ob-http icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ob-http copied to clipboard

Infinite recursion on require

Open darkfeline opened this issue 7 years ago • 2 comments

When ob-http is enabled at startup through customize, it will infinitely recurse:

org -> require ob-http -> require org -> ...

Looking at the other ob-* libraries, it should not contain (require 'org)

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Recursive load" "/home/bob/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20170210/org.elc" "/home/bob/.emacs.d/elpa/ob-http-20170304.2215/ob-http.elc" "/home/bob/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20170210/org.elc" "/home/bob/.emacs.d/elpa/ob-http-20170304.2215/ob-http.elc" "/home/bob/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20170210/org.elc" "/home/bob/.emacs.d/elpa/ob-http-20170304.2215/ob-http.elc" "/home/bob/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20170210/org.elc" "/home/bob/.emacs.d/elpa/ob-http-20170304.2215/ob-http.elc" "/home/bob/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20170210/org.elc" "/home/bob/.emacs.d/init.el")
  byte-code("\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\210\300\306!\210\300\307!\207" [require org ob s subr-x json ob-http-mode cl-lib] 2)
  org-babel-do-load-languages(org-babel-load-languages ((dot . t) (emacs-lisp . t) (http . t) (ledger . t) (python . t) (shell . t)))
  custom-initialize-reset(org-babel-load-languages (funcall (function #[0 "\300\207" [((emacs-lisp . t))] 1])))
  custom-declare-variable(org-babel-load-languages (funcall (function #[0 "\300\207" [((emacs-lisp . t))] 1])) "Languages which can be evaluated in Org buffers.\nThis list can be used to load support for any of the languages\nbelow, note that each language will depend on a different set of\nsystem executables and/or Emacs modes.  When a language is\n\"loaded\", then code blocks in that language can be evaluated\nwith `org-babel-execute-src-block' bound by default to C-c\nC-c (note the `org-babel-no-eval-on-ctrl-c-ctrl-c' variable can\nbe set to remove code block evaluation from the C-c C-c\nkeybinding.  By default only Emacs Lisp (which has no\nrequirements) is loaded." :group org-babel :set org-babel-do-load-languages :version "24.1" :type (alist :tag "Babel Languages" :key-type (choice (const :tag "Awk" awk) (const :tag "C" C) (const :tag "R" R) (const :tag "Asymptote" asymptote) (const :tag "Calc" calc) (const :tag "Clojure" clojure) (const :tag "CSS" css) (const :tag "Ditaa" ditaa) (const :tag "Dot" dot) (const :tag "Emacs Lisp" emacs-lisp) (const :tag "Forth" forth) (const :tag "Fortran" fortran) (const :tag "Gnuplot" gnuplot) (const :tag "Haskell" haskell) (const :tag "IO" io) (const :tag "J" J) (const :tag "Java" java) (const :tag "Javascript" js) (const :tag "LaTeX" latex) (const :tag "Ledger" ledger) (const :tag "Lilypond" lilypond) (const :tag "Lisp" lisp) (const :tag "Makefile" makefile) (const :tag "Maxima" maxima) (const :tag "Matlab" matlab) (const :tag "Mscgen" mscgen) (const :tag "Ocaml" ocaml) (const :tag "Octave" octave) (const :tag "Org" org) (const :tag "Perl" perl) (const :tag "Pico Lisp" picolisp) (const :tag "PlantUML" plantuml) (const :tag "Python" python) (const :tag "Ruby" ruby) (const :tag "Sass" sass) (const :tag "Scala" scala) (const :tag "Scheme" scheme) (const :tag "Screen" screen) (const :tag "Shell Script" shell) (const :tag "Shen" shen) (const :tag "Sql" sql) (const :tag "Sqlite" sqlite) (const :tag "Stan" stan) (const :tag "ebnf2ps" ebnf2ps)) :value-type (boolean :tag "Activate" :value t)))
