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.NET Standard 2.1、.NET 5、.NET 6、.NET 7 版本SQLBuilder,Expression表达式转换为SQL语句,支持SqlServer、MySql、Oracle、Sqlite、PostgreSql;基于Dapper实现了不同数据库对应的数据仓储Repository;

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.NET Standard 2.1、.NET 5、.NET 6 版本SQLBuilder,Expression表达式转换为SQL语句,支持SqlServer、MySql、Oracle、Sqlite、PostgreSql;基于Dapper实现了不同数据库对应的数据仓储Repository;

🌭 开源地址

🥥 框架扩展包

包类型 名称 版本 描述
nuget Zq.SQLBuilder.Core nuget SQLBuilder.Core 核心包
nuget Zq.SQLBuilder.Core.SkyWalking nuget SQLBuilder.Core SkyWalking 扩展包
nuget Zq.SQLBuilder.Core.ElasticApm nuget SQLBuilder.Core ElasticApm扩展包
nuget Zq.SQLBuilder.Core.Diagnostics nuget SQLBuilder.Core Diagnostics扩展包

🚀 快速入门

  • ➕ 新增

await _repository.InsertAsync(entity);

await _repository.InsertAsync(entities);

await SqlBuilder
        .Insert<MsdBoxEntity>(() =>

await SqlBuilder
        .Insert<MsdBoxEntity>(() =>
                new UserInfo { Name = "张三", Sex = 2 },
                new UserInfo { Name = "张三", Sex = 2 }

  • 🗑 删除

await _repository.DeleteAsync(entity);

await _repository.DeleteAsync(entitties);

await _repository.DeleteAsync<MsdBoxEntity>(x => x.Id == "1");

await SqlBuilder
        .Where(x =>
            x.Id == "1")

await SqlBuilder
  • ✏ 更新

await _repository.UpdateAsync(entity);

await _repository.UpdateAsync(entities);

await _repository.UpdateAsync<MsdBoxEntity>(x => x.Id == "1", () => entity);

await SqlBuilder
        .Update<MsdBoxEntity>(() =>
        .Where(x =>
            x.Id == "1")
  • 🔍 查询

await _repository.FindListAsync<MsdBoxEntity>(x => x.Id == "1");

await SqlBuilder
        .Select<UserInfo, UserInfo, Account, Student, Class, City, Country>((u, t, a, s, d, e, f) =>
            new { u.Id, UId = t.Id, a.Name, StudentName = s.Name, ClassName = d.Name, e.CityName, CountryName = f.Name })
        .Join<UserInfo>((x, t) =>
            x.Id == t.Id) //注意此处单表多次Join所以要指明具体表别名,否则都会读取第一个表别名
        .Join<Account>((x, y) =>
            x.Id == y.UserId)
        .LeftJoin<Account, Student>((x, y) =>
            x.Id == y.AccountId)
        .RightJoin<Student, Class>((x, y) =>
            x.Id == y.UserId)
        .InnerJoin<Class, City>((x, y) =>
            x.CityId == y.Id)
        .FullJoin<City, Country>((x, y) =>
            x.CountryId == y.Id)
        .Where(x =>
            x.Id != null)

var condition = LinqExtensions
                    .True<UserInfo, Account>()
                    .And((x, y) => 
                        x.Id == y.UserId)
                        (x, y) => name.EndsWith("∞")
                        ? x.Name.Contains(name.Trim('∞'))
                        : x.Name == name);
var hasWhere = false;
await SqlBuilder
        .Select<UserInfo, Account>(
            (u, a) => new { u.Id, UserName = "u.Name" })
            x => x.Email != null && 
            (!name.EndsWith("∞") ? x.Name.Contains(name.TrimEnd('∞', '*')) : x.Name == name),
            ref hasWhere)
            x => x.Email == email,
            ref hasWhere)

await _repository.FindListAsync(condition, input.OrderField, input.Ascending, input.PageSize, input.PageIndex);

