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Update dependency googleapis to v137
This PR contains the following updates:
Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
googleapis | 81.0.0 -> 137.1.0 |
Release Notes
googleapis/google-api-nodejs-client (googleapis)
- run the generator (181f2d5)
- sts: This release has breaking changes.
- servicemanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- discoveryengine: This release has breaking changes.
- bigtableadmin: This release has breaking changes.
- beyondcorp: This release has breaking changes.
- artifactregistry: This release has breaking changes.
- aiplatform: This release has breaking changes.
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (9307046)
- aiplatform: update the API (925c9eb)
- artifactregistry: update the API (2c2b2f8)
- beyondcorp: update the API (739d6c2)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (423100f)
- cloudkms: update the API (b6b24c6)
- compute: update the API (0ef7bad)
- config: update the API (4e10242)
- dataform: update the API (8f3478b)
- discoveryengine: update the API (32bea90)
- documentai: update the API (7fa01b6)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (a82f599)
- firebaseml: update the API (2f8891d)
- gkehub: update the API (70f9e09)
- monitoring: update the API (e3d8b22)
- regenerate index files (fae0ca1)
- retail: update the API (86a26cb)
- run: update the API (df2306a)
- servicecontrol: update the API (a366d52)
- servicemanagement: update the API (9c2242b)
- spanner: update the API (e7a0d9a)
- storagetransfer: update the API (5a509c1)
- sts: update the API (9f4b7de)
- youtube: update the API (f596fa7)
Bug Fixes
- calendar: update the API (2510e81)
- dlp: update the API (38e8e22)
- logging: update the API (0492f02)
- recommender: update the API (d6be70f)
- safebrowsing: update the API (1cd8913)
- sqladmin: update the API (975e692)
- workloadmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceusage: This release has breaking changes.
- servicenetworking: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceconsumermanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- securitycenter: This release has breaking changes.
- redis: This release has breaking changes.
- networkmanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- iam: This release has breaking changes.
- doubleclickbidmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- dns: This release has breaking changes.
- dataportability: This release has breaking changes.
- dataplex: This release has breaking changes.
- dataform: This release has breaking changes.
- contentwarehouse: This release has breaking changes.
- content: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- beyondcorp: This release has breaking changes.
- alloydb: This release has breaking changes.
- aiplatform: This release has breaking changes.
- accessapproval: update the API (88f6ef5)
- admin: update the API (b6fff85)
- adsense: update the API (5349cf9)
- advisorynotifications: update the API (9c37105)
- aiplatform: update the API (56cde03)
- alertcenter: update the API (10d8698)
- alloydb: update the API (51ad37e)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (8b4c314)
- analyticshub: update the API (d06ce46)
- androidmanagement: update the API (bb2dc2d)
- androidpublisher: update the API (f58a3c8)
- appengine: update the API (543b45e)
- apphub: update the API (e9a8db0)
- artifactregistry: update the API (5a5e4aa)
- authorizedbuyersmarketplace: update the API (351c7ed)
- backupdr: update the API (9796834)
- beyondcorp: update the API (7f20c02)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (0e56135)
- bigquery: update the API (72b5d21)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (ad68d8c)
- blockchainnodeengine: update the API (7f0503c)
- chat: update the API (0810516)
- cloudasset: update the API (4eb45be)
- cloudbuild: update the API (d20db7b)
- clouddeploy: update the API (cd5014b)
- cloudsupport: update the API (ceb5503)
- compute: update the API (f84e98a)
- connectors: update the API (478d8c6)
- contactcenteraiplatform: update the API (862d69b)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (c1974c4)
- container: update the API (8cd9863)
- content: update the API (76546b8)
- contentwarehouse: update the API (aa28685)
- dataflow: update the API (ddd9231)
