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Simple performance framework for java
When trying to use spf4j-slf4j-test by adding ``` org.spf4j spf4j-slf4j-test test 8.9.1 ``` to my pom.xml I get the following error when running mvn: `Caused by: org.apache.maven.wagon.authorization.AuthorizationException: authentication failed for...
When sp4j-core-8.9.4is used with Spring 5.3.18 and Java 17 .0.1 I get this: ``` 2022-05-03T15:17:19.854-07:00 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] [OUT] {"ts":"2022-05-03T15:17:19.822-07:00","tid":"main","level":"INFO","class":"o.s.b.Reflections","msg":"Para type stealing from Constructor not supported", "exception":"java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: parameterTypes", "stack":["java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(^) [:]","o.s.b.Reflections.lambda$static$1(Reflections.java:98) [file:/home/vcap/app/BOOT-INF/lib/spf4j-core-8.9.4.jar:8.9.4]","j.s.AccessController.doPrivileged(Unknown Source)...
See below error when using spf4j-avro when I do SchemaUtils.writeIdlProtocol ``` java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class org.spf4j.avro.schema.SchemaUtils tried to access field org.apache.avro.Schema.FACTORY (org.spf4j.avro.schema.SchemaUtils and org.apache.avro.Schema are in unnamed module of loader 'app') at...
When I run my unit tests, I get this warning: ``` WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.spf4j.log.SLF4JBridgeHandler$3 (file:/C:/Users/bob.marinier/.m2/repository/org/spf4j/spf4j-slf4j-test/8.8.1/spf4j-slf4j-test-8.8.1.jar) to field java.util.logging.LogRecord.needToInferCaller WARNING:...
With this sort of case ```java LogAssert expect = TestLoggers.sys().expect("org.spf4j.test", Level.WARN, LogMatchers.hasFormat("Booo")); LOG.warn("Booo", new RuntimeException()); // oops, lost the `assertObservation`! ``` the test will not fail if it does not...
Special syntax/operators for scheduled async exec: func(...)@instant func(...)@*interval
Java FJP is a heavily optimized Thread Pool implementation which outperforms the legacy JDK thread pool and spf4j Lifo threadpool as shown by the beckmarks I have recently added to...
Currently a async method invocation can be done with: function(...)& sometimes we want to avoid the invocation overhead of a async call conditionally... something like this can be implemented: function(....)&(some...
This functionality is similar with Golang defer, java Try with resources, but it will be simpler to use. { auto(close) a = new FileInputStream(); auto(close) b = new FileInputStream(); }...
We can this way start/stop the profiler sampling, and have the profiler run only when we do something....