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integrations/ClickUp: Add ClickUp integration script.
This script is required for the integration of ClickUp with Zulip. It is intended to be downloaded and run locally on user terminal What the script does:
- Request ClickUp's API KEY,
- Register new webhooks through their API endpoint.
- Enables the user to choose which event to be received.
- Deletes old Zulip related ClickUp webhooks when running the script multiple times.
- Appends ClickUp API KEY and team ID to the registered Zulip webhook URL to be used for callbacks.
Fixes: Issue Main ClickUp integration: PR CZO: thread
# execute command:
python3 --clickup-team-id 25567147 --clickup-client-id V0COEU8DRNOM1J5KG6SDGIC2CQQFQOLP --clickup-client-secret GLTEHI5VC8IO83FTBV8OOQHLC836RYTWLGECLDONOR03YZB4EDIW54MYF6G9PEVH --zulip-webhook-url ""
Screencast from 08-19-2024 10:34:01 AM.webm
- I ignore Ruff raising S310 because I believe it's still an open issue
@zulipbot add "buddy review"
ERROR: Label "buddy review" does not exist and was thus not added to this pull request.
@kennethnrk I think you can also take a look at this one, thank you!
@zulipbot add "mentor review"
ERROR: Label "mentor review" does not exist and was thus not added to this pull request.
Pushed some updates to address review. Will continue to update the PR in the coming days
@sbansal1999 Thanks for the review! I've updated the PR to address your feedback. Most of the changes are self-explanatory and don't require much explanation. For the ones that do, I've pointed them out in the comments where the review is.The two failing tests is a known issue with no solid fix yet. #826 has a couple of commits that can plug off that issue temporarily once merged
@sbansal1999 hey I've updated the PR as per what we've discussed. please do check them out again, thanks
@PieterCK Please take a look at this comment, after that is resolved I feel we can move this PR to the next stage.
@PieterCK Please take a look at this comment, after that is resolved I feel we can move this PR to the next stage.
Updated the PR! Thank you
+++ b/zulip/integrations/clickup/
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlencode, urljoin, urlparse, urlunparse
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
EVENT_CHOICES: Dict[str, Tuple[str, Tuple[str, ...]]] = {
- "1": ("task", ("taskCreated", "taskUpdated", "taskDeleted")),
- "2": ("list", ("listCreated", "listUpdated", "listDeleted")),
- "3": ("folder", ("folderCreated", "folderUpdated", "folderDeleted")),
- "4": ("space", ("spaceCreated", "spaceUpdated", "spaceDeleted")),
- "5": ("goal", ("goalCreated", "goalUpdated", "goalDeleted")),
+ "task": ("taskCreated", "taskUpdated", "taskDeleted"),
+ "list": ("listCreated", "listUpdated", "listDeleted"),
+ "folder": ("folderCreated", "folderUpdated", "folderDeleted"),
+ "space": ("spaceCreated", "spaceUpdated", "spaceDeleted"),
+ "goal": ("goalCreated", "goalUpdated", "goalDeleted"),
@@ -42,9 +42,8 @@ def process_url(input_url: str, base_url: str) -> str:
def get_event_choices_string() -> str:
choices_string = ""
- for key, value in EVENT_CHOICES.items():
- event, _ = value
- choices_string += f" {key} = {event}\n"
+ for index, key in enumerate(EVENT_CHOICES):
+ choices_string += f" {index+1} = {key}\n"
return choices_string
@@ -207,6 +206,7 @@ related to task, list and folder: 1,2,3
querying_user_input: bool = True
selected_events: List[str] = []
+ code_to_event_dict = {i + 1: key for i, key in enumerate(EVENT_CHOICES)}
while querying_user_input:
input_codes_list: str = input("EVENT CODE(s): ")
@@ -215,12 +215,13 @@ related to task, list and folder: 1,2,3
input_is_valid: bool = len(user_input) > 0
exhausted_options: List[str] = []
if "*" in input_codes_list:
- all_events = [event for _, events in EVENT_CHOICES.values() for event in events]
+ all_events = [event for events in EVENT_CHOICES.values() for event in events]
return all_events
for event_code in user_input:
- if event_code in EVENT_CHOICES and event_code not in exhausted_options:
- _, events = EVENT_CHOICES[event_code]
+ event = code_to_event_dict.get(int(event_code))
+ if event in EVENT_CHOICES and event_code not in exhausted_options:
+ events = EVENT_CHOICES[event]
selected_events += events
LGTM. Thanks for working on this one.