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New submissions for Mon, 6 Nov 23
Keyword: sgd
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Keyword: optimization
Sequential Subset Matching for Dataset Distillation
- Authors: Authors: Jiawei Du, Qin Shi, Joey Tianyi Zhou
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract Dataset distillation is a newly emerging task that synthesizes a small-size dataset used in training deep neural networks (DNNs) for reducing data storage and model training costs. The synthetic datasets are expected to capture the essence of the knowledge contained in real-world datasets such that the former yields a similar performance as the latter. Recent advancements in distillation methods have produced notable improvements in generating synthetic datasets. However, current state-of-the-art methods treat the entire synthetic dataset as a unified entity and optimize each synthetic instance equally. This static optimization approach may lead to performance degradation in dataset distillation. Specifically, we argue that static optimization can give rise to a coupling issue within the synthetic data, particularly when a larger amount of synthetic data is being optimized. This coupling issue, in turn, leads to the failure of the distilled dataset to extract the high-level features learned by the deep neural network (DNN) in the latter epochs. In this study, we propose a new dataset distillation strategy called Sequential Subset Matching (SeqMatch), which tackles this problem by adaptively optimizing the synthetic data to encourage sequential acquisition of knowledge during dataset distillation. Our analysis indicates that SeqMatch effectively addresses the coupling issue by sequentially generating the synthetic instances, thereby enhancing its performance significantly. Our proposed SeqMatch outperforms state-of-the-art methods in various datasets, including SVNH, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and Tiny ImageNet. Our code is available at
Robust Adversarial Reinforcement Learning via Bounded Rationality Curricula
- Authors: Authors: Aryaman Reddi, Maximilian Tölle, Jan Peters, Georgia Chalvatzaki, Carlo D'Eramo
- Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG)
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- Abstract Robustness against adversarial attacks and distribution shifts is a long-standing goal of Reinforcement Learning (RL). To this end, Robust Adversarial Reinforcement Learning (RARL) trains a protagonist against destabilizing forces exercised by an adversary in a competitive zero-sum Markov game, whose optimal solution, i.e., rational strategy, corresponds to a Nash equilibrium. However, finding Nash equilibria requires facing complex saddle point optimization problems, which can be prohibitive to solve, especially for high-dimensional control. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for adversarial RL based on entropy regularization to ease the complexity of the saddle point optimization problem. We show that the solution of this entropy-regularized problem corresponds to a Quantal Response Equilibrium (QRE), a generalization of Nash equilibria that accounts for bounded rationality, i.e., agents sometimes play random actions instead of optimal ones. Crucially, the connection between the entropy-regularized objective and QRE enables free modulation of the rationality of the agents by simply tuning the temperature coefficient. We leverage this insight to propose our novel algorithm, Quantal Adversarial RL (QARL), which gradually increases the rationality of the adversary in a curriculum fashion until it is fully rational, easing the complexity of the optimization problem while retaining robustness. We provide extensive evidence of QARL outperforming RARL and recent baselines across several MuJoCo locomotion and navigation problems in overall performance and robustness.
Should Under-parameterized Student Networks Copy or Average Teacher Weights?
- Authors: Authors: Berfin Şimşek, Amire Bendjeddou, Wulfram Gerstner, Johanni Brea
- Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
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- Abstract Any continuous function $f^$ can be approximated arbitrarily well by a neural network with sufficiently many neurons $k$. We consider the case when $f^$ itself is a neural network with one hidden layer and $k$ neurons. Approximating $f^*$ with a neural network with $n< k$ neurons can thus be seen as fitting an under-parameterized "student" network with $n$ neurons to a "teacher" network with $k$ neurons. As the student has fewer neurons than the teacher, it is unclear, whether each of the $n$ student neurons should copy one of the teacher neurons or rather average a group of teacher neurons. For shallow neural networks with erf activation function and for the standard Gaussian input distribution, we prove that "copy-average" configurations are critical points if the teacher's incoming vectors are orthonormal and its outgoing weights are unitary. Moreover, the optimum among such configurations is reached when $n-1$ student neurons each copy one teacher neuron and the $n$-th student neuron averages the remaining $k-n+1$ teacher neurons. For the student network with $n=1$ neuron, we provide additionally a closed-form solution of the non-trivial critical point(s) for commonly used activation functions through solving an equivalent constrained optimization problem. Empirically, we find for the erf activation function that gradient flow converges either to the optimal copy-average critical point or to another point where each student neuron approximately copies a different teacher neuron. Finally, we find similar results for the ReLU activation function, suggesting that the optimal solution of underparameterized networks has a universal structure.
Comparando Estratégias de Roteamento em Redes Quânticas Oportunísticas
- Authors: Authors: Diego Abreu, Alan Veloso, Antonio Abelém
- Subjects: Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI); Emerging Technologies (cs.ET); Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
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- Abstract This paper presents a comparative analysis of three routing strategies in opportunistic quantum networks. Quantum communication networks face unique challenges, such as the fragility of qubits and the need to create and maintain pairs of entangled states for reliable transmission. In this context, efficient and reliable routing is crucial to maximize the fidelity of the established routes, minimize the creation of new entangled pairs, and reduce the need for route recalculation. The routing strategies are compared based on the fidelity of the chosen routes, the number of entangled pairs created, and the number of route recalculations. The results obtained provide valuable information for the design and optimization of opportunistic quantum networks, contributing to advances in the efficiency and reliability of quantum communications.