  byte-code("\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315&\210\300\316\302\303\317DD\320\314\321\312\313\306\322&	\210\323\324\325\"\210\323\326\325\"\207" [custom-declare-variable org-babel-load-languages funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [((emacs-lisp . t))] 1] "Languages which can be evaluated in Org buffers.\nThis list can be used to load support for any of the languages\nbelow, note that each language will depend on a different set of\nsystem executables and/or Emacs modes.  When a language is\n\"loaded\", then code blocks in that language can be evaluated\nwith `org-babel-execute-src-block' bound by default to C-c\nC-c (note the `org-babel-no-eval-on-ctrl-c-ctrl-c' variable can\nbe set to remove code block evaluation from the C-c C-c\nkeybinding.  By default only Emacs Lisp (which has no\nrequirements) is loaded." :group org-babel :set org-babel-do-load-languages :version "24.1" :type (alist :tag "Babel Languages" :key-type (choice (const :tag "Awk" awk) (const :tag "C" C) (const :tag "R" R) (const :tag "Asymptote" asymptote) (const :tag "Calc" calc) (const :tag "Clojure" clojure) (const :tag "CSS" css) (const :tag "Ditaa" ditaa) (const :tag "Dot" dot) (const :tag "Emacs Lisp" emacs-lisp) (const :tag "Forth" forth) (const :tag "Fortran" fortran) (const :tag "Gnuplot" gnuplot) (const :tag "Haskell" haskell) (const :tag "IO" io) (const :tag "J" J) (const :tag "Java" java) (const :tag "Javascript" js) (const :tag "LaTeX" latex) (const :tag "Ledger" ledger) (const :tag "Lilypond" lilypond) (const :tag "Lisp" lisp) (const :tag "Makefile" makefile) (const :tag "Maxima" maxima) (const :tag "Matlab" matlab) (const :tag "Mscgen" mscgen) (const :tag "Ocaml" ocaml) (const :tag "Octave" octave) (const :tag "Org" org) (const :tag "Perl" perl) (const :tag "Pico Lisp" picolisp) (const :tag "PlantUML" plantuml) (const :tag "Python" python) (const :tag "Ruby" ruby) (const :tag "Sass" sass) (const :tag "Scala" scala) (const :tag "Scheme" scheme) (const :tag "Screen" screen) (const :tag "Shell Script" shell) (const :tag "Shen" shen) (const :tag "Sql" sql) (const :tag "Sqlite" sqlite) (const :tag "Stan" stan) (const :tag "ebnf2ps" ebnf2ps)) :value-type (boolean :tag "Activate" :value t)) org-clone-delete-id #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Remove ID property of clones of a subtree.\nWhen non-nil, clones of a subtree don't inherit the ID property.\nOtherwise they inherit the ID property with a new unique\nidentifier." boolean org-id autoload org-release "org-version.el" org-git-version] 12)
  byte-code("\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\210\300\306!\210\300\307!\207" [require org ob s subr-x json ob-http-mode cl-lib] 2)
  org-babel-do-load-languages(org-babel-load-languages ((dot . t) (emacs-lisp . t) (http . t) (ledger . t) (python . t) (shell . t)))
  custom-initialize-reset(org-babel-load-languages (funcall (function #[0 "\300\207" [((emacs-lisp . t))] 1])))
  custom-declare-variable(org-babel-load-languages (funcall (function #[0 "\300\207" [((emacs-lisp . t))] 1])) "Languages which can be evaluated in Org buffers.\nThis list can be used to load support for any of the languages\nbelow, note that each language will depend on a different set of\nsystem executables and/or Emacs modes.  When a language is\n\"loaded\", then code blocks in that language can be evaluated\nwith `org-babel-execute-src-block' bound by default to C-c\nC-c (note the `org-babel-no-eval-on-ctrl-c-ctrl-c' variable can\nbe set to remove code block evaluation from the C-c C-c\nkeybinding.  