vanilla-js-tabs icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vanilla-js-tabs copied to clipboard

Vanilla JavaScript tabs - tiny and simple.

Vanilla JavaScript Tabs

Build Status Coverage Status Dependencies

Vanilla JavaScript Tabs - simple and awesome.

— Inspired by the blazing fast, lightweight, cross-platform and crazy popular Vanilla JS framework.




Option Type Default Description
elem string HTML id of the tab container in the HTML markup.
open number 0 Opens this tab initially.


Method Type Description
open(n) number Opens a tab by index
update(n) number Updates the tabs with n-th tab open
(useful when dynamically adding tabs)
destroy() Removes the listeners

Usage example

var tabs = new Tabs({
    elem: "tabs",
    open: 1
// Open any other tab;

Running the tests

npm test

Browser support and dependencies

Browser Support Dependencies
Chrome yes -
Firefox yes -
Safari yes -
Opera yes -
IE9 and up yes -


Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.

See Unlicense for full details.
