as3-universal-analytics copied to clipboard
IOS Black Screen: Launch Failed
I have added uanalytics 0.8.0 for Air.
On launch of my app I create the Configuration and the tracker. All is ok on Android (Air27) and flash(Air28) versions. But on IOS(Air27) the app does not start.
Note: I used Starling V1.8. FlashDevelop 5.3.
Like that it's hard to see what's happening, I doubt including the uanalytics lib would prevent an app to start
on iOS did you try to remove all reference of the lib uanalytics? and if so, then does the app start?
on iOS you are supposed to only connect to HTTPS URL so when you are including the lib uanalytics do you configure it to use SSL?
var config:Configuration = new Configuration();
config.forceSSL = true;
Then I only remove start code and it works. And no I have not use forceSSL. I will try this and I think you are right about this. I will tell you asap, thank you.
if you absolutely need to not use HTTPS you should be able to edit your AIR app xml iOS Settings
and add the key
that said, I would advise to always use HTTPS
arf, no. It is not better. I have no crash logs and do not know how to active it (Starling framework)
ok then, could you show me how you initialise all that in code?
in an initialize function, called by the constructor of the Document Class of the app:
config = new Configuration();
config.anonymizeIp = true;
config.forceSSL = true;
mTracker = new AppTracker(viewID, config);
var appinfo:ApplicationInfo = generateAIRAppInfo();
mTracker.add( appinfo.toDictionary() );
this works well on Android
ok so basic check
in your main class, does those properties config
and mTracker
are declared as static variables ?
private var mTracker:AppTracker = null;
private var config:Configuration = null;
Then I obtains this error in remote debug: [Fault] exception, information=TypeError: Error #1080: Illegal value for namespace
ok so try to do something like that instead
package com.foobar.blah
public class Main
public static var tracker: AppTracker;
public function Main()
// ...
public function onStartStuff()
// ...
tracker = new AppTracker(viewID, config);
// ...
and so later in other part of the app you can still reference the tracker
eg. Main.tracker.doSomethign()
humm #1080: Illegal value for namespace
maybe there is a bug with generateAIRAppInfo()
try to not use it and initialise by hand eg.
var gameinfo:Dictionnary = new Dictionnary();
gameinfo[ Tracker.APP_NAME ] = "My Game";
gameinfo[ Tracker.APP_ID ] = "com.something.mygame";
gameinfo[ Tracker.APP_VERSION ] = "1.0.0";
gameinfo[ Tracker.APP_INSTALLER_ID ] = "Amazon App Store";
tracker.add( gameinfo );
Yes stack is in generateAIRAppInfo(). I will try without
I would be interested in the error stack trace if possible (you can send it privately by email if you prefer), so I can fix that bug for later
in your AIR app descriptor do you use multiple languages?
<text xml:lang="en">Sample 1.0</text>
<text xml:lang="fr">Échantillon 1.0</text>
<text xml:lang="de">Stichprobe 1.0</text>
This work without generateAIRIngo: error is here: global/libraries.uanalytics.utils::generateAIRAppInfo at /Volumes/prototype/libraries/as3-universal-analytics/src/libraries/uanalytics/utils/
yeah there is a bug
app_name = == lang);
and before
// first we use the default system language
var lang:String = Capabilities.language;
but after thinking of it the default language on the phone is not necessarily the default language we want to define in the app, etc.
maybe on iPad air 2 ios 11 the namespace is not
I am not an expert on actionscript and XML
I'm pretty sure it is an issue between the Capabilities.language
and the AIR descriptor
either simple
<name>Sample Something</name>
or complex
<text xml:lang="en">Sample 1.0</text>
<text xml:lang="fr">Échantillon 1.0</text>
<text xml:lang="de">Stichprobe 1.0</text>
if you could tell me wether your app descriptor is simple or complex, it could help
Yes it is complex.
<text aaa:lang="fr" xmlns:aaa="">Glucozor test</text>
<text aaa:lang="en" xmlns:aaa="">Glucozor test</text>
<text aaa:lang="de" xmlns:aaa="">Glucozor test</text>
<text aaa:lang="es" xmlns:aaa="">Glucozor test</text>
<text aaa:lang="it" xmlns:aaa="">Glucozor test</text>
<text aaa:lang="zh" xmlns:aaa="">Glucozor test</text>
is that the output from debug stacktrace or is it how you defined the AIR descriptor XML?
` var na:NativeApplication = NativeApplication.nativeApplication; var desc:XML = na.applicationDescriptor;
trace(desc.toXMLString()); `
I defined multi app name in my application.xml file
ok thanks for the information and the bug report
Hi, since starling flox will shut down this year, I will need something to analyse my app. Is this bug still happening. My XML also uses different names as per language.