Disentangled Representation Learning with Transmitted Information Bottleneck
- Authors: Authors: Zhuohang Dang, Minnan Luo, Chengyou Jia, Guang Dai, Jihong Wang, Xiaojun Chang, Jingdong Wang, Qinghua Zheng
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
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- Abstract Encoding only the task-related information from the raw data, \ie, disentangled representation learning, can greatly contribute to the robustness and generalizability of models. Although significant advances have been made by regularizing the information in representations with information theory, two major challenges remain: 1) the representation compression inevitably leads to performance drop; 2) the disentanglement constraints on representations are in complicated optimization. To these issues, we introduce Bayesian networks with transmitted information to formulate the interaction among input and representations during disentanglement. Building upon this framework, we propose \textbf{DisTIB} (\textbf{T}ransmitted \textbf{I}nformation \textbf{B}ottleneck for \textbf{Dis}entangled representation learning), a novel objective that navigates the balance between information compression and preservation. We employ variational inference to derive a tractable estimation for DisTIB. This estimation can be simply optimized via standard gradient descent with a reparameterization trick. Moreover, we theoretically prove that DisTIB can achieve optimal disentanglement, underscoring its superior efficacy. To solidify our claims, we conduct extensive experiments on various downstream tasks to demonstrate the appealing efficacy of DisTIB and validate our theoretical analyses.
Communication-Efficient Federated Non-Linear Bandit Optimization
- Authors: Authors: Chuanhao Li, Chong Liu, Yu-Xiang Wang
- Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC)
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- Abstract Federated optimization studies the problem of collaborative function optimization among multiple clients (e.g. mobile devices or organizations) under the coordination of a central server. Since the data is collected separately by each client and always remains decentralized, federated optimization preserves data privacy and allows for large-scale computing, which makes it a promising decentralized machine learning paradigm. Though it is often deployed for tasks that are online in nature, e.g., next-word prediction on keyboard apps, most works formulate it as an offline problem. The few exceptions that consider federated bandit optimization are limited to very simplistic function classes, e.g., linear, generalized linear, or non-parametric function class with bounded RKHS norm, which severely hinders its practical usage. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm, named Fed-GO-UCB, for federated bandit optimization with generic non-linear objective function. Under some mild conditions, we rigorously prove that Fed-GO-UCB is able to achieve sub-linear rate for both cumulative regret and communication cost. At the heart of our theoretical analysis are distributed regression oracle and individual confidence set construction, which can be of independent interests. Empirical evaluations also demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Universal Perturbation-based Secret Key-Controlled Data Hiding
- Authors: Authors: Donghua Wang, Wen Yao, Tingsong Jiang, Xiaoqian Chen
- Subjects: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
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- Abstract Deep neural networks (DNNs) are demonstrated to be vulnerable to universal perturbation, a single quasi-perceptible perturbation that can deceive the DNN on most images. However, the previous works are focused on using universal perturbation to perform adversarial attacks, while the potential usability of universal perturbation as data carriers in data hiding is less explored, especially for the key-controlled data hiding method. In this paper, we propose a novel universal perturbation-based secret key-controlled data-hiding method, realizing data hiding with a single universal perturbation and data decoding with the secret key-controlled decoder. Specifically, we optimize a single universal perturbation, which serves as a data carrier that can hide multiple secret images and be added to most cover images. Then, we devise a secret key-controlled decoder to extract different secret images from the single container image constructed by the universal perturbation by using different secret keys. Moreover, a suppress loss function is proposed to prevent the secret image from leakage. Furthermore, we adopt a robust module to boost the decoder's capability against corruption. Finally, A co-joint optimization strategy is proposed to find the optimal universal perturbation and decoder. Extensive experiments are conducted on different datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Additionally, the physical test performed on platforms (e.g., WeChat and Twitter) verifies the usability of the proposed method in practice.
CraterGrader: Autonomous Robotic Terrain Manipulation for Lunar Site Preparation and Earthmoving
- Authors: Authors: Ryan Lee, Benjamin Younes, Alexander Pletta, John Harrington, Russell Q. Wong, William "Red" Whittaker
- Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract Establishing lunar infrastructure is paramount to long-term habitation on the Moon. To meet the demand for future lunar infrastructure development, we present CraterGrader, a novel system for autonomous robotic earthmoving tasks within lunar constraints. In contrast to the current approaches to construction autonomy, CraterGrader uses online perception for dynamic mapping of deformable terrain, devises an energy-efficient material movement plan using an optimization-based transport planner, precisely localizes without GPS, and uses integrated drive and tool control to manipulate regolith with unknown and non-constant geotechnical parameters. We demonstrate CraterGrader's ability to achieve unprecedented performance in autonomous smoothing and grading within a lunar-like environment, showing that this framework is capable, robust, and a benchmark for future planetary site preparation robotics.
