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Lightweight bundles of PostgreSQL binaries with reduced size intended for testing purposes.

Results 4 embedded-postgres-binaries issues
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Zonky fails to find the postgres command running under Rosetta 2: :06.139 INFO [main] i.z.t.d.p.e.DefaultPostgresBinaryResolver System specific postgres binaries found: 'postgres-darwin-x86_64.txz' 22:37:06.340 INFO [main] i.z.t.d.p.e.EmbeddedPostgres Postgres binaries at /var/folders/3j/7r1wlvfx0pz4czr1bny8llg80000gp/T/embedded-pg/PG-a2a9bc65661eac6f108fc920268a87b3 22:37:06.414...

Hi, Wanted to ask whether you are planning to release binaries of embedded postgres with postgis extension? ([following this PR](https://github.com/zonkyio/embedded-postgres-binaries/pull/5)) I have tried to build it manually following the instructions...

type: task

I know the documentation says only versions 2.5.2+, 2.4.7+, 2.3.9+ but I wanted to build with 3.2.4. When building with the `-PpostgisVersion=3.2.4` flag, my build is failing with the following...

status: waiting-for-feedback