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Entrypoint doesn't seem to be executed

Open wibimaster opened this issue 7 years ago • 7 comments

Dockerspec Version


Ruby Version

ruby 2.3.4p301 (2017-03-30 revision 58214) [x86_64-linux]

Platform Details

Alpine Linux v3.4


Try to build and test a Dockerfile with an entrypoint that create a user with Gosu.

Steps to Reproduce


FROM ubuntu:16.04

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install curl -y

RUN gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys B42F6819007F00F88E364FD4036A9C25BF357DD4
RUN curl -o /usr/local/bin/gosu -SL "$(dpkg --print-architecture)" \
    && curl -o /usr/local/bin/gosu.asc -SL "$(dpkg --print-architecture).asc" \
    && gpg --verify /usr/local/bin/gosu.asc \
    && rm /usr/local/bin/gosu.asc \
    && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gosu

COPY /usr/local/bin/

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"]

CMD ["bash"]


# Add local user
# Either use the LOCAL_USER_ID if passed in at runtime or fallback

IFS=':' read -r -a array <<< "$LOCAL_USER_ID"
uid=$([[ ! -z ${array[0]} ]] && echo ${array[0]} || echo 9001);
gid=$([[ ! -z ${array[1]} ]] && echo ${array[1]} || echo 9001);

echo "Starting with user : UID ${uid} - GID ${gid}"

if [ ! $(getent group $gid) ]; then
    echo "GID ${gid} does not exists"
    groupadd -g $gid -o group
    echo "GID ${gid} created"

useradd --shell /bin/bash -u $uid -o -c "" -m user
echo "UID ${uid} created"

export HOME=/home/user

exec /usr/local/bin/gosu $uid:$gid "$@"


require 'dockerspec/serverspec'

set :os, family: :ubuntu
set :backend, :docker

$project_root = File.expand_path(File.join(__FILE__, '..', '..'))

describe 'My Dockerfile' do
  describe docker_build($project_root) do
    it { should have_user 'nobody' }
    it { should have_entrypoint '/usr/local/bin/' }

    describe docker_run(described_image, env: {"LOCAL_USER_ID" => "6000:6000"}) do
      describe command('id -u') do
      	its(:stdout) { should match /6000/ }

Expected Result

id -u command should returns 6000 (or, if env fail, 9001)

Actual Result

id -u command returns 0 (root)

wibimaster avatar Apr 29 '17 14:04 wibimaster

Small addition: If I run the docker builded and type id -u in the shell, it works ; If I run the docker builded with the command id -u, it works too. It fail only in the test with dockerspec :/

wibimaster avatar Apr 29 '17 15:04 wibimaster

Hi, new test did today :

      describe command('/usr/local/bin/gosu 6000:6000 id -u') do
      	its(:stdout) { should match /6000/ }

This works. So this is not a "gosu" problem :/

I tried many things with serverspec and docker-api directly, but cannot create a successful test... Not sure in which project the problem is.

wibimaster avatar Apr 30 '17 09:04 wibimaster

Hi, after searching a week on that, I think the problem is maybe on Docker itself.

Dockerspec depends on Serverspec, which depends on SpecInfra. On the last, I found the docker backend :

As you can see, it calls Docker.exec command.

After some Googling, I found this issue :

It's not the same problem, but this sentence challenged me :

I think most people and myself included would not want to see the entrypoint scripts run twice as this might cause serious problems.

So, when the container is already started, launch an "exec" command on it does not re-call the entrypoint, and in my case, the "gosu" script does not precede the "exec" command. Because it starts a new shell as root.

The only "bad" solution I see is to preceed by myself the command tested with the entrypoint, but it's not really a good practice I think...

Do you have any better idea ?

At least, how to get dynamically the entrypoint to add it before the commands tested ?

Thanks !

wibimaster avatar May 01 '17 17:05 wibimaster

Hi @wibimaster,

First of all, thanks for making such a detailed report :wink:

As you have deduced, the problem is that command executes the command in the container itself, not in the entrypoint, and that does not look like it's going to be easy to change.

I can think of two possible solutions to your problem:

  1. Run the entrypoint yourself:
      describe command('/usr/local/bin/ id -u') do
        its(:stdout) { should match /6000/ }

Maybe adding a simple entrypoint_command wrapper would help. Not sure about it :thinking: What do you think?

  1. Another possibility is to check the shell opened by the entrypoint:
      describe process('bash') do
        it { should be_running }
        its(:user) { should eq 'user' }

zuazo avatar May 02 '17 04:05 zuazo


I see multiple possibilities :

  • For my particular case, maybe use the "--user" flag instead of "gosu". I don't know if the --user flag is reused when Serverspec throw an "exec" in the container.
  • Run the entrypoint myself is a possibility, but a little ugly
  • Check the shell opened, I didn't know I can do that ; can I test the UID and the GID with this method ?
  • Another way would be to execute commands in the shell already opened ; not really good, and not sure we can do that.

An entrypoint_command is, I think, helpful in this case. But the difference between commands at run and exec is maybe larger, like environment variable per process', etc.

The best way to achieve this is to get the capability to test commands at run and not with exec in the container. It should be a choice.

Because, what my problem expose, is the 2 ways we can use a Docker image, and if the test hadn't show me the difference between "run" and "exec", I could have had the problem in production.

I mean, if I used my docker image with commands at run, or if I run a shell and exec commands after, I have 2 distincts workflows with, in my case, 2 differents users.

Is there a way to do this :

    # id -u at run
    describe docker_run(described_image, env: {"LOCAL_USER_ID" => "6000:6000"}, cmd: ['id -u']) do
      	its(:stdout) { should match /6000/ }
    # id -u in exec
    describe docker_run(described_image, env: {"LOCAL_USER_ID" => "6000:6000"}, cmd: ['bash']) do
      describe command('id -u') do
      	its(:stdout) { should match /0/ }

wibimaster avatar May 02 '17 06:05 wibimaster

Maybe you could create multiple Dockerspec files for tests with different CMD / ENV instructions. See #10 for a more detailed explanation.

Check the shell opened, I didn't know I can do that ; can I test the UID and the GID with this method ?

See the process helper of Serverspec documentation. Seems not to be supported, but maybe it is not so difficult to implement.

Anyway, you can also use a shell command to check its uid:

      describe command('ps -o uid $(pidof bash)') do
        its(:stdout) { should match /6000/ }

The best way to achieve this is to get the capability to test commands at run and not with exec in the container. It should be a choice.

But this seems to be more a limitation of Docker than something that can be implemented in this gem, sorry :disappointed:

Is there a way to do this?

    describe docker_run(described_image, env: {"LOCAL_USER_ID" => "6000:6000"}, cmd: ['id -u']) do
      	# [...]

There could be a way to implement it, but currently is not possible to change those values in the docker_run.

zuazo avatar May 02 '17 11:05 zuazo


I like this way you wrote :

      describe command('ps -o uid $(pidof bash)') do
        its(:stdout) { should match /6000/ }


For my particular case, I found another solution provided by SpecInfra :

set :docker_container_exec_options, {'User' => '6000:6000'}

But if we want a more generic patch, it's possible but we need to patch SpecInfra itself ; not so complicated, but not sure the owner would accept a patch like this...

For the moment, the "User" trick is sufficient for me :)

wibimaster avatar May 04 '17 06:05 wibimaster