EXIM: A Hybrid Explicit-Implicit Representation for Text-Guided 3D Shape Generation
- Authors: Authors: Zhengzhe Liu, Jingyu Hu, Ka-Hei Hui, Xiaojuan Qi, Daniel Cohen-Or, Chi-Wing Fu
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
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- Abstract This paper presents a new text-guided technique for generating 3D shapes. The technique leverages a hybrid 3D shape representation, namely EXIM, combining the strengths of explicit and implicit representations. Specifically, the explicit stage controls the topology of the generated 3D shapes and enables local modifications, whereas the implicit stage refines the shape and paints it with plausible colors. Also, the hybrid approach separates the shape and color and generates color conditioned on shape to ensure shape-color consistency. Unlike the existing state-of-the-art methods, we achieve high-fidelity shape generation from natural-language descriptions without the need for time-consuming per-shape optimization or reliance on human-annotated texts during training or test-time optimization. Further, we demonstrate the applicability of our approach to generate indoor scenes with consistent styles using text-induced 3D shapes. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the compelling quality of our results and the high coherency of our generated shapes with the input texts, surpassing the performance of existing methods by a significant margin. Codes and models are released at
Second-Order Convergent Collision-Constrained Optimization-Based Planner
- Authors: Authors: Chen Liang, Xifeng Gao, Kui Wu, Zherong Pan
- Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO)
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- Abstract Finding robot poses and trajectories represents a foundational aspect of robot motion planning. Despite decades of research, efficiently and robustly addressing these challenges is still difficult. Existing approaches are often plagued by various limitations, such as intricate geometric approximations, violations of collision constraints, or slow first-order convergence. In this paper, we introduce two novel optimization formulations that offer provable robustness, achieving second-order convergence while requiring only a convex approximation of the robot's links and obstacles. Our first method, known as the Explicit Collision Barrier (ECB) method, employs a barrier function to guarantee separation between convex objects. ECB uses an efficient matrix factorization technique, enabling a second-order Newton's method with an iterative complexity linear in the number of separating planes. Our second method, referred to as the Implicit Collision Barrier (ICB) method, further transforms the separating planes into implicit functions of robot poses. We show such an implicit objective function is twice-differentiable, with derivatives evaluated at a linear complexity. To assess the effectiveness of our approaches, we conduct a comparative study with a first-order baseline algorithm across six testing scenarios. Our results unequivocally justify that our method exhibits significantly faster convergence rates compared to the baseline algorithm.
Learning Reduced-Order Soft Robot Controller
- Authors: Authors: Chen Liang, Xifeng Gao, Kui Wu, Zherong Pan
- Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO)
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- Abstract Deformable robots are notoriously difficult to model or control due to its high-dimensional configuration spaces. Direct trajectory optimization suffers from the curse-of-dimensionality and incurs a high computational cost, while learning-based controller optimization methods are sensitive to hyper-parameter tuning. To overcome these limitations, we hypothesize that high fidelity soft robots can be both simulated and controlled by restricting to low-dimensional spaces. Under such assumption, we propose a two-stage algorithm to identify such simulation- and control-spaces. Our method first identifies the so-called simulation-space that captures the salient deformation modes, to which the robot's governing equation is restricted. We then identify the control-space, to which control signals are restricted. We propose a multi-fidelity Riemannian Bayesian bilevel optimization to identify task-specific control spaces. We show that the dimension of control-space can be less than $10$ for a high-DOF soft robot to accomplish walking and swimming tasks, allowing low-dimensional MPC controllers to be applied to soft robots with tractable computational complexity.
CoPriv: Network/Protocol Co-Optimization for Communication-Efficient Private Inference
- Authors: Authors: Wenxuan Zeng, Meng Li, Haichuan Yang, Wen-jie Lu, Runsheng Wang, Ru Huang
- Subjects: Cryptography and Security (cs.CR)
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- Abstract Deep neural network (DNN) inference based on secure 2-party computation (2PC) can offer cryptographically-secure privacy protection but suffers from orders of magnitude latency overhead due to enormous communication. Previous works heavily rely on a proxy metric of ReLU counts to approximate the communication overhead and focus on reducing the ReLUs to improve the communication efficiency. However, we observe these works achieve limited communication reduction for state-of-the-art (SOTA) 2PC protocols due to the ignorance of other linear and non-linear operations, which now contribute to the majority of communication. In this work, we present CoPriv, a framework that jointly optimizes the 2PC inference protocol and the DNN architecture. CoPriv features a new 2PC protocol for convolution based on Winograd transformation and develops DNN-aware optimization to significantly reduce the inference communication. CoPriv further develops a 2PC-aware network optimization algorithm that is compatible with the proposed protocol and simultaneously reduces the communication for all the linear and non-linear operations. We compare CoPriv with the SOTA 2PC protocol, CrypTFlow2, and demonstrate 2.1x communication reduction for both ResNet-18 and ResNet-32 on CIFAR-100. We also compare CoPriv with SOTA network optimization methods, including SNL, MetaPruning, etc. CoPriv achieves 9.98x and 3.88x online and total communication reduction with a higher accuracy compare to SNL, respectively. CoPriv also achieves 3.87x online communication reduction with more than 3% higher accuracy compared to MetaPruning.