By default only Emacs Lisp (which has no\nrequirements) is loaded." :group org-babel :set org-babel-do-load-languages :version "24.1" :type (alist :tag "Babel Languages" :key-type (choice (const :tag "Awk" awk) (const :tag "C" C) (const :tag "R" R) (const :tag "Asymptote" asymptote) (const :tag "Calc" calc) (const :tag "Clojure" clojure) (const :tag "CSS" css) (const :tag "Ditaa" ditaa) (const :tag "Dot" dot) (const :tag "Emacs Lisp" emacs-lisp) (const :tag "Forth" forth) (const :tag "Fortran" fortran) (const :tag "Gnuplot" gnuplot) (const :tag "Haskell" haskell) (const :tag "IO" io) (const :tag "J" J) (const :tag "Java" java) (const :tag "Javascript" js) (const :tag "LaTeX" latex) (const :tag "Ledger" ledger) (const :tag "Lilypond" lilypond) (const :tag "Lisp" lisp) (const :tag "Makefile" makefile) (const :tag "Maxima" maxima) (const :tag "Matlab" matlab) (const :tag "Mscgen" mscgen) (const :tag "Ocaml" ocaml) (const :tag "Octave" octave) (const :tag "Org" org) (const :tag "Perl" perl) (const :tag "Pico Lisp" picolisp) (const :tag "PlantUML" plantuml) (const :tag "Python" python) (const :tag "Ruby" ruby) (const :tag "Sass" sass) (const :tag "Scala" scala) (const :tag "Scheme" scheme) (const :tag "Screen" screen) (const :tag "Shell Script" shell) (const :tag "Shen" shen) (const :tag "Sql" sql) (const :tag "Sqlite" sqlite) (const :tag "Stan" stan) (const :tag "ebnf2ps" ebnf2ps)) :value-type (boolean :tag "Activate" :value t)))
  byte-code("\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315&\210\300\316\302\303\317DD\320\314\321\312\313\306\322&	\210\323\324\325\"\210\323\326\325\"\207" [custom-declare-variable org-babel-load-languages funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [((emacs-lisp . t))] 1] "Languages which can be evaluated in Org buffers.\nThis list can be used to load support for any of the languages\nbelow, note that each language will depend on a different set of\nsystem executables and/or Emacs modes.  When a language is\n\"loaded\", then code blocks in that language can be evaluated\nwith `org-babel-execute-src-block' bound by default to C-c\nC-c (note the `org-babel-no-eval-on-ctrl-c-ctrl-c' variable can\nbe set to remove code block evaluation from the C-c C-c\nkeybinding.  By default only Emacs Lisp (which has no\nrequirements) is loaded." :group org-babel :set org-babel-do-load-languages :version "24.1" :type (alist :tag "Babel Languages" :key-type (choice (const :tag "Awk" awk) (const :tag "C" C) (const :tag "R" R) (const :tag "Asymptote" asymptote) (const :tag "Calc" calc) (const :tag "Clojure" clojure) (const :tag "CSS" css) (const :tag "Ditaa" ditaa) (const :tag "Dot" dot) (const :tag "Emacs Lisp" emacs-lisp) (const :tag "Forth" forth) (const :tag "Fortran" fortran) (const :tag "Gnuplot" gnuplot) (const :tag "Haskell" haskell) (const :tag "IO" io) (const :tag "J" J) (const :tag "Java" java) (const :tag "Javascript" js) (const :tag "LaTeX" latex) (const :tag "Ledger" ledger) (const :tag "Lilypond" lilypond) (const :tag "Lisp" lisp) (const :tag "Makefile" makefile) (const :tag "Maxima" maxima) (const :tag "Matlab" matlab) (const :tag "Mscgen" mscgen) (const :tag "Ocaml" ocaml) (const :tag "Octave" octave) (const :tag "Org" org) (const :tag "Perl" perl) (const :tag "Pico Lisp" picolisp) (const :tag "PlantUML" plantuml) (const :tag "Python" python) (const :tag "Ruby" ruby) (const :tag "Sass" sass) (const :tag "Scala" scala) (const :tag "Scheme" scheme) (const :tag "Screen" screen) (const :tag "Shell Script" shell) (const :tag "Shen" shen) (const :tag "Sql" sql) (const :tag "Sqlite" sqlite) (const :tag "Stan" stan) (const :tag "ebnf2ps" ebnf2ps)) :value-type (boolean :tag "Activate" :value t)) org-clone-delete-id #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Remove ID property of clones of a subtree.\nWhen non-nil, clones of a subtree don't inherit the ID property.\nOtherwise they inherit the ID property with a new unique\nidentifier." boolean org-id autoload org-release "org-version.el" org-git-version] 12)
