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Updating prices
What is the best way to update items prices, in the database?
Ehm remove all items in database and script will take them from market :). Allthough it wont save in database.
Okay sound cool, but what kind of script are you talking about? Something you will share?
I mean the CSGOWinBig site itself already has functions which grabs the price from steam market :D. So no extra script needed.
I modified the script a bit stating that if it had to pull the price I make it update in the DB.
@Kiliso sweet maybe share it ?
$marketObj = json_decode(file_get_contents("http://steamcommunity.com/market/priceoverview/?currency=1&appid=730&market_hash_name=$hash"), true);
$medianPrice = $marketObj['median_price'];
$lowestPrice = $marketObj['lowest_price'];
if (isset($medianPrice)) {
$price = doubleval(substr($medianPrice, 1)) * 100;
$stmt = $db->prepare("UPDATE items SET currentPrice='$price', suggestedPriceMin='0' where marketName = '$name'");
} else {
$price = doubleval(substr($lowestPrice, 1)) * 100;
$stmt = $db->prepare("UPDATE items SET currentPrice='$price', suggestedPriceMin='0' where marketName = '$name'");
Just add that to the search-items.php file.
@Kiliso Can you post the whole search-items code for reference?
He meant check-items.php i guess
@TheAnthonyNL Still not 100% sure what to change in the php though, which is my point.
pro github tip: you can do a range for the line numbers https://github.com/ztizzlegaming/CSGOWinBig/blob/master/src/php/check-items.php#L128-L146
@andrewda i know but its not that hard to figure it out right ;).
@TheAnthonyNL ;)