Func<string[], string> @delegate = x => $"ks.{x[0]}{x[1]}{x[2]} WITH(NOLOCK)";

await SqlBuilder
        .Select<UserInfo, Account, Student, Class, City, Country>((u, a, s, d, e, f) =>
            new { u, a.Name, StudentName = s.Name, ClassName = d.Name, e.CityName, CountryName = f.Name },
            tableNameFunc: @delegate)
        .Join<Account>((x, y) =>
            x.Id == y.UserId,
        .LeftJoin<Account, Student>((x, y) =>
            x.Id == y.AccountId,
        .RightJoin<Class, Student>((x, y) =>
            y.Id == x.UserId,
        .InnerJoin<Class, City>((x, y) =>
            x.CityId == y.Id,
        .FullJoin<City, Country>((x, y) =>
            x.CountryId == y.Id,
        .Where(u =>
            u.Id != null)

  • 🎫 队列

_repository.AddQueue(async repo =>
    await repo.UpdateAsync<UserEntity>(
        x => x.Id == "1",
        () => new
            Name = "test"
        }) > 0);

_repository.AddQueue(async repo =>
    await repo.DeleteAsync<UserEntity>(x =>
        x.Enabled == 1) > 0);

var res = await _repository.SaveQueueAsync();

🌌 IOC注入


services.AddSqlBuilder(Configuration, "Base", (sql, parameter) =>
    if (WebHostEnvironment.IsDevelopment())
        if (parameter is DynamicParameters dynamicParameters)
            _logger.LogInformation($@"SQL语句:{sql}  参数:{dynamicParameters
                .ToDictionary(k => k, v => dynamicParameters.Get<object>(v))
        else if (parameter is OracleDynamicParameters oracleDynamicParameters)
            _logger.LogInformation($@"SQL语句:{sql} 参数:{oracleDynamicParameters
                .ToDictionary(k => k.ParameterName, v => v.Value)
            _logger.LogInformation($"SQL语句:{sql}  参数:{parameter.ToJson()}");

    return null;

⚙ 数据库配置

"ConnectionStrings": {
  "Base": [
    "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=test;Password=123;",
    "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=test;Password=123;",
    "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=test;Password=123;",
  "Cap": [
  "Oracle": [ "Oracle", "数据库连接字符串" ],
  "MySql": [ "MySql", "数据库连接字符串" ],
  "Sqlserver": [ "SqlServer", "数据库连接字符串" ],
  "Sqlite": [ "Sqlite", "数据库连接字符串" ],
  "Pgsql": [ "PostgreSql", "数据库连接字符串" ]

📰 事务

IRepository trans = null;
    trans = await _repository.BeginTransactionAsync();

    await trans.InsertAsync(entity);

    await trans.CommitAsync();
catch (Exception)
    if(trans != null)
        await tran.RollbackAsync();

var res = await _repository.ExecuteTransactionAsync(async trans =>
    var retval = (await trans.InsertAsync(entity)) > 0;

    if (input.Action.EqualIgnoreCase(UnitAction.InDryBox))
        code = await _unitInfoService.InDryBoxAsync(dryBoxInput);
        code = await _unitInfoService.OutDryBoxAsync(dryBoxInput);

    return code == ErrorCode.Successful && retval;

📯 仓储+切库

private readonly Func<string, IRepository> _handler;
private readonly IRepository _repository;

public MyService(Func<string, IRepository> hander)
    _handler = hander;

    _repository = hander(null);

var baseRepository = _handler("Base");

var capRepository = _handler("Cap");

🎣 读写分离

_repository.Master = false;


🔗 链路追踪

//注入SQLBuilder SkyWalking链路追踪

//使用SQLBuilder ElasticApm链路追踪

🧪 测试文档

🍻 贡献代码

SQLBuilder.Core 遵循 Apache-2.0 开源协议,欢迎大家提交 PRIssue