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Could not get JDBC Connection

Open yuezhao-zy opened this issue 6 years ago • 2 comments

Could not get JDBC Connection; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database!

The error may exist in com/system/mapper/UserloginMapper.xml

The error may involve com.system.mapper.UserloginMapper.selectByExample

The error occurred while executing a query


yuezhao-zy avatar Jun 29 '18 09:06 yuezhao-zy


zou-Jack avatar Jul 07 '18 11:07 zou-Jack

谢谢,已经解决了。是jdbc-connector jar包的版本与我的mysql不一致,我更新了一下jar就可以连接了。谢谢啦!

yuezhao-zy avatar Jul 08 '18 10:07 yuezhao-zy