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fn-log is a cpp-based logging utility. It's a gift.
fn-log is an open source C++ lightweight & cross platform log library. It's an iteration from log4z.
It provides in a C++ application log and trace debug function for 7*24h service program.
Support 64/32 of windows/linux/mac/android/iOS.
fn-log是一款开源的轻量级高性能的跨平台日志库, 从log4z迭代而来, 主要针对7*24小时服务器程序的日志输出与跟踪调试,
[x] MIT开源授权 授权的限制非常小.
[x] 跨平台支持linux & windows & mac, 仅头文件实现.
[x] 生命周期自动化管理, 接口简洁易用.
[x] 高性能的线程安全实现.
std::atomic实现的lockfree方案, 跨平台并且极低的竞争代价, 多线程下有比单线程更好的性能表现(mutex实现多线程下性能会大幅损失)
文件写入可以达到300万行以上/秒, 不执行文件写入动作则可达到800万行/秒(完整的序列化和通道队列和处理流程). -
[x] 高性能的流程设计和高性能的序列化实现.
基础类型通过lut表进行序列化, 流程热点均有压测调优
文件写入可以达到300万行以上/秒, 不执行flush刷入动作(完整的序列化和通道队列)可达到800万行/秒. -
[x] 完备的线程安全实现 所有入口流程都做出了线程安全保证
多线程下任意线程开始构造和启停, 任意线程读写日志, 任意线程修改CFG配置(原子动作)
基于SHARED MEMORY的宕机恢复方案 参见测试用例test_shm.cpp
[x] 兼容yaml的配置解析器 支持热更新
[x] CHANNEL-DEVICE M:N组合方式的多管道-多输出端设计.
简洁的形式提供极强的扩展性, 可以满足大型项目的多种交叉输出和分流输出的复杂需求.
提供各种形式的device输出机制, 已实现的包括写文件, 写屏幕, 写UDP等.
支持虚拟设备 支持用户进行特殊导出等处理, 并保存有日志现场信息. -
[x] 常规日志功能支持
支持C++ stream风格的流式输入
Log Format
[20190514 16:47:20.536][ALARM] [15868]channel [0] start.
[20190514 16:47:20.548][DEBUG] [15868] fn-log\tests\simple_test.cpp:<40> main log init success
[20190514 16:47:20.548][DEBUG] [15868] fn-log\tests\simple_test.cpp:<42> main now time:1557823640;
[20190514 16:47:20.548][DEBUG] [15868] fn-log\tests\simple_test.cpp:<44> main hex text:
[0x7FF67B00B4B4: f n l o g .
[0x7FF67B00B4B4: 66 6E 6C 6F 67 00
[20190514 16:47:20.548][ALARM] [15868] fn-log\tests\simple_test.cpp:<46> main finish
Fast Use Example With Out Yaml File
#include "fn_log.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int ret = FNLog::FastStartDefaultLogger();
if (ret != 0)
return ret;
LogAlarm() << "log init success";
LogDebug() << "now time:" << time(nullptr) << ";";
LOGD("now time:" << time(nullptr) << ";");
LogDebugPack(0, 0, "now time:", time(nullptr), ";");
LogAlarm() << "finish";
return 0;
Fast Use Example With Yaml File
yaml file
# 配表文件
hot_update: true
# 0通道为多线程带文件和屏显输出
- channel: 0
priority: trace
category: 0
category_extend: 0
-device: 0
disable: false
out_type: file
priority: trace
category: 0
category_extend: 0
path: "./log/"
rollback: 4
limit_size: 1000 m #only support M byte
-device: 1
disable: false
out_type: screen
category: 0
category_extend: 0
# 1通道为多线程不挂任何输出端
- channel: 1
# 2通道为单线程同步写文件
- channel: 2
sync_write: 1 #only support single thread
-device: 0
disable: false
out_type: file
# 3通道为单线程无输出端
- channel: 3
sync_write: 1 #only support single thread
#include "fn_log.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int ret = FNLog::LoadAndStartDefaultLogger("./log.yaml");
if (ret != 0)
return ret;
int limit_second = 50;
while (limit_second > 0)
LogDebug() << "default channel.";
LogDebugStream(1, 0) << "channel:1, category:0.";
LogDebugStream(2, 0) << "channel:2, category:0.";
LogDebugStream(3, 0) << "channel:3, category:0.";
LogAlarm() << "finish";
return 0;
How To Use
multi header file
cp src/include/*.h to dst project.
