Serge Zaitsev
Serge Zaitsev
Or, this might be Darwin-specific, then you should do `runtime.LockOSThread()` before creating a webview, and probably this would be also relevant:
Please, try `func init() { runtime.LockOSThread() }`, it would ensure that `main.main` runs on the main thread and thus your webview is created on the main thread, too. If you...
Correct. Hopefully, moving the init function into the webview package would help, but I will check out how other UI frameworks solve such issues.
It looks like there are two common solutions. One is to call `runtime.LockOSThread` in the `init` function, that's what `goqt`, `gxui` and `libui` do, and I decided to do the...
@prologic Looks mostly OK, but as the UI becomes more complex I would say templates+jquery would become a burden. I found it really nice to keep view-model state struct in...
@brunocassol Actually, yes. Most GUI frameworks expect to be initialized and used form the main thread. `runtime.LockOSThread()` in the `func init()` ensures that the current (main) goroutine is tied to...
@brunocassol IIRC, Gtk allows the UI to be created on any thread, but forces it to be used from that thread only. So as long as you target Linux -...
In Canonical repo there seems to be no activity (in the last 7 months they only updated the readme once), also they don't seem to keep their react-native up to...
@frol There has been a recent discussion on HN ( and it got some rather unimpressive feedback. I would be very careful about yue (possible copyright violations, restrictions for contributors...
Could you please provide a bit more information: which OS (macOS?), how do you run the app (as a bundle?) etc.