- dataform: update the API (a43ddce)
- datamigration: update the API (f0e692d)
- dataplex: update the API (20e701c)
- dataportability: update the API (50c5d63)
- datastream: update the API (57a62ef)
- dialogflow: update the API (ddfc789)
- discoveryengine: update the API (ec40fe5)
- discovery: update the API (8d42dab)
- displayvideo: update the API (90937cd)
- dlp: update the API (88f0a64)
- dns: update the API (4688a5e)
- documentai: update the API (b07b1aa)
- domains: update the API (d34c2a0)
- doubleclickbidmanager: update the API (0e6990d)
- eventarc: update the API (0c28816)
- factchecktools: update the API (bd8d187)
- firestore: update the API (6d67fed)
- games: update the API (99d63c1)
- gkebackup: update the API (e90fb98)
- gkehub: update the API (d4c3244)
- gmail: update the API (a4d9319)
- iam: update the API (2e9117f)
- iap: update the API (db72cb3)
- logging: update the API (4317a72)
- marketingplatformadmin: update the API (ff87055)
- metastore: update the API (57b1763)
- migrationcenter: update the API (3f91b3a)
- monitoring: update the API (b601933)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (bb6e8ff)
- networkmanagement: update the API (3c9d201)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (9efea7e)
- orgpolicy: update the API (9abcb3a)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (5c6228e)
- privateca: update the API (c8bed74)
- pubsub: update the API (985ba9b)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (cd6af58)
- redis: update the API (2896261)
- regenerate index files (7cbd403)
- retail: update the API (5c3af10)
- run: update the API (4adbdec)
- searchads360: update the API (03ca122)
- securitycenter: update the API (8b08aa2)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (8878e94)
- servicecontrol: update the API (763243a)
- servicenetworking: update the API (d481dce)
- serviceusage: update the API (41b76ee)
- sheets: update the API (74b2d05)
- spanner: update the API (2d2e0f6)
- sqladmin: update the API (7cc6d5e)
- tpu: update the API (d6658ff)
- trafficdirector: update the API (69f9252)
- verifiedaccess: update the API (33544fc)
- workloadmanager: update the API (855fab4)
- workstations: update the API (867515f)
- youtube: update the API (7452149)
Bug Fixes
- abusiveexperiencereport: update the API (dfd4aa1)
- acceleratedmobilepageurl: update the API (9b0387c)
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (413c833)
- acmedns: update the API (4199c73)
- addressvalidation: update the API (3c51f3f)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (ec9384a)
- adexperiencereport: update the API (8932647)
- admob: update the API (7b699f5)
- adsensehost: update the API (e4373ed)
- analyticsdata: update the API (9c8dcf8)
- analyticsreporting: update the API (4b2a5bd)
- analytics: update the API (f7f9cc4)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (47d89cd)
- androidenterprise: update the API (293c247)
- apigateway: update the API (7d02f2d)
- apigeeregistry: update the API (f627870)
- apikeys: update the API (f2ab501)
- area120tables: update the API (ba9d3e6)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (3dc3798)
- batch: update the API (10727a4)
- biglake: update the API (ebfd8c6)
- bigquerydatapolicy: update the API (4871975)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (05b9fc8)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (9f226a3)
- billingbudgets: update the API (1190847)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (a5ad874)
- blogger: update the API (285aa94)
- books: update the API (b95f9af)
- businessprofileperformance: update the API (92abfea)
- calendar: update the API (a040e6d)
- certificatemanager: update the API (32dd53e)
- checks: update the API (37cb793)
- chromemanagement: update the API (2a9f611)
- chromepolicy: update the API (5f2b01b)
- chromeuxreport: update the API (c7af220)
- civicinfo: update the API (74c8d7b)
- classroom: update the API (2183745)
- cloudbilling: update the API (f8baaac)
- cloudchannel: update the API (a65c068)
- cloudcontrolspartner: update the API (5a7437b)
- clouderrorreporting: update the API (4c557f5)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (fc21faf)
- cloudidentity: update the API (3d288c6)
- cloudkms: update the API (93e0687)
- cloudprofiler: update the API (d11e9e4)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (76f0f51)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (94305b7)
