Richard Zou

Results 218 comments of Richard Zou

There's also a related problem (which was discussed offline): the PyTorch cu102 binaries don't include the `_ZNSt19basic_ostringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1Ev` symbol, but the PyTorch cpu/cu113/cu116 binaries do. On some systems, doesn't actually...

Optional should be fine for now

This seems convenient to have. I am not sure if this would go into functorch or in torch.nn in the long-term state, but we can certainly toss something like this...

> Also this seems to be very vmap specific? Are you suggesting that we should put the nn.Ensemble API into functorch because it is vmap specific?

cc @samdow -- were these the ones you were planning on adding? I haven't checked if these fall into the low-hanging-fruit category

I think I know what is going on here, will fix soon. EDIT: fix over at . Thanks as always for reporting bugs, @AlphaBetaGamma96. It doesn't look like we've...

In order to combine the models together for ensembling with vmap, each model must call exactly the same sequence of PyTorch operations (otherwise, vmap will not work). So in that...

Couldn't you do ``` def optstep(model, jacobians): with torch.no_grad(): for i, param in enumerate(model.parameters()): param.add_(jacobians[i], alpha=-learning_rate) ``` ? (Also, you might want to try functorch.jacrev instead of torch.autograd.functional.jacobian -- it...