> What is this? It looks somehow useful, but what does it relate to? In the original issue you can define subtasks: "- [ ] task 1" resp "- [x]...
I'll open an issue @ mapsforge, let's see...
Their response doesn't make it seem that they care too much ... https://github.com/mapsforge/mapsforge/discussions/1269#discussioncomment-1751800
> If this gets implemented, can we also (optionally) show a altitude cursor like in locus? Not with the hillshading implementation in mapsforge - is really just shading. Basically it's...
Source of the data: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/SRTM Source of the files: https://bit.ly/dtm-germany-1s / https://bit.ly/dtm-germany-3s
reading #12329 is it correct that for files in /sdcard/Android/data/ java.io.File can still be used? So if we stored the dtm files there then it'd work without having to implement...
I've tested it on Android 11 and 12: Placing the files in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/cgeo.geocaching/files/ I can access them using java.io.File Unless anyone is opposed to doing that I'd like to go...
I've used LocalStorage.getExternalPrivateCgeoDirectory() for my tests now. That folder is usually accessible with file managers for the user to put the files, but my aim would be to have a...
> Only on some versions of Android 12. In the future access to /sdcard/Android/data will be blocked. The only reason you can still operate with file handles on this directory...
> But this is definitely not a mechanism Android intends for file sharing. It's clear that sharing between 2 apps (e.g. cgeo and Locus) requires SAF - and SAF would...