Random ISAC Signals Deserve Dedicated Precoding
- Authors: Authors: Shihang Lu, Fan Liu, Fuwang Dong, Yifeng Xiong, Jie Xu, Ya-Feng Liu, Shi Jin
- Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT); Signal Processing (eess.SP)
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- Abstract Radar systems typically employ well-designed deterministic signals for target sensing, while integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) systems have to adopt random signals to convey useful information. This paper analyzes the sensing and ISAC performance relying on random signaling in a multiantenna system. Towards this end, we define a new sensing performance metric, namely, ergodic linear minimum mean square error (ELMMSE), which characterizes the estimation error averaged over random ISAC signals. Then, we investigate a data-dependent precoding (DDP) scheme to minimize the ELMMSE in sensing-only scenarios, which attains the optimized performance at the cost of high implementation overhead. To reduce the cost, we present an alternative data-independent precoding (DIP) scheme by stochastic gradient projection (SGP). Moreover, we shed light on the optimal structures of both sensing-only DDP and DIP precoders. As a further step, we extend the proposed DDP and DIP approaches to ISAC scenarios, which are solved via a tailored penalty-based alternating optimization algorithm. Our numerical results demonstrate that the proposed DDP and DIP methods achieve substantial performance gains over conventional ISAC signaling schemes that treat the signal sample covariance matrix as deterministic, which proves that random ISAC signals deserve dedicated precoding designs.
Domain Randomization via Entropy Maximization
- Authors: Authors: Gabriele Tiboni, Pascal Klink, Jan Peters, Tatiana Tommasi, Carlo D'Eramo, Georgia Chalvatzaki
- Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Robotics (cs.RO)
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- Abstract Varying dynamics parameters in simulation is a popular Domain Randomization (DR) approach for overcoming the reality gap in Reinforcement Learning (RL). Nevertheless, DR heavily hinges on the choice of the sampling distribution of the dynamics parameters, since high variability is crucial to regularize the agent's behavior but notoriously leads to overly conservative policies when randomizing excessively. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to address sim-to-real transfer, which automatically shapes dynamics distributions during training in simulation without requiring real-world data. We introduce DOmain RAndomization via Entropy MaximizatiON (DORAEMON), a constrained optimization problem that directly maximizes the entropy of the training distribution while retaining generalization capabilities. In achieving this, DORAEMON gradually increases the diversity of sampled dynamics parameters as long as the probability of success of the current policy is sufficiently high. We empirically validate the consistent benefits of DORAEMON in obtaining highly adaptive and generalizable policies, i.e. solving the task at hand across the widest range of dynamics parameters, as opposed to representative baselines from the DR literature. Notably, we also demonstrate the Sim2Real applicability of DORAEMON through its successful zero-shot transfer in a robotic manipulation setup under unknown real-world parameters.
Parameterized algorithms for block-structured integer programs with large entries
- Authors: Authors: Jana Cslovjecsek, Martin Koutecký, Alexandra Lassota, Michał Pilipczuk, Adam Polak
- Subjects: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Optimization and Control (math.OC)
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- Abstract We study two classic variants of block-structured integer programming. Two-stage stochastic programs are integer programs of the form ${A_i \mathbf{x} + D_i \mathbf{y}_i = \mathbf{b}i\textrm{ for all }i=1,\ldots,n}$, where $A_i$ and $D_i$ are bounded-size matrices. On the other hand, $n$-fold programs are integer programs of the form ${{\sum{i=1}^n C_i\mathbf{y}_i=\mathbf{a}} \textrm{ and } D_i\mathbf{y}_i=\mathbf{b}_i\textrm{ for all }i=1,\ldots,n}$, where again $C_i$ and $D_i$ are bounded-size matrices. It is known that solving these kind of programs is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by the maximum dimension among the relevant matrices $A_i,C_i,D_i$ and the maximum absolute value of any entry appearing in the constraint matrix. We show that the parameterized tractability results for two-stage stochastic and $n$-fold programs persist even when one allows large entries in the global part of the program. More precisely, we prove that: - The feasibility problem for two-stage stochastic programs is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by the dimensions of matrices $A_i,D_i$ and by the maximum absolute value of the entries of matrices $D_i$. That is, we allow matrices $A_i$ to have arbitrarily large entries. - The linear optimization problem for $n$-fold integer programs that are uniform -- all matrices $C_i$ are equal -- is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by the dimensions of matrices $C_i$ and $D_i$ and by the maximum absolute value of the entries of matrices $D_i$. That is, we require that $C_i=C$ for all $i=1,\ldots,n$, but we allow $C$ to have arbitrarily large entries. In the second result, the uniformity assumption is necessary; otherwise the problem is $\mathsf{NP}$-hard already when the parameters take constant values. Both our algorithms are weakly polynomial: the running time is measured in the total bitsize of the input.
