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settings: Fix bot edit form for bots without owner.
Trying to open bot edit form for a bot without owner raises an error.
This is most probably some error in initializing dropdown_list_widget
Hello @zulip/server-settings members, this issue was labeled with the "area: settings (admin/org)" label, so you may want to check it out!
@zulipbot claim.
@zulipbot claim.
@sahil839 after digging into the relevant codebase I found that this issue is not because of absence of owner but rather because all these were cross realm bots. With some little modifications edit bot form can be shown but should I also allow user to change the bot settings from the edit form? I think if we have to allow changing the settings from the form than it will involve some significant changes.
Thanks for investigating. Therea has been discussion here for not showing the edit buttons for these bots.