.Zipper as Zipper exposing (Zipper)
generalFold : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe a) -> b
generalFold f b maybeA maybeNext =
case maybeA of
Just a ->
generalFold f (f a b) (maybeNext a) maybeNext
Nothing ->
fold : (Zipper a -> b -> b) -> b -> Zipper a -> b
fold f b zipper =
generalFold f b (Just zipper) Zipper.forward
Please close this issue if this is a reasonable solution and you don't think a fold like this has a place in the API. Thanks.
Yeah, that seems like a pretty nice solution!
I'm curious if you could give an example use-case for such a function? It would help me think about the API and perhaps alternative ways of tackling the issue. (i.e. whether this is a missing function in Tree
or in Zipper
, or whether there may be a way to achieve this with comonadic extend
functions for the zipper, or ...)
I happen to be using it to support turing a tree into a Dict (so long as nodes are comparable). I need to do THAT in order to encode my trees and diff them.
toDict : Tree comparable -> Dict comparable (List comparable)
toDict tree =
addNode zipper dict =
(Zipper.label zipper)
(zipper |> Zipper.children |> List.map Tree.label)
zipperFold addNode Dict.empty (Zipper.fromTree tree)
encodeStringTree : Tree String -> Value
encodeStringTree =
toDict >> Encode.dict identity (Encode.list Encode.string)
diff2 : Tree comparable -> Tree comparable -> Tree (Diff.Change comparable)
diff2 tree0 tree1 =
t0Dict =
toDict tree0
t1Dict =
toDict tree1
nodeToNodeAndChildren node =
k =
DiffExtra.return_ node
diffed =
(Dict.get k t0Dict |> Maybe.withDefault [])
(Dict.get k t1Dict |> Maybe.withDefault [])
( node, diffed )
Tree.unfold nodeToNodeAndChildren (Diff.NoChange (Tree.label tree1))
Thanks, that's super helpful! I'm going to let that sink in a little.
I'm wondering whether a Tree.merge : { onlyLeft : a -> b, onlyRight : a -> b, both : a -> a -> b } -> Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree b
would make sense, as a parallel to Dict.merge
and a useful abstraction for combining different versions of a tree.
The zipper-fold is really growing on me, though I think - if I'm incorporating similar functionality - it makes more sense to do it as part of the Tree
module, and indeed offer a ((a, List (Tree a)) -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
type fold(l|r) which is essentially constructor replacement. Good catch!