
Results 23 comments of 宗仁

Is this working on public staticman instance? I tried it a couple of times and failed. Here is my staticman.yml: ``` allowedFields: ["name", "email", "url", "message", "origin", "parent", "subscribe"] requiredFields:...

@eduardoboucas the repository is at [gitlab](https://gitlab.com/zongren/zongren.gitlab.io)

And I used encrypted "zongren.me" as notifications.domain.

> 可直接在u盘安装apk!!! 系统安装方法实际也是先通过读写IO流copy apk,那么我们也可以通过new UsbFileInputStream(UsbFile)获取到IO流,再在系统方法基础上替换获取IO流的部分即可. > > 代码如下: @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) public static void install28UsbFile(Context context, UsbFile apkFile,InstallCallback callback) { PackageInstaller packageInstaller = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInstaller(); PackageInstaller.SessionParams sessionParams = new PackageInstaller.SessionParams(PackageInstaller.SessionParams.MODE_FULL_INSTALL); sessionParams.setSize(apkFile.getLength());...

same here my pc is amd 7840u

+1 ``` qiniu: offline: false sync: true bucket: blog # access_key: AccessKey # secret_key: SecretKey secret_file: qiniu.json dirPrefix: static urlPrefix: http://oc18shmjb.bkt.clouddn.com up_host: https://up-z0.qbox.me/ local_dir: static update_exist: true image: folder: images...