From Chaos to Calibration: A Geometric Mutual Information Approach to Target-Free Camera LiDAR Extrinsic Calibration
- Authors: Authors: Jack Borer, Jeremy Tschirner, Florian Ölsner, Stefan Milz
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
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- Abstract Sensor fusion is vital for the safe and robust operation of autonomous vehicles. Accurate extrinsic sensor to sensor calibration is necessary to accurately fuse multiple sensor's data in a common spatial reference frame. In this paper, we propose a target free extrinsic calibration algorithm that requires no ground truth training data, artificially constrained motion trajectories, hand engineered features or offline optimization and that is accurate, precise and extremely robust to initialization error. Most current research on online camera-LiDAR extrinsic calibration requires ground truth training data which is impossible to capture at scale. We revisit analytical mutual information based methods first proposed in 2012 and demonstrate that geometric features provide a robust information metric for camera-LiDAR extrinsic calibration. We demonstrate our proposed improvement using the KITTI and KITTI-360 fisheye data set.
Large Language Models Illuminate a Progressive Pathway to Artificial Healthcare Assistant: A Review
- Authors: Authors: Mingze Yuan, Peng Bao, Jiajia Yuan, Yunhao Shen, Zifan Chen, Yi Xie, Jie Zhao, Yang Chen, Li Zhang, Lin Shen, Bin Dong
- Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, large language models (LLMs) have shown promising capabilities in mimicking human-level language comprehension and reasoning. This has sparked significant interest in applying LLMs to enhance various aspects of healthcare, ranging from medical education to clinical decision support. However, medicine involves multifaceted data modalities and nuanced reasoning skills, presenting challenges for integrating LLMs. This paper provides a comprehensive review on the applications and implications of LLMs in medicine. It begins by examining the fundamental applications of general-purpose and specialized LLMs, demonstrating their utilities in knowledge retrieval, research support, clinical workflow automation, and diagnostic assistance. Recognizing the inherent multimodality of medicine, the review then focuses on multimodal LLMs, investigating their ability to process diverse data types like medical imaging and EHRs to augment diagnostic accuracy. To address LLMs' limitations regarding personalization and complex clinical reasoning, the paper explores the emerging development of LLM-powered autonomous agents for healthcare. Furthermore, it summarizes the evaluation methodologies for assessing LLMs' reliability and safety in medical contexts. Overall, this review offers an extensive analysis on the transformative potential of LLMs in modern medicine. It also highlights the pivotal need for continuous optimizations and ethical oversight before these models can be effectively integrated into clinical practice. Visit for an accompanying GitHub repository containing latest papers.
A Lower Bound for the Max Entropy Algorithm for TSP
- Authors: Authors: Billy Jin, Nathan Klein, David P. Williamson
- Subjects: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Combinatorics (math.CO)
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- Abstract One of the most famous conjectures in combinatorial optimization is the four-thirds conjecture, which states that the integrality gap of the subtour LP relaxation of the TSP is equal to $\frac43$. For 40 years, the best known upper bound was 1.5, due to Wolsey (1980). Recently, Karlin, Klein, and Oveis Gharan (2022) showed that the max entropy algorithm for the TSP gives an improved bound of $1.5 - 10^{-36}$. In this paper, we show that the approximation ratio of the max entropy algorithm is at least 1.375, even for graphic TSP. Thus the max entropy algorithm does not appear to be the algorithm that will ultimately resolve the four-thirds conjecture in the affirmative, should that be possible.
ProSG: Using Prompt Synthetic Gradients to Alleviate Prompt Forgetting of RNN-like Language Models
- Authors: Authors: Haotian Luo, Kunming Wu, Cheng Dai, Sixian Ding, Xinhao Chen
- Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
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- Abstract RNN-like language models are getting renewed attention from NLP researchers in recent years and several models have made significant progress, which demonstrates performance comparable to traditional transformers. However, due to the recurrent nature of RNNs, this kind of language model can only store information in a set of fixed-length state vectors. As a consequence, they still suffer from forgetfulness though after a lot of improvements and optimizations, when given complex instructions or prompts. As the prompted generation is the main and most concerned function of LMs, solving the problem of forgetting in the process of generation is no wonder of vital importance. In this paper, focusing on easing the prompt forgetting during generation, we proposed an architecture to teach the model memorizing prompt during generation by synthetic gradient. To force the model to memorize the prompt, we derive the states that encode the prompt, then transform it into model parameter modification using low-rank gradient approximation, which hard-codes the prompt into model parameters temporarily. We construct a dataset for experiments, and the results have demonstrated the effectiveness of our method in solving the problem of forgetfulness in the process of prompted generation. We will release all the code upon acceptance.
