
Results 299 comments of ty

Hello @aramperes , I may have encountered the [same issue](https://github.com/spacemeowx2/tokio-smoltcp/issues/5) with `smoltcp` which have a lot smaller bandwidth than system network stack. Do you think the key problem is in...

当时我写的时候对于像 `crate` ,`mod` 之类的词翻译简直就是个噩梦。我建议: 1. 正文中保持使用英文单词本身 2. 在这个词在本篇中第一次出现的地方,用括号标示其本义(如有可能,可指定它自己的章节)

https://github.com/zonyitoo/tokio-tfo https://github.com/Matrix-Zhang/tokio_kcp

> A UDP datagram is carried in a single IP packet and is hence limited to a maximum payload of 65,507 bytes for IPv4 and 65,527 bytes for IPv6. So...

> We can send more than 1 package, this is how UDP is usually used. The terminating character is \n in the ss api, so there shouldn't be any issues....

It is possible, but the current interface have to remove then readd the server.

The current ssmanager interface is quite bad for managing lots of users. A new user management interface is required.

> 通过软件包安装的bootstrap主题 是指用opkg装的吗?那是软件源上面的版本问题?

Well, because there is no `FIN` in KCP, so there is no way for server to know the client have been dropped.

https://github.com/Matrix-Zhang/tokio_kcp/blob/b6a95638cfef32f75f400363abd9db13081bb63a/src/session.rs#L143-L168 The server socket will expire after `session_expire` seconds. So you may try to set it via `config.session_expire`.