Welcome to Zulip, @franciscofleury! We just sent you an invite to collaborate on this repository at https://github.com/zulip/zulip/invitations. Please accept this invite in order to claim this issue and begin a...
**ERROR:** You have already claimed this issue.
Heads up @clarammdantas, we just merged some commits that conflict with the changes your made in this pull request! You can review this repository's [recent commits](https://github.com/zulip/zulip/commits/master) to see where the...
Heads up @AdityaB4, we just merged some commits that conflict with the changes you made in this pull request! You can review this repository's [recent commits](https://github.com/zulip/zulip/commits/main) to see where the...
Hello @zulip/server-onboarding members, this issue was labeled with the "area: onboarding" label, so you may want to check it out!
Hello @sofiavalb! Thanks for your interest in Zulip! You have attempted to claim an issue without the label "help wanted". You can only claim and submit pull requests for issues...
Heads up @richardshaju, we just merged some commits that conflict with the changes you made in this pull request! You can review this repository's [recent commits](https://github.com/zulip/zulip/commits/main) to see where the...
Heads up @madrix01, we just merged some commits that conflict with the changes your made in this pull request! You can review this repository's [recent commits](https://github.com/zulip/zulip/commits/main) to see where the...
Welcome to Zulip, @asub10! We just sent you an invite to collaborate on this repository at https://github.com/zulip/zulip/invitations. Please accept this invite in order to claim this issue and begin a...
@asub10 You have been unassigned from this issue because you have not made any updates for over 14 days. Please feel free to reclaim the issue if you decide to...