
Results 174 comments of звездочёт

Hi @MrArnal . See also https://github.com/jgilje/v2m-player

@AntonZab say: >crashed See https://github.com/Sound-Linux-More/v2mplayer (SDL2)

Hi @Maniues . Himself interested, but editing software only if you write yourself. There is only a player (https://github.com/jgilje/v2m-player) and plugins for players to play `.v2m`.

Hi @Maniues . Script v2mdump (https://github.com/Sound-Linux-More/v2mdump) can decompose V2M into MIDI and packed samples. But what to do with them next?

@emk2203 say: >It's surprisingly difficult to change or add metadata to an existing opus file. See: * https://github.com/hcmiya/opuscomment * https://github.com/Sound-Linux-More/opustags

http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/CgBI say: >It is not compatible with PNG.

@mrpuzzler say: >it's very easy to handle it. Easy? Where is this easy PR? Forgot to send?

@mrpuzzler say: >did you see https://github.com/jongwook/libpng/commits/master say: >with 25,709 additions and 0 deletions. Easy?

@mrpuzzler say: >PNG_EXTERN void png_handle_CgBI PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr, png_uint_32 length)); >png_handle_CgBI(png_ptr, info_ptr, length); >png_ptr->using_CgBI_extension >png_ptr->using_CgBI_extension=1; https://github.com/lvandeve/lodepng/search?q=CgBI&unscoped_q=CgBI Very interesting. Very. Goto https://github.com/lvandeve/lodepng/issues/124#issuecomment-589968606