Sarebbe possibile avere un commento da parte vostra? Vista la poca diffusione (e al costo) dei lettori NFC per computer e l'ubiquità invece dei telefonini con lettore integrato sarebbe molto...
OK, so let me have another go at this. Just to be clear, when you say "you need to use a DTB compatible with your kernel version" what do you...
OK, thanks. So I actually have tried doing that but the system crashes and I cannot really see where. Initially it seemed to crash when accessing my nvme SATA 5...
Thanks, I was able to move on by using a separate computer. Can you explain what can be expected to happen once the mainline kernel fully supports the rk3588 hardware?...
This is interesting. Are you actually testing it? And who's going to declare that a board is "supported"? From what I see the level of "support" is never black and...
So, 6.10.0rc1 exists on koji and I tried to run it. However (as I kind of expected) while panthor is compiled, is not loaded and if I try force loading...
You mean something like this? https://github.com/radxa/kernel/blob/linux-5.10-gen-rkr3.4/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/overlay/rock-5b-sata.dts But for the pcie3 nvme slot? And in my case (I'm just trying here...): ``` // ROCK 5B Pcie M.2 to sata /dts-v1/; /plugin/;...
Hello @mariobalanica . I did not make any progress here, can you help me? Can you suggest where to look for a device tree overlay that will work with my...
I am, and it works fine in ACPI mode but in that case I cannot use sd cards or emmc and I cannot access the SPI memory, making managing boot...
I need to connect the serial console. It will take a bit of time. One more thing... do you think that 0.10 will change anything compared to 0.9.1+ that I'm...