Optimal Image Transport on Sparse Dictionaries
- Authors: Authors: Junqing Huang, Haihui Wang, Andreas Weiermann, Michael Ruzhansky
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
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- Abstract In this paper, we derive a novel optimal image transport algorithm over sparse dictionaries by taking advantage of Sparse Representation (SR) and Optimal Transport (OT). Concisely, we design a unified optimization framework in which the individual image features (color, textures, styles, etc.) are encoded using sparse representation compactly, and an optimal transport plan is then inferred between two learned dictionaries in accordance with the encoding process. This paradigm gives rise to a simple but effective way for simultaneous image representation and transformation, which is also empirically solvable because of the moderate size of sparse coding and optimal transport sub-problems. We demonstrate its versatility and many benefits to different image-to-image translation tasks, in particular image color transform and artistic style transfer, and show the plausible results for photo-realistic transferred effects.
DeliverAI: Reinforcement Learning Based Distributed Path-Sharing Network for Food Deliveries
- Authors: Authors: Ashman Mehra, Snehanshu Saha, Vaskar Raychoudhury, Archana Mathur
- Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract Delivery of items from the producer to the consumer has experienced significant growth over the past decade and has been greatly fueled by the recent pandemic. Amazon Fresh, Shopify, UberEats, InstaCart, and DoorDash are rapidly growing and are sharing the same business model of consumer items or food delivery. Existing food delivery methods are sub-optimal because each delivery is individually optimized to go directly from the producer to the consumer via the shortest time path. We observe a significant scope for reducing the costs associated with completing deliveries under the current model. We model our food delivery problem as a multi-objective optimization, where consumer satisfaction and delivery costs, both, need to be optimized. Taking inspiration from the success of ride-sharing in the taxi industry, we propose DeliverAI - a reinforcement learning-based path-sharing algorithm. Unlike previous attempts for path-sharing, DeliverAI can provide real-time, time-efficient decision-making using a Reinforcement learning-enabled agent system. Our novel agent interaction scheme leverages path-sharing among deliveries to reduce the total distance traveled while keeping the delivery completion time under check. We generate and test our methodology vigorously on a simulation setup using real data from the city of Chicago. Our results show that DeliverAI can reduce the delivery fleet size by 12%, the distance traveled by 13%, and achieve 50% higher fleet utilization compared to the baselines.
Keyword: adam
There is no result
Keyword: gradient
The numerical linear algebra of weights: from the spectral analysis to conditioning and preconditioning in the Laplacian case
- Authors: Authors: Ludovico Bruni Bruno, Matteo Semplice, Stefano Serra-Capizzano
- Subjects: Numerical Analysis (math.NA)
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- Abstract Weights are geometrical degrees of freedom that allow to generalise Lagrangian finite elements. They are defined through integrals over specific supports, well understood in terms of differential forms and integration, and lie within the framework of finite element exterior calculus. In this work we exploit this formalism with the target of identifying supports that are appealing for finite element approximation. To do so, we study the related parametric matrix-sequences, with the matrix order tending to infinity as the mesh size tends to zero. We describe the conditioning and the spectral global behavior in terms of the standard Toeplitz machinery and GLT theory, leading to the identification of the optimal choices for weights. Moreover, we propose and test ad hoc preconditioners, in dependence of the discretization parameters and in connection with conjugate gradient method. The model problem we consider is a onedimensional Laplacian, both with constant and non constant coefficients. Numerical visualizations and experimental tests are reported and critically discussed, demonstrating the advantages of weights-induced bases over standard Lagrangian ones. Open problems and future steps are listed in the conclusive section, especially regarding the multidimensional case.
Should Under-parameterized Student Networks Copy or Average Teacher Weights?
- Authors: Authors: Berfin Şimşek, Amire Bendjeddou, Wulfram Gerstner, Johanni Brea
- Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
- Arxiv link:
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- Abstract Any continuous function $f^$ can be approximated arbitrarily well by a neural network with sufficiently many neurons $k$. We consider the case when $f^$ itself is a neural network with one hidden layer and $k$ neurons. Approximating $f^*$ with a neural network with $n< k$ neurons can thus be seen as fitting an under-parameterized "student" network with $n$ neurons to a "teacher" network with $k$ neurons. As the student has fewer neurons than the teacher, it is unclear, whether each of the $n$ student neurons should copy one of the teacher neurons or rather average a group of teacher neurons. For shallow neural networks with erf activation function and for the standard Gaussian input distribution, we prove that "copy-average" configurations are critical points if the teacher's incoming vectors are orthonormal and its outgoing weights are unitary. Moreover, the optimum among such configurations is reached when $n-1$ student neurons each copy one teacher neuron and the $n$-th student neuron averages the remaining $k-n+1$ teacher neurons. For the student network with $n=1$ neuron, we provide additionally a closed-form solution of the non-trivial critical point(s) for commonly used activation functions through solving an equivalent constrained optimization problem. Empirically, we find for the erf activation function that gradient flow converges either to the optimal copy-average critical point or to another point where each student neuron approximately copies a different teacher neuron. Finally, we find similar results for the ReLU activation function, suggesting that the optimal solution of underparameterized networks has a universal structure.
