
Results 53 issues of zy

Hope have feature of specify node property for url of image for node

Is there More Documentation/Examples?


Ref. [GraphWorld: Fake Graphs Bring Real Insights for GNNs](https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.00112), [GraphWorld: Advances in Graph Benchmarking](http://ai.googleblog.com/2022/05/graphworld-advances-in-graph.html) https://github.com/google-research/graphworld A user of GraphWorld decides on a generative model for the task (in this case,...

Since GNN lack of canonical positional information, it reduces the expressiveness of a GNN model and cannot reach ideal task performance. It is a must to support positional encoding for...

ref of ViG: Represent the image as a graph structure and introduce a new Vision GNN (ViG) architecture to extract graph-level feature for visual tasks http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.00272 Vision GNN: An Image...

neighbor_sampler is an important part of GraphSAGE, and It's also a very common way of processing data. how to get neighbor_sampler function ?

Can Graphormer be modified to accommodate node classification and link prediction problems? Can you give a few examples?


Could upgrade and support torch-geometric 2.0 ?

what is ONNX.jl status now? Is the refactored version available ? Where is the new version of the documentation?