- cloudsearch: update the API (e6de73d)
- cloudshell: update the API (f399b75)
- cloudtasks: update the API (31dbbe2)
- cloudtrace: update the API (212d697)
- composer: update the API (75304a0)
- config: update the API (07be765)
- containeranalysis: update the API (90afb7b)
- customsearch: update the API (dc6b156)
- datacatalog: update the API (64c1abc)
- datafusion: update the API (6aff1d8)
- datalabeling: update the API (797471f)
- datapipelines: update the API (e108596)
- dataproc: update the API (abbcb61)
- datastore: update the API (fe99c43)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (87fda2a)
- dfareporting: update the API (4cec666)
- digitalassetlinks: update the API (abe8c25)
- docs: update the API (5c28cc5)
- domainsrdap: update the API (f3678df)
- doubleclicksearch: update the API (f6e9c9a)
- driveactivity: update the API (63563b6)
- drivelabels: update the API (44db39e)
- drive: update the API (5f88b3e)
- essentialcontacts: update the API (6bc249f)
- fcmdata: update the API (da072ae)
- fcm: update the API (c2043ed)
- file: update the API (4bbf0b9)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (851d463)
- firebaseappdistribution: update the API (96163b7)
- firebasedatabase: update the API (3d96170)
- firebasedynamiclinks: update the API (1122f63)
- firebasehosting: update the API (6abce84)
- firebaseml: update the API (eef0dfe)
- firebaserules: update the API (d02b49c)
- firebasestorage: update the API (b303956)
- firebase: update the API (38f0247)
- fitness: update the API (bd72df1)
- forms: update the API (e06cd96)
- gamesConfiguration: update the API (b26b164)
- gamesManagement: update the API (c056dbb)
- gkeonprem: update the API (50b340a)
- gmailpostmastertools: update the API (2d1dd45)
- groupsmigration: update the API (2d5dfc8)
- groupssettings: update the API (81f7c45)
- healthcare: update the API (4dcb153)
- homegraph: update the API (709f585)
- iamcredentials: update the API (0610412)
- identitytoolkit: update the API (99534fb)
- ids: update the API (5ad0d0b)
- indexing: update the API (3c4e15a)
- jobs: update the API (7687e7b)
- kgsearch: update the API (5a54be2)
- kmsinventory: update the API (3ac181b)
- language: update the API (91caf34)
- libraryagent: update the API (50b72ef)
- licensing: update the API (b6f27e9)
- lifesciences: update the API (fcc9aae)
- localservices: update the API (ca0c8d7)
- looker: update the API (0c067fa)
- managedidentities: update the API (1f430c5)
- manufacturers: update the API (d55ac4f)
- memcache: update the API (39c011c)
- ml: update the API (bf42196)
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: update the API (ce386e4)
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: update the API (cdaeb3b)
- mybusinesslodging: update the API (34eda38)
- mybusinessnotifications: update the API (ae38037)
- mybusinessplaceactions: update the API (c9f5ea0)
- mybusinessqanda: update the API (9d43c1e)
- mybusinessverifications: update the API (60bdbd2)
- networksecurity: update the API (b4ab725)
- networkservices: update the API (0cf9456)
- notebooks: update the API (71b9980)
- oauth2: update the API (db72d5d)
- osconfig: update the API (fc51160)
- oslogin: update the API (d814cb9)
- pagespeedonline: update the API (ea4b6e3)
- people: update the API (d2f704e)
- places: update the API (7dd5993)
- playcustomapp: update the API (301c3ad)
- playdeveloperreporting: update the API (7e73906)
- playgrouping: update the API (9753005)
- playintegrity: update the API (78dfca2)
- policyanalyzer: update the API (703ab7b)
- policysimulator: update the API (4a7be29)
- policytroubleshooter: update the API (a556194)
- poly: update the API (12d5e41)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (5dfac38)
- publicca: update the API (e7906c5)
- pubsublite: update the API (f06ab43)
- rapidmigrationassessment: update the API (3fe4f53)
- readerrevenuesubscriptionlinking: update the API (c2996fa)
- realtimebidding: update the API (e05daef)
- recommendationengine: update the API (7b4553c)
- recommender: update the API (827d7fc)
- reseller: update the API (3b0d62c)
- resourcesettings: update the API (b499612)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (f4f60c4)
- safebrowsing: update the API (ec3ca1a)
- sasportal: update the API (a6a96bc)