Disentangled Representation Learning with Transmitted Information Bottleneck
- Authors: Authors: Zhuohang Dang, Minnan Luo, Chengyou Jia, Guang Dai, Jihong Wang, Xiaojun Chang, Jingdong Wang, Qinghua Zheng
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
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- Abstract Encoding only the task-related information from the raw data, \ie, disentangled representation learning, can greatly contribute to the robustness and generalizability of models. Although significant advances have been made by regularizing the information in representations with information theory, two major challenges remain: 1) the representation compression inevitably leads to performance drop; 2) the disentanglement constraints on representations are in complicated optimization. To these issues, we introduce Bayesian networks with transmitted information to formulate the interaction among input and representations during disentanglement. Building upon this framework, we propose \textbf{DisTIB} (\textbf{T}ransmitted \textbf{I}nformation \textbf{B}ottleneck for \textbf{Dis}entangled representation learning), a novel objective that navigates the balance between information compression and preservation. We employ variational inference to derive a tractable estimation for DisTIB. This estimation can be simply optimized via standard gradient descent with a reparameterization trick. Moreover, we theoretically prove that DisTIB can achieve optimal disentanglement, underscoring its superior efficacy. To solidify our claims, we conduct extensive experiments on various downstream tasks to demonstrate the appealing efficacy of DisTIB and validate our theoretical analyses.
Physics-Informed Generator-Encoder Adversarial Networks with Latent Space Matching for Stochastic Differential Equations
- Authors: Authors: Ruisong Gao, Min Yang, Jin Zhang
- Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Numerical Analysis (math.NA)
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- Abstract We propose a new class of physics-informed neural networks, called Physics-Informed Generator-Encoder Adversarial Networks, to effectively address the challenges posed by forward, inverse, and mixed problems in stochastic differential equations. In these scenarios, while the governing equations are known, the available data consist of only a limited set of snapshots for system parameters. Our model consists of two key components: the generator and the encoder, both updated alternately by gradient descent. In contrast to previous approaches of directly matching the approximated solutions with real snapshots, we employ an indirect matching that operates within the lower-dimensional latent feature space. This method circumvents challenges associated with high-dimensional inputs and complex data distributions, while yielding more accurate solutions compared to existing neural network solvers. In addition, the approach also mitigates the training instability issues encountered in previous adversarial frameworks in an efficient manner. Numerical results provide compelling evidence of the effectiveness of the proposed method in solving different types of stochastic differential equations.
Random ISAC Signals Deserve Dedicated Precoding
- Authors: Authors: Shihang Lu, Fan Liu, Fuwang Dong, Yifeng Xiong, Jie Xu, Ya-Feng Liu, Shi Jin
- Subjects: Information Theory (cs.IT); Signal Processing (eess.SP)
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- Abstract Radar systems typically employ well-designed deterministic signals for target sensing, while integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) systems have to adopt random signals to convey useful information. This paper analyzes the sensing and ISAC performance relying on random signaling in a multiantenna system. Towards this end, we define a new sensing performance metric, namely, ergodic linear minimum mean square error (ELMMSE), which characterizes the estimation error averaged over random ISAC signals. Then, we investigate a data-dependent precoding (DDP) scheme to minimize the ELMMSE in sensing-only scenarios, which attains the optimized performance at the cost of high implementation overhead. To reduce the cost, we present an alternative data-independent precoding (DIP) scheme by stochastic gradient projection (SGP). Moreover, we shed light on the optimal structures of both sensing-only DDP and DIP precoders. As a further step, we extend the proposed DDP and DIP approaches to ISAC scenarios, which are solved via a tailored penalty-based alternating optimization algorithm. Our numerical results demonstrate that the proposed DDP and DIP methods achieve substantial performance gains over conventional ISAC signaling schemes that treat the signal sample covariance matrix as deterministic, which proves that random ISAC signals deserve dedicated precoding designs.
Optimistic Multi-Agent Policy Gradient for Cooperative Tasks
- Authors: Authors: Wenshuai Zhao, Yi Zhao, Zhiyuan Li, Juho Kannala, Joni Pajarinen
- Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA)
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- Abstract \textit{Relative overgeneralization} (RO) occurs in cooperative multi-agent learning tasks when agents converge towards a suboptimal joint policy due to overfitting to suboptimal behavior of other agents. In early work, optimism has been shown to mitigate the \textit{RO} problem when using tabular Q-learning. However, with function approximation optimism can amplify overestimation and thus fail on complex tasks. On the other hand, recent deep multi-agent policy gradient (MAPG) methods have succeeded in many complex tasks but may fail with severe \textit{RO}. We propose a general, yet simple, framework to enable optimistic updates in MAPG methods and alleviate the RO problem. Specifically, we employ a \textit{Leaky ReLU} function where a single hyperparameter selects the degree of optimism to reshape the advantages when updating the policy. Intuitively, our method remains optimistic toward individual actions with lower returns which are potentially caused by other agents' sub-optimal behavior during learning. The optimism prevents the individual agents from quickly converging to a local optimum. We also provide a formal analysis from an operator view to understand the proposed advantage transformation. In extensive evaluations on diverse sets of tasks, including illustrative matrix games, complex \textit{Multi-agent MuJoCo} and \textit{Overcooked} benchmarks, the proposed method\footnote{Code can be found at \url{}.} outperforms strong baselines on 13 out of 19 tested tasks and matches the performance on the rest.