  byte-code("\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\210\300\306!\210\300\307!\207" [require org ob s subr-x json ob-http-mode cl-lib] 2)
  org-babel-do-load-languages(org-babel-load-languages ((dot . t) (emacs-lisp . t) (http . t) (ledger . t) (python . t) (shell . t)))
  custom-initialize-reset(org-babel-load-languages (funcall (function #[0 "\300\207" [((emacs-lisp . t))] 1])))
  custom-declare-variable(org-babel-load-languages (funcall (function #[0 "\300\207" [((emacs-lisp . t))] 1])) "Languages which can be evaluated in Org buffers.\nThis list can be used to load support for any of the languages\nbelow, note that each language will depend on a different set of\nsystem executables and/or Emacs modes.  When a language is\n\"loaded\", then code blocks in that language can be evaluated\nwith `org-babel-execute-src-block' bound by default to C-c\nC-c (note the `org-babel-no-eval-on-ctrl-c-ctrl-c' variable can\nbe set to remove code block evaluation from the C-c C-c\nkeybinding.  By default only Emacs Lisp (which has no\nrequirements) is loaded." :group org-babel :set org-babel-do-load-languages :version "24.1" :type (alist :tag "Babel Languages" :key-type (choice (const :tag "Awk" awk) (const :tag "C" C) (const :tag "R" R) (const :tag "Asymptote" asymptote) (const :tag "Calc" calc) (const :tag "Clojure" clojure) (const :tag "CSS" css) (const :tag "Ditaa" ditaa) (const :tag "Dot" dot) (const :tag "Emacs Lisp" emacs-lisp) (const :tag "Forth" forth) (const :tag "Fortran" fortran) (const :tag "Gnuplot" gnuplot) (const :tag "Haskell" haskell) (const :tag "IO" io) (const :tag "J" J) (const :tag "Java" java) (const :tag "Javascript" js) (const :tag "LaTeX" latex) (const :tag "Ledger" ledger) (const :tag "Lilypond" lilypond) (const :tag "Lisp" lisp) (const :tag "Makefile" makefile) (const :tag "Maxima" maxima) (const :tag "Matlab" matlab) (const :tag "Mscgen" mscgen) (const :tag "Ocaml" ocaml) (const :tag "Octave" octave) (const :tag "Org" org) (const :tag "Perl" perl) (const :tag "Pico Lisp" picolisp) (const :tag "PlantUML" plantuml) (const :tag "Python" python) (const :tag "Ruby" ruby) (const :tag "Sass" sass) (const :tag "Scala" scala) (const :tag "Scheme" scheme) (const :tag "Screen" screen) (const :tag "Shell Script" shell) (const :tag "Shen" shen) (const :tag "Sql" sql) (const :tag "Sqlite" sqlite) (const :tag "Stan" stan) (const :tag "ebnf2ps" ebnf2ps)) :value-type (boolean :tag "Activate" :value t)))
  byte-code("\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315&\210\300\316\302\303\317DD\320\314\321\312\313\306\322&	\210\323\324\325\"\210\323\326\325\"\207" [custom-declare-variable org-babel-load-languages funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [((emacs-lisp . t))] 1] "Languages which can be evaluated in Org buffers.\nThis list can be used to load support for any of the languages\nbelow, note that each language will depend on a different set of\nsystem executables and/or Emacs modes.  When a language is\n\"loaded\", then code blocks in that language can be evaluated\nwith `org-babel-execute-src-block' bound by default to C-c\nC-c (note the `org-babel-no-eval-on-ctrl-c-ctrl-c' variable can\nbe set to remove code block evaluation from the C-c C-c\nkeybinding.  