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Java embedded PostgreSQL component for testing

Results 14 embedded-postgres issues
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Hello, First of all thank you for your hard work and providing the library, it has been quite useful. Version `2.0.7` includes some dependency updates, which introduced conflicting versions of...

status: waiting-for-feedback

When doing an ORDER BY ASC it seems to get back the ones with capital case first. For example, if we had a column and a record with 'Z' and...

status: waiting-for-feedback

version: 2.0.6, 2.0.7 When trying to use embedded-postgres from an IDE such as IntelliJ via Gradle, if the DB fails to start, the file lock is not released and the...

status: waiting-for-feedback

Updated SLF4J to 2.0.6

1. When a working directory is created, it is created outside the parent directory. `if (builderDataDirectory == null) { builderDataDirectory = Files.createTempDirectory("epg").toFile(); }` But at the moment when a search...

type: enhancement

Sl4j 2.x has come out you should consider upgrading to 2.0.x

type: dependency-upgrade

If I use a custom data directory ``` EmbeddedPostgres.builder().setDataDirectory("C:/ws/projects/zonkyio/embedded-postgres/test-data").start(); ``` Creation of the database fails: ``` 2021-07-26 14:14:14,540 [main] INFO i.z.t.d.p.e.EmbeddedPostgres - Detected a Windows x86_64 system [] [] 2021-07-26...

Make PreparedDbProvider AutoCloseable such that the internal background thread started in PrepPipeline can be shut down without needing to shut down the entire JVM. This is useful for usage in...

status: waiting-for-feedback

Fixes [#157](https://github.com/yandex-qatools/postgresql-embedded/issues/157): ``` [initdb:pid(95804)] INFO i.z.t.d.p.embedded.EmbeddedPostgres - 2020-09-17 12:59:51.996 MDT [95916] DETAIL: Failed system call was shmget(key=5432002, size=56, 03600). ``` @mdavydau You might be interested in this. This issue only...

Hey, just like for the original otj-pg-embedded project this fork stopped working on my system since upgrading to Mac OS 10.14.6 (latest version). The error I get is `java.lang.IllegalStateException: Process...