single header file
cp fn_log.h.only to dst project and remove suffix ".only"
the file fn_log.h.only merge from src/include/*.h
Supported Compilers
- GCC >= 4.8
- MSVC >= VS2015
- CLANG >= 3.3
How To Test
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ../bin
Yaml Manual
Global Option:
[x] hot_update
option: true false
default: false
desc: moniter yaml file modify and update logger option. -
[x] shm_key
option: hex number
default: 0
desc: fn-log will used the number to create at shm memory , if already has shm memory will load it and run continue. -
[x] logger_name
desc: logger name -
[x] logger_desc
desc: logger desc -
[x] define
option: list format like "key:val, key:val, key:val" default: desc: like c/c++ #define; to replace the follow config content. warn: val length need equal or less than key length(maybe change impl).
Channel Option: (channel.)
[x] sync
option: async sync default: async
desc: async mod will open thread to async write log
desc: sync mod all operator in master thread -
[x] priority
option: trace debug info warn error alarm fatal
default: trace
desc: log will discard when log priority less than filter priority. -
[x] category
[x] category_extend
default: 0, invalid value.
desc: log will reserve when category in set [category, category+category_extend), and other not.
desc: mark content category to filter or write diff device -
[x] category_wmask
option: number
defualt: desc: white list for category, a bitmap by u64. -
[x] category_bmask
option: number
defualt: desc: sugar for 'category_mask' black list; -
[x] category_wlist
option: list format "1,23,44,1"
defualt: desc: sugar for 'category_mask' white list; -
[x] category_blist
defualt: desc: sugar for 'category_mask' black list; -
[x] identify_wmask
option: number
defualt: desc: white list for identify, a bitmap by u64. -
[x] identify_bmask
option: number
defualt: desc: sugar for 'identify_mask' black list; -
[x] identify_wlist
option: list format "1,23,44,1"
defualt: desc: sugar for 'identify_mask' white list; -
[x] identify_blist
defualt: desc: sugar for 'identify_mask' black list;
Device Option: (channel.device.)
[x] disable
option: true, false
default: true
desc: the device will ignore in proc log when this option is disable state. -
[x] out_type
option: null, file, udp, screen, virtual
default: null
desc: as the option name. only one virtual device per one channel. -
[x] priority
option: trace debug info warn error alarm fatal
default: trace
desc: log will not process when log priority less than filter priority. -
[x] category
[x] category_extend
default: 0, invalid value.
desc: log will process when category in set [category, category+category_extend), and other not. -
[x] category_wmask
option: number
defualt: desc: white list for category, a bitmap by u64. -
[x] category_bmask
option: number
defualt: desc: sugar for 'category_mask' black list; -
[x] category_wlist
option: list format "1,23,44,1"
defualt: desc: sugar for 'category_mask' white list; -
[x] category_blist
defualt: desc: sugar for 'category_mask' black list; -
[x] identify
[x] identify_extend
default: 0, invalid value.
desc: log will process when identify in set [identify, identify+identify_extend), and other not. -
[x] identify_wmask
option: number
defualt: desc: white list for identify, a bitmap by u64. -
[x] identify_bmask
option: number
defualt: desc: sugar for 'identify_mask' black list; -
[x] identify_wlist
option: list format "1,23,44,1"
defualt: desc: sugar for 'identify_mask' white list; -
[x] identify_blist
defualt: desc: sugar for 'identify_mask' black list; -
[x] udp_addr
desc: in out_type:udp valid.
desc: example format -
[x] path
default: "./"
desc: in out_type:file valid.
desc: out file path. -
[x] file
default: "$PNAME_$YEAR$MON$DAY_$PID."
desc: in out_type:file valid.
desc: diy out file name. support escape string: $PNAME $PID $YEAR $MON $DAY $HOUR $MIN $SEC -
[x] rollback
option: default: 0
desc: in out_type:file valid.
desc: 0 is no rollback op, and other number is rollback file count. -
[x] limit_size
option: default: 0
desc: in out_type:file valid.
desc: 0 is no limit, and other number is rollback file limit size (M byte). -
[x] stuff_up
option: default: false
desc: in out_type:file valid.
desc: rollback files when they are out limit size.
