At present, the [current definition](https://github.com/EthicalSource/ethicalsource.dev/blob/60d3e0613b5ea7cd650bc801884e1e24085dca5f/content/definition.md) does not include a reference to "creator" anymore; however it does refer to "maintainers." @benhamill and @shaunagm - Does the revised definition feel like it...
I am disinclined to continue the general conversation of enforceability in this issue; as it distracts from the original openers' concerns and dilutes our ability to respond to community needs...
The dropped support for 4.2 also bit me while working on an old site. It makes sense to not worry as much about Rails 4.2, but it would be useful...
Same :(
Hello Friends! I've taken @mattio's lovely patch, and applied it into a branch. I am not planning to release the branch to npm, so here is a quick start for...
@jremi - Unfortunately, the patched version seems to be hit-or-miss across devices and iOS versions. The alternative I wound up finally going with is adding both [`cordova-plugin-ionic-webview`](https://github.com/ionic-team/cordova-plugin-ionic-webview) and [`cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard`](https://github.com/ionic-team/cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard) to...
To clarify, I am also not using ionic, the cordova-plugin-ionic-webview provides a solid WKWebView implementation for non-ionic apps.
Hey @edvenkat and @mallociFrancesca - I don't know that I can help shed much more light on this, other than to say that using cordova-plugin-ionic-webview is not a drop-in replacement;...
The solution remains to switch off the built in browser an onto the ionic maintained webview and keyboard plugins, per this comment - https://github.com/cjpearson/cordova-plugin-keyboard/issues/77#issuecomment-43346755
Sadly, the README for [cordova-plugin-ionic-webview](https://github.com/ionic-team/cordova-plugin-ionic-webview) does not include installation instructions, but I believe it is because they expect users to know how to use `[cordova plugin add](https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/reference/cordova-cli/#cordova-plugin-command)` I would recommend...