ProSG: Using Prompt Synthetic Gradients to Alleviate Prompt Forgetting of RNN-like Language Models
- Authors: Authors: Haotian Luo, Kunming Wu, Cheng Dai, Sixian Ding, Xinhao Chen
- Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
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- Abstract RNN-like language models are getting renewed attention from NLP researchers in recent years and several models have made significant progress, which demonstrates performance comparable to traditional transformers. However, due to the recurrent nature of RNNs, this kind of language model can only store information in a set of fixed-length state vectors. As a consequence, they still suffer from forgetfulness though after a lot of improvements and optimizations, when given complex instructions or prompts. As the prompted generation is the main and most concerned function of LMs, solving the problem of forgetting in the process of generation is no wonder of vital importance. In this paper, focusing on easing the prompt forgetting during generation, we proposed an architecture to teach the model memorizing prompt during generation by synthetic gradient. To force the model to memorize the prompt, we derive the states that encode the prompt, then transform it into model parameter modification using low-rank gradient approximation, which hard-codes the prompt into model parameters temporarily. We construct a dataset for experiments, and the results have demonstrated the effectiveness of our method in solving the problem of forgetfulness in the process of prompted generation. We will release all the code upon acceptance.
IRKA is a Riemannian Gradient Descent Method
- Authors: Authors: Petar Mlinarić, Christopher Beattie, Zlatko Drmač, Serkan Gugercin
- Subjects: Numerical Analysis (math.NA); Systems and Control (eess.SY); Optimization and Control (math.OC)
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- Abstract The iterative rational Krylov algorithm (IRKA) is a commonly used fixed-point iteration developed to minimize the $\mathcal{H}_2$ model order reduction error. In this work, IRKA is recast as a Riemannian gradient descent method with a fixed step size over the manifold of rational functions having fixed degree. This interpretation motivates the development of a Riemannian gradient descent method utilizing as a natural extension variable step size and line search. Comparisons made between IRKA and this extension on a few examples demonstrate significant benefits.
Universal Sharpness Dynamics in Neural Network Training: Fixed Point Analysis, Edge of Stability, and Route to Chaos
- Authors: Authors: Dayal Singh Kalra, Tianyu He, Maissam Barkeshli
- Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Disordered Systems and Neural Networks (cond-mat.dis-nn); Chaotic Dynamics (nlin.CD); Machine Learning (stat.ML)
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- Abstract In gradient descent dynamics of neural networks, the top eigenvalue of the Hessian of the loss (sharpness) displays a variety of robust phenomena throughout training. This includes early time regimes where the sharpness may decrease during early periods of training (sharpness reduction), and later time behavior such as progressive sharpening and edge of stability. We demonstrate that a simple $2$-layer linear network (UV model) trained on a single training example exhibits all of the essential sharpness phenomenology observed in real-world scenarios. By analyzing the structure of dynamical fixed points in function space and the vector field of function updates, we uncover the underlying mechanisms behind these sharpness trends. Our analysis reveals (i) the mechanism behind early sharpness reduction and progressive sharpening, (ii) the required conditions for edge of stability, and (iii) a period-doubling route to chaos on the edge of stability manifold as learning rate is increased. Finally, we demonstrate that various predictions from this simplified model generalize to real-world scenarios and discuss its limitations.
Keyword: super-resolution
PDF: Point Diffusion Implicit Function for Large-scale Scene Neural Representation
- Authors: Authors: Yuhan Ding, Fukun Yin, Jiayuan Fan, Hui Li, Xin Chen, Wen Liu, Chongshan Lu, Gang YU, Tao Chen
- Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
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- Abstract Recent advances in implicit neural representations have achieved impressive results by sampling and fusing individual points along sampling rays in the sampling space. However, due to the explosively growing sampling space, finely representing and synthesizing detailed textures remains a challenge for unbounded large-scale outdoor scenes. To alleviate the dilemma of using individual points to perceive the entire colossal space, we explore learning the surface distribution of the scene to provide structural priors and reduce the samplable space and propose a Point Diffusion implicit Function, PDF, for large-scale scene neural representation. The core of our method is a large-scale point cloud super-resolution diffusion module that enhances the sparse point cloud reconstructed from several training images into a dense point cloud as an explicit prior. Then in the rendering stage, only sampling points with prior points within the sampling radius are retained. That is, the sampling space is reduced from the unbounded space to the scene surface. Meanwhile, to fill in the background of the scene that cannot be provided by point clouds, the region sampling based on Mip-NeRF 360 is employed to model the background representation. Expensive experiments have demonstrated the effectiveness of our method for large-scale scene novel view synthesis, which outperforms relevant state-of-the-art baselines.