David Higgins

Results 53 comments of David Higgins

+1 - having the same issue, I'm unable to create new projects due to not being to create/save new projects Firefox does appears to work, so for anyone having this...

I did a few more tests, it looks like the issue is related to Cognito Sync Events. When the remote record is marked as deleted, the Cognito Sync Event trigger...

If using DynamoDB, I’d recommend Cognito as an auth backend. My app does client side auth, and passes an auth token cookie to the server - whenever I need to...

@foo123, no. I use the cognito client side JavaScript to authenticate and simply pass the auth token that Cognito generates as a cookie. The middleware was custom written, and just...

Will take a closer look this week, haven’t had time to read up on the latest announcements from re:Invent yet :( With that said, syntax looks clean and intuitive though....

I've looked into it a bit, and I'm not sure I like the `satisfy` methods ... can these just be named `where`, `orWhere`, etc to be more natural/intuitive? Can we...

We’d have to implement all of that ourselves, so it would be available at any version the project supports. I’m simply proposing we follow the way that laravel is doing...

@baopham as far as I understand it, the ConditionCheck is just a standard expression, but requires a Key... allowing you to check if the item with `Key` matches the `ConditionExpression`...

Actually, I misread the docs myself ... I thought the TransactWriteItem object was a combination of ConditionCheck and Put/Delete/Update ... looks like it's a FIFO style queue and TransactWriteItem only...

You need to follow the instructions on the Laravel website for setting up Auth, it seems your model doesn’t extend or implement the Authenticatable contract properly.