# 基础语法
## 缩进 相同scope的field需要保持缩进一致
## 缩进 子层级field缩进大于父层级field
## 数组 以-为前缀 需要放在key之前
## 注释 任意行内读到#之后会停止该行的解析操作, 即使位于引号内.
## kv分隔符 :
## 空白符 通常读到空白符会自动跳过, 但不包括尾随在值中间的空白符
## key 必须为小写字母和下划线 不允许其他值
## 值 会自动裁切前缀空白
## 值 的行尾边界有["#\r\n\0]
## 值 的内容做了约束 范围为: 字符数字[a-zA-Z0-9] [_-:/.,$~%]
## 值 的内容需求上为 文件名和路径 数字 字符 因此通过约束可以减少不必要的配置问题
# 错误码 代码中搜索ParseErrorCode, ErrNo查找对应说明.
# 宏语义 当前实现方式 原地替换(inplace)**随后**的所有字符串内容
# 宏语义 要注意替换后的内容不能长于原有内容, 可以避免内存重分配开销.
# 宏语义 要注意不要替换掉正常的字符串, 包含值中的内容
# 变量 和宏替换类似, 不同点在于执行替换动作时候会增加前缀$进行替换, 并包裹{}重复执行一次. 例如var:{tag0=1} 会替换掉${tag0} 和 $tag0
# 宏,变量 均不能重复定义 (替换无法再替换)
# 宏,变量 通常为符号名+字面量 用来定义在随后重复使用的数字类编号 category, indentify, mask等
- define: LIST______ 0,1,2,3 # used like c-style; warn: def name len must bigger than content.
- def: EMPTY______
- var: id = 234
- var: id0 = 0, id1 =1 # use var $id0 or ${id0}
- var: {key="sss", val=999}
# - shm_key: 33321231
# - hot_update:[true][false]
# - logger_name: string # log content prefix "LOG_PREFIX_NAME"
# - logger_desc: string # log content prefix "LOG_PREFIX_DESC"
- channel: 0
sync: async
#sync: [async][sync][ASYNC][SYNC]
#category: id
#category_extend: count
#category_wmask: 255 (white mask)
#category_wlist: {2,3,43} (white list)
#category_bmask: 255 (black mask)
#category_blist: {1,23,4} (black list)
#identify: id
#identify_extend: count
#identify_wmask: 255 (white mask)
#identify_wlist: {2,3,43} (white list)
#identify_bmask: 255 (black mask)
#identify_blist: {1,23,4} (black list)
- device: 0
disable: false
#disable: [false][true][FALSE][TRUE]
#category: id
#category_extend: count
#category_wmask: 255 (white mask)
#category_wlist: {2,3,43} (white list)
#category_bmask: 255 (black mask)
#category_blist: {1,23,4} (black list)
#identify: id
#identify_extend: count
#identify_wmask: 255 (white mask)
#identify_wlist: {2,3,43} (white list)
#identify_bmask: 255 (black mask)
#identify_blist: {1,23,4} (black list)
out_type: file
file: "$PNAME" #in file type it's log file name
path: ./ #in file type it's log file path
rollback: 4 #in file type it's this device log file rollback count.
limit_size: 100 m #in file type it's one log file limit size
#stuff_up: [true][false] #in file type it's 'false' will rollback old file when reopen logger. the 'true' will append exist log file still reach 'limit_size'
#udp_addr: [ip:port] # in udp type
- device: 1
disable: false
out_type: file
priority: error
file: "$PNAME_error"
rollback: 4
limit_size: 100 m #only support M byte
- device: 2
disable: false
out_type: screen
priority: info
- channel: 1
sync: sync
- device: 0
disable: true
About The Author
Author: YaweiZhang
Mail: [email protected]
QQGROUP: 524700770
GitHub: https://github.com/zsummer/fn-log