- script: update the API (582352f)
- searchconsole: update the API (25ad1ff)
- secretmanager: update the API (0d6d936)
- servicedirectory: update the API (a550687)
- servicemanagement: update the API (74cb0a2)
- siteVerification: update the API (a0d8969)
- slides: update the API (3e4be4b)
- smartdevicemanagement: update the API (6ec4bd9)
- solar: update the API (4377037)
- sourcerepo: update the API (0889507)
- speech: update the API (504c8d0)
- storagetransfer: update the API (aee9c44)
- storage: update the API (cd03772)
- streetviewpublish: update the API (3a0401c)
- sts: update the API (bce176a)
- tagmanager: update the API (594c354)
- tasks: update the API (4203139)
- testing: update the API (5d373cc)
- texttospeech: update the API (366a3fc)
- toolresults: update the API (ad28679)
- transcoder: update the API (1799ca0)
- translate: update the API (6ef599c)
- travelimpactmodel: update the API (be498cd)
- vault: update the API (cb9bc44)
- versionhistory: update the API (0e4d78e)
- videointelligence: update the API (8139c6a)
- vision: update the API (c6585c7)
- vmmigration: update the API (2664ee2)
- vmwareengine: update the API (fcdd0d9)
- vpcaccess: update the API (fe1b7f5)
- walletobjects: update the API (58fe19c)
- webfonts: update the API (bd5115d)
- webrisk: update the API (e227c8e)
- websecurityscanner: update the API (3e1d63b)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (3329041)
- workflows: update the API (b75aa48)
- workspaceevents: update the API (78acf6b)
- youtubeAnalytics: update the API (5fdf519)
- youtubereporting: update the API (87c5dcc)
- add API version to request (b0fe3c6)
- This release has breaking changes.
- storagetransfer: This release has breaking changes.
- storage: This release has breaking changes.
- looker: This release has breaking changes.
- logging: This release has breaking changes.
- language: This release has breaking changes.
- discoveryengine: This release has breaking changes.
- dataform: This release has breaking changes.
- connectors: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudbuild: This release has breaking changes.
- admin: update the API (939730c)
- aiplatform: update the API (bee5953)
- alloydb: update the API (811596d)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (6a12917)
- analyticshub: update the API (620e881)
- appengine: update the API (363be51)
- apphub: update the API (6acbca7)
- artifactregistry: update the API (f660310)
- authorizedbuyersmarketplace: update the API (ce3b9d9)
- beyondcorp: update the API (7912c1c)
- bigquery: update the API (bb0336c)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (2ffb49d)
- chat: update the API (2ac1b12)
- chromemanagement: update the API (131c12a)
- cloudbilling: update the API (b7cf2f0)
- cloudbuild: update the API (5ed8cc6)
- clouddeploy: update the API (7537bf0)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (d94398d)
- cloudidentity: update the API (ba88c53)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (de01fce)
- composer: update the API (0893491)
- compute: update the API (65016d0)
- connectors: update the API (d81f31d)
- containeranalysis: update the API (26dd897)
- container: update the API (0642926)
- content: update the API (6a26ecc)
- dataform: update the API (ad1b4a6)
- dataplex: update the API (14a6f0e)
- dataportability: update the API (28a4af4)
- dialogflow: update the API (3d7fb88)
- discoveryengine: update the API (e5ab8e6)
- dlp: update the API (37c56f8)
- dns: update the API (ab06b13)
- file: update the API (ff74297)
- gkehub: update the API (105445d)
- language: update the API (1972ea6)
- logging: update the API (2df1a80)
- looker: update the API (36a47c8)
- metastore: update the API (805d5a3)
- networkmanagement: update the API (c98987c)
- networksecurity: update the API (4187916)
- places: update the API (6eba24a)
- playdeveloperreporting: update the API (49b07d6)
- redis: update the API (5163287)
- regenerate index files (ce9aead)
- retail: update the API ([bf50f07](
📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).
🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.
♻ Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.
🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.
- [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box
This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.