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Server brand is exposed for a second after joining/switching servers
Using F3Name on bungeecord, with update-time: 20. Players can see my backend server brand right after joining for a moment, can this be blocked? Thanks
it could possibly be related, but this listener seems to be useless, you are cancelling the plugin send then sending another plugin message with the same data? https://github.com/prettydude/F3Name/blob/master/src/main/java/ua/coolboy/f3name/bungee/BungeeEventListener.java#L54
should be doing: e.setCancelled(true); ProxiedPlayer player = (ProxiedPlayer) e.getReceiver(); ByteBuf brand = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.heapBuffer(); DefinedPacket.writeString("server f3 name here", brand); player.sendData(e.getTag(), DefinedPacket.toArray(brand)); brand.release();
Using F3Name on bungeecord, with update-time: 20. Players can see my backend server brand right after joining for a moment, can this be blocked? Thanks
This is probably a small delay between joining and when https://github.com/prettydude/F3Name/blob/master/src/main/java/ua/coolboy/f3name/bungee/BungeeEventListener.java#L30 gets send. Also, if Bungee detects plugin on connected server, it'll be used to determine the player group, and then applied on the next server brand refresh.
it could possibly be related, but this listener seems to be useless, you are cancelling the plugin send then sending another plugin message with the same data? https://github.com/prettydude/F3Name/blob/master/src/main/java/ua/coolboy/f3name/bungee/BungeeEventListener.java#L54
BungeeCord injects it's own "BungeeCord ->" into server brand at that stage, so simple cancelling and re-sending the same data from Bungee fixes that behavior.