By default only Emacs Lisp (which has no\nrequirements) is loaded." :group org-babel :set org-babel-do-load-languages :version "24.1" :type (alist :tag "Babel Languages" :key-type (choice (const :tag "Awk" awk) (const :tag "C" C) (const :tag "R" R) (const :tag "Asymptote" asymptote) (const :tag "Calc" calc) (const :tag "Clojure" clojure) (const :tag "CSS" css) (const :tag "Ditaa" ditaa) (const :tag "Dot" dot) (const :tag "Emacs Lisp" emacs-lisp) (const :tag "Forth" forth) (const :tag "Fortran" fortran) (const :tag "Gnuplot" gnuplot) (const :tag "Haskell" haskell) (const :tag "IO" io) (const :tag "J" J) (const :tag "Java" java) (const :tag "Javascript" js) (const :tag "LaTeX" latex) (const :tag "Ledger" ledger) (const :tag "Lilypond" lilypond) (const :tag "Lisp" lisp) (const :tag "Makefile" makefile) (const :tag "Maxima" maxima) (const :tag "Matlab" matlab) (const :tag "Mscgen" mscgen) (const :tag "Ocaml" ocaml) (const :tag "Octave" octave) (const :tag "Org" org) (const :tag "Perl" perl) (const :tag "Pico Lisp" picolisp) (const :tag "PlantUML" plantuml) (const :tag "Python" python) (const :tag "Ruby" ruby) (const :tag "Sass" sass) (const :tag "Scala" scala) (const :tag "Scheme" scheme) (const :tag "Screen" screen) (const :tag "Shell Script" shell) (const :tag "Shen" shen) (const :tag "Sql" sql) (const :tag "Sqlite" sqlite) (const :tag "Stan" stan) (const :tag "ebnf2ps" ebnf2ps)) :value-type (boolean :tag "Activate" :value t)) org-clone-delete-id #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Remove ID property of clones of a subtree.\nWhen non-nil, clones of a subtree don't inherit the ID property.\nOtherwise they inherit the ID property with a new unique\nidentifier." boolean org-id autoload org-release "org-version.el" org-git-version] 12)
  byte-code("\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\210\300\306!\210\300\307!\207" [require org ob s subr-x json ob-http-mode cl-lib] 2)
  org-babel-do-load-languages(org-babel-load-languages ((dot . t) (emacs-lisp . t) (http . t) (ledger . t) (python . t) (shell . t)))
  custom-initialize-reset(org-babel-load-languages (funcall (function #[0 "\300\207" [((emacs-lisp . t))] 1])))
  custom-declare-variable(org-babel-load-languages (funcall (function #[0 "\300\207" [((emacs-lisp . t))] 1])) "Languages which can be evaluated in Org buffers.\nThis list can be used to load support for any of the languages\nbelow, note that each language will depend on a different set of\nsystem executables and/or Emacs modes.  When a language is\n\"loaded\", then code blocks in that language can be evaluated\nwith `org-babel-execute-src-block' bound by default to C-c\nC-c (note the `org-babel-no-eval-on-ctrl-c-ctrl-c' variable can\nbe set to remove code block evaluation from the C-c C-c\nkeybinding.  By default only Emacs Lisp (which has no\nrequirements) is loaded." :group org-babel :set org-babel-do-load-languages :version "24.1" :type (alist :tag "Babel Languages" :key-type (choice (const :tag "Awk" awk) (const :tag "C" C) (const :tag "R" R) (const :tag "Asymptote" asymptote) (const :tag "Calc" calc) (const :tag "Clojure" clojure) (const :tag "CSS" css) (const :tag "Ditaa" ditaa) (const :tag "Dot" dot) (const :tag "Emacs Lisp" emacs-lisp) (const :tag "Forth" forth) (const :tag "Fortran" fortran) (const :tag "Gnuplot" gnuplot) (const :tag "Haskell" haskell) (const :tag "IO" io) (const :tag "J" J) (const :tag "Java" java) (const :tag "Javascript" js) (const :tag "LaTeX" latex) (const :tag "Ledger" ledger) (const :tag "Lilypond" lilypond) (const :tag "Lisp" lisp) (const :tag "Makefile" makefile) (const :tag "Maxima" maxima) (const :tag "Matlab" matlab) (const :tag "Mscgen" mscgen) (const :tag "Ocaml" ocaml) (const :tag "Octave" octave) (const :tag "Org" org) (const :tag "Perl" perl) (const :tag "Pico Lisp" picolisp) (const :tag "PlantUML" plantuml) (const :tag "Python" python) (const :tag "Ruby" ruby) (const :tag "Sass" sass) (const :tag "Scala" scala) (const :tag "Scheme" scheme) (const :tag "Screen" screen) (const :tag "Shell Script" shell) (const :tag "Shen" shen) (const :tag "Sql" sql) (const :tag "Sqlite" sqlite) (const :tag "Stan" stan) (const :tag "ebnf2ps" ebnf2ps)) :value-type (boolean :tag "Activate" :value t)))
