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Have currency converter implementation using any free and reliable online service
Provide an implementation of ICurrencyConverter
using an online service (free + reliable). This can be optionally consumed by the users. I would like to get your thoughts on:
- Should such an implementation be in the package with a namespace like
? - Should I publish the currency converters as a separate contrib package all together?
Finding a free and reliable API provider that doesn't limit API calls to 1,000 per month seems to be problematic: Others that I found followed the same pattern.
I'm inclined to think the currency converter should live in a separate package for extensibility purposes.
Hi, The issue opened long time ago, but I found a free API and implemented in my own project. Firstly I converted Money project to .Net version 8.0 (I use this version) and implemented the API. The implementation is below:
namespace Money
public class FrankfurterApiConvertedDto
public decimal Amount { get; set; }
public string Base { get; set; }
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public Dictionary<Currency, decimal> Rates { get; set; }
public class FrankfurterApiCurrencyConverter<T> : ICurrencyConverter<T>
where T : struct
private readonly HttpClient _httpClient;
public FrankfurterApiCurrencyConverter()
_httpClient = new HttpClient();
_httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
public T Convert(T fromAmount, Currency fromCurrency, Currency toCurrency)
if (fromCurrency == toCurrency)
return fromAmount;
var converterAddress = $"latest?amount=1&from={fromCurrency}&to={toCurrency}";
var rate = _httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<FrankfurterApiConvertedDto>(converterAddress).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
var rateConvertedToT = NumericTypeHelper.ConvertTo<T>(rate.Rates[toCurrency]);
return BinaryOperationHelper.MultiplyChecked(fromAmount, rateConvertedToT);
The API does not support all of the currencies, a check is needed, API has a supported currencies method. Also as I remember, rates are updated once in a day, you can look at the documentation.
HttpClient usage may be wrong, I generally use Typed Http Clients in web projects. It is just an idea of a free API usage.
I don't totaly use Money project as is, I was inspired by your project, thank you for your work.