
Results 35 issues of ty

Currently this crate only supports `CBC`, `CTR` and `ECB`. But I need `CFB` to work in my project.

``` xiewenyudeMBP:shadowsocks-rust xiewenyu$ cargo build --target aarch64-apple-ios --features "local-tun local-redir armv8 neon" Compiling smoltcp v0.8.0 Compiling shadowsocks v1.13.2 (/Users/xiewenyu/Desktop/rust-project/shadowsocks-rust/crates/shadowsocks) error[E0425]: cannot find value `BIOCSETIF` in this scope --> /Users/xiewenyu/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/smoltcp-0.8.0/src/phy/sys/bpf.rs:79:29 |...


Right now the `encryptionMethod` is fixed to `chacha20-ietf-poly1305`: https://github.com/Jigsaw-Code/outline-server/blob/037430d732d7e7bcfd2fc0f33cdbee39ce66fe79/src/shadowbox/server/server_access_key.ts#L87 Here are the recommended methods in shadowsocks: - aes-128-gcm, aes-256-gcm - chacha20-ietf-poly1305 Modern hardwares (CPUs) have crypto instructions that support AES...

feature request
good first issue

According to [BSON 1.1 Spec](http://bsonspec.org/spec.html), it introduced a new type `decimal128`. But currently Rust doesn't support `d128` type natively. Related links 1. `d128` crate: https://github.com/alkis/decimal 2. Official support RFC: https://github.com/rust-num/num/issues/8


I have found errors in my AppVeyor build log, which is proxy with a server/client (`TcpListener` and `TcpStream`). ``` Error { repr: Os { code: 10093, message: "Either the application...

If run a static-linked library with `proc_add_jail`, it will fail with `ujail: failed to load the .dynamic section from ...` Example script: ```bash if [ -x /sbin/ujail -a -e ${SHADOWSOCKS_CAPABILITIES_CONFIG_PATH}...

These options are claimed "supported" in `mptcp_supported_sockopt`: Kernel: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/76f598ba7d8e2bfb4855b5298caedd5af0c374a8/net/mptcp/sockopt.c#L549-L551 Master branch: https://github.com/multipath-tcp/mptcp_net-next/blob/579883a38a7cab29a555390b9bd251a0a005bbf0/net/mptcp/sockopt.c#L549-L551 But not implemented in `mptcp_setsockopt_sol_tcp`: Kernel: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/76f598ba7d8e2bfb4855b5298caedd5af0c374a8/net/mptcp/sockopt.c#L780-L819 Master branch: https://github.com/multipath-tcp/mptcp_net-next/blob/579883a38a7cab29a555390b9bd251a0a005bbf0/net/mptcp/sockopt.c#L782-L821 Which will eventually lead to `EOPNOTSUPP` when calling...


- x86_64: aesni, avx2 - armv8: crypto-extension, neon

## Problem The `"password"` could be passed in various ways, basic configration file, SIP008 online configuration, command line options, and other customized ways. Currently, the encoding of `"password"` is defined...


v1.3.1 release build is not working on macOS 11.1. ```bash $ v2ray-plugin [1] 1552 killed v2ray-plugin ```