  byte-code("\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315&\210\300\316\302\303\317DD\320\314\321\312\313\306\322&	\210\323\324\325\"\210\323\326\325\"\207" [custom-declare-variable org-babel-load-languages funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [((emacs-lisp . t))] 1] "Languages which can be evaluated in Org buffers.\nThis list can be used to load support for any of the languages\nbelow, note that each language will depend on a different set of\nsystem executables and/or Emacs modes.  When a language is\n\"loaded\", then code blocks in that language can be evaluated\nwith `org-babel-execute-src-block' bound by default to C-c\nC-c (note the `org-babel-no-eval-on-ctrl-c-ctrl-c' variable can\nbe set to remove code block evaluation from the C-c C-c\nkeybinding.  By default only Emacs Lisp (which has no\nrequirements) is loaded." :group org-babel :set org-babel-do-load-languages :version "24.1" :type (alist :tag "Babel Languages" :key-type (choice (const :tag "Awk" awk) (const :tag "C" C) (const :tag "R" R) (const :tag "Asymptote" asymptote) (const :tag "Calc" calc) (const :tag "Clojure" clojure) (const :tag "CSS" css) (const :tag "Ditaa" ditaa) (const :tag "Dot" dot) (const :tag "Emacs Lisp" emacs-lisp) (const :tag "Forth" forth) (const :tag "Fortran" fortran) (const :tag "Gnuplot" gnuplot) (const :tag "Haskell" haskell) (const :tag "IO" io) (const :tag "J" J) (const :tag "Java" java) (const :tag "Javascript" js) (const :tag "LaTeX" latex) (const :tag "Ledger" ledger) (const :tag "Lilypond" lilypond) (const :tag "Lisp" lisp) (const :tag "Makefile" makefile) (const :tag "Maxima" maxima) (const :tag "Matlab" matlab) (const :tag "Mscgen" mscgen) (const :tag "Ocaml" ocaml) (const :tag "Octave" octave) (const :tag "Org" org) (const :tag "Perl" perl) (const :tag "Pico Lisp" picolisp) (const :tag "PlantUML" plantuml) (const :tag "Python" python) (const :tag "Ruby" ruby) (const :tag "Sass" sass) (const :tag "Scala" scala) (const :tag "Scheme" scheme) (const :tag "Screen" screen) (const :tag "Shell Script" shell) (const :tag "Shen" shen) (const :tag "Sql" sql) (const :tag "Sqlite" sqlite) (const :tag "Stan" stan) (const :tag "ebnf2ps" ebnf2ps)) :value-type (boolean :tag "Activate" :value t)) org-clone-delete-id #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Remove ID property of clones of a subtree.\nWhen non-nil, clones of a subtree don't inherit the ID property.\nOtherwise they inherit the ID property with a new unique\nidentifier." boolean org-id autoload org-release "org-version.el" org-git-version] 12)
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*> nil "/home/bob/.emacs.d/init.el" nil t)  ; Reading at buffer position 5768
  load-with-code-conversion("/home/bob/.emacs.d/init.el" "/home/bob/.emacs.d/init.el" t t)
  load("/home/bob/.emacs.d/init" t t)
  #[0 "\205\266 	\306=\203 \307\310Q\202? 	\311=\204 \307\312Q\202? \313\307\314\315#\203* \316\202? \313\307\314\317#\203>

darkfeline avatar Apr 01 '17 04:04 darkfeline

I've the same problem. Every time time I update this package my emacs startup fails and I have to figure out anew that ob-http is the culprit and manually delete this line. I don't see other ob-* packages include this require so it seems redundant anyway. Can't this be fixed?

bitti avatar Apr 09 '17 20:04 bitti

Fixed in https://github.com/zweifisch/ob-http/pull/30

bitti avatar Apr 12 '17 04:04 bitti