ob-elixir copied to clipboard
org-babel functions for elixir evaluation
- ob-elixir
** setup
To use =ob-elixir= in an =org-babel= source block, the elixir language must be enabled in the custom =org-babel-load-languages= alist. Alternatively, running the following snippet during initialization will enable the mode.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '((emacs-lisp . t) (elixir . t))) #+END_SRC
** supported header arguments
- cookie
- name
- remsh
- sname
- session
** examples
*** connect to remote shell
: #+BEGIN_SRC elixir :remsh name@node :sname console : Node.self : #+END_SRC : : #+RESULTS: : : :name@node