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before :all not being executed

Open estahn opened this issue 7 years ago • 1 comments

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Run the following, but :all is not executed

describe 'thumbor' do
  before :all do
    image = Docker::Image.get(ENV['DOCKER_IMAGE'])

    set :os, family: :alpine
    set :backend, :docker
    set :docker_image,

    puts `find docker-compose -type f -name "*.tpl.yml" | xargs -I% -n1 /bin/bash -c 'envsubst < % > $(dirname %)/$(basename % .tpl.yml).yml'`

  #describe docker_run(tag: Docker::Image.get(ENV['DOCKER_IMAGE']).id, family: 'alpine', wait: 1) do
  describe docker_compose('spec/docker-compose/default.yml', family: 'alpine', wait: 3) do

Steps to Reproduce

See code above.

Expected Result

Executing :all before docker_run, or others.

Actual Result

Not being executed.

estahn avatar Apr 03 '17 13:04 estahn

I think this is strictly related to #8.

I guess the problem is not that it is not executed, but that it is executed after the docker_run. The reason is that docker_run should be run before running any test. It is executed at RSpec compile time in order to be able to check, for example, OS platform, outside it blocks (see #2).

I mean, the problem is that RSpec execution has different stages and running the container in one or the other stage has its advantages and disadvantages. Keep in mind that RSpec before blocks are run before the its blocks, but not before everything that is inside a describe block.

IMHO, the best way to do what you are trying to do is to use docker_build resource instead of a before. If docker_build needs to be extended to add a feature you need, I think that would be easier than trying to use before blocks to create your images. It may not be well explained in the README, but this gem is not meant to be used that way.

zuazo avatar Apr